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Everything posted by Speez

  1. Speez


    ScottM, I applaud your analysis of the NC$$. Looks to me as if you had to go through a bunch of crap with them also.
  2. Probably a great view @ the Ralph, unless you're a player.
  3. Speez


    Don't know who they are, but they sure make it tough on "AMATEUR" athletes.
  4. CAUNDfan, I wouldn't write off the 2002-03 season just yet. I think the team has a lot of payback to make up for from last year. With a year of experience for the frosh & getting to know what it takes to play & win in the WCHA, next year should be exciting. I can't wait.
  5. I may be overly optomistic for next year, but I feel the Sioux are going to have a very balanced offense. No Line of Fire that dominates & scores all the goals, But at least 1 guy from every year to stand out. I'd rather be optomistic looking to the future and feeling good about what we have for next year, then wondering if our team will be out a the cellar for the first time in x number of years.
  6. The guys had about 2 weeks off after the season to heal a lot of nagging injuries that don't go away during the season. An intense workout schedule then started for the players &
  7. What happened Kuhn, lousy vacation? I think everyone on this board is expecting good things from the Sioux next year. The last game should be a preview of what is to come next year,not the final score though. With a year of experience under their belts, they should be in the hunt for all the marbles.
  8. Speez

    Title Game

    You guys are really making me feel old. When I was your age I was .... Well I spent way too much time in hockey rinks with the youngsters for practise & games. Seems like about 7 days a week. God do I miss those times. Didn't think I would ever say that. Homework got to be a real hassle, intereferred with the above activities. You should be at the rinks working on the future Fighting Sioux stars.
  9. Kuhninca, Glad to see you back. Thought you changed your name. A lot of things come into play every year & maybe we didn't have the team chemistry that we had in past years. Trying to get 10-12 new players into the line-up has to be tough, even for Dean. We should be all right for next year with some game experience & tough loses that we all had to put up with.
  10. Speez

    Forwards 2002-03

    Sioux_Hockey, you're going to have to change you're signature too.
  11. Speez

    Forwards 2002-03

    Dagies, Now you're going to have to do the same thing the coaches are doing. Reshuffle your great line-up. You can't blame a player for leaving. That is their dream & what they have been working for all these years. When the NHL dangles money like they do , it's tough to pass up. You're next shift could be your last. It's not like going to an office job. Careers are short lived & you have to grab it when it's there. Dean would never try to persuade a player to pass up a contract because he knows why they are at this level. Good luck to Ryan. The team will be OK next year, other people will have to step up to fill his shoes.
  12. Matt Henderson gets called up by the Blackhawks. Great article about him in the Chicagotribune.com/Blackhawks,3/12 edition,haven't had the time to figure out links. As I was reading the article it reminded me of Lee Goren, NCAA FF MVP stuck in the minors. I'm sure you fans that have been around alot longer than I have will enjoy it. JD, move this if you need to.
  13. Dagies, no real reason to anymore. Have the dish & can watch it at home. Hoping for a different outcome next year.
  14. Kuhninca, Apology accepted but unnecessary. The combination of a few cool ones & the ending of a disappointing season after a great game last night set me off. I've been use to watching hockey well into April & May the last 6 years & am not looking forward to boring Fri & Sat nights. Should have probably slept on my post before pushing reply. We do live in the Greatest country in the world & enjoy the right of freedom of speech & I would never try deny anyone that right. Remember hockey is a team game & the team wins & looses together.
  15. A great showing by the Sioux tonight. That is what I thought this whole series would be. Great to see the Seniors go out on a effort to show the Sioux pride after this tough season. ANDY was great tonight. I new he had it in him & shold have gotten the start last night. A short season according to the recent Sioux standards. The ending of this season is a preview of what is to come next year & quite a few after. The 3rd. & OT was the best hockey I've seen all year. That is what the game should be like. Non stop action. great passing, & end to end rushes. Not use to the season ending so early. K/CAUND, got really tired of your sh**. Friday was a non-effort by the whole team. To try to lay the blame on certain players shows your true lack of knowledge of the game. Enjoy the game as a fan & don't try to be an expert. To say Spiewak was a non-factor in Friday's game was ludicrious. Why the he** would Deano put him on the 1st. line on Sat. if that was the case. I think I would trust one of the top coaches in the country's opinion before yours. To quote Dean,"Spiewak is one of the top defensive forwards in college hockey". The NHL gives out the Selke trophy for that abililty. He does all the things you would ask of a player. You will definitely miss him when he is gone. A tough ending to a tough season. Have to change my Signature soon, but until then I will say, Proud Dad of a Fighting Sioux Hockey Player.
  16. Knocking the #1 team in the country out of the top ranking should give the Sioux a real boost this weekend. Predict 3 games, Fri-Sioux 4-2, Sat-Goofs 3-1,ENG, Sun- Sioux 5-2. On to the next round,working their way through the top teams Go get the goofs!!
  17. I agree Andy will probably get Friday's game & if he has shaken the doubts & has an outstanding night he gets to run out the season. Experince in the big games counts & Andy has that. Blais will probably only run 3 lines, the usual first 2 & any of the freshmen that are ready to play. Go get the Goofs.
  18. Kuch, I think this is the first time all year I finally agreed with you. It was great to see Andy finish strong & almost redeem himself for this past year. Head games are a big part of being a goalie & if he feels he's back anything can happen next weekend. I'd love to predict a Sioux sweep but it will be tough playing against the refs also. Saw a lot of the Goof game last night & couldn't believe what they got away with. Take the Goofs to 3 games & show them what they have to look out for next year. Go get the Goofs.
  19. Gwodzecky was just as boring as the DU announcer. He was disappointed in the effort of his team yadda, yadda. He apparently forgot they barely won last night. He did say that the Sioux-Goof game will be one of a few very interesting series next weekend & the Sioux are definately not playing like an eight place team. Go get the Goofs
  20. Great win by the Sioux to send off the seniors & loyal fans with a final home win. Way to go Andy. Anybody that had the Sioux radio broadcast care to fill us in on Dean's final recap. We got stuck listening to the DU feed with the most boring announcer I have ever heard. Go get the goofs.
  21. You guys took the words right out of my mouth. Thanks for saving me the long rant against Kuch/Caund. I shook my head at his preseason predictions, but hoped he might be close. His latest griping has gotten to be too much & you all said exactly what I was thinking. Kuch, enjoy being a fan of a great school with a winning tradition. Unless you played for the Sioux or any other DI school in a major sport, you have no clue what these players have to go through to get to this level & stay there. They will be back. Trying to stay optomistic for the play-offs.
  22. Dagies, Thanks for the run down on the weekends games. It's nice to get an eyewitness account of what really happened out there. I hope you're son enjoyed the games & learned of few things to relay to Mom.
  23. Everything was falling into place for the Sioux to move up in the standings & they couldn't pull it off. Great game. Sandy has got his guys going at the right time. Still trying to stay optomistic, but getting harder all the time. Take 2 pts. tomorrow.
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