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Everything posted by BigGame

  1. BigGame

    UW-L vs UND

    This is a terrible statement, shows why UND doesn't draw as well as they should. UND football has a bunch of fair weather fans that make the good fans look bad. Half the people wouldn't know the difference between Cal Poly and UW Lacrosse so why should that keep them from a game?
  2. BigGame

    UND vs. SCSU

    I don't really care about the margin, it's the bottom line.
  3. BigGame

    UND vs. SCSU

    I figured, but that really sucks
  4. BigGame

    UND vs. SCSU

    So everyone should just expect to be ripped off because they are attending a game. Your already paying for the ticket and they still rape you on anything else you buy. I have lived in Seattle and Houston and going to a pro game at either place is roughly the same cost in spite of the fact that it cost about twice as much to live in Seattle. I think at a UND football game it is a little foolish to charge that much for popcorn, especially considering it is almost all profit and UND isn't the NFL or Major college football. I only paid around $20 bucks to go watch Rice or UH games in Houston and when I looked at tickets before season start last year it was between $30-$40 at UW. If they sold products a little cheaper they would likely sell more, keep people happy, and make as much or more money anyway. For myself I will not pay that price for popcorn because it isn't worth the price to me, but if it was more reasonable I would and I think a lot of people are like that. It isn't really about the money as much as it is a feeling of being taken advantage of. If UND athletics was making all the profit from concessions I would be more willing to pay a higher price, but I don't think thats the case. Does anyone actually know who is making the profit from Alerus concessions?
  5. The may suck, but they would have put a hurting on SCSU last year if they played
  6. I was looking for the song piss on the wall but found this
  7. I don't think that in itself would be enough to make a player hang it up. More likely if a player decided to leave due to Greg moving on, that player was already seriously considering leaving the team.
  8. He's an IT major, why not just change it to Communications? He would be up to a 3.5 or higher in no time.
  9. How many big school D1 athletes do you know and hang with? I find it hard to swallow your generalization. I am not saying your completely off base but I doubt it's as bad as you believe.
  10. Wow people, in sports like all parts of life you have different people with different abilities. I am sure anyone who attended college knows of a person that was talented enough academically that they didn't have to attend most of the classes and still got very good grades. While others never miss class always study, and still struggle with the material. You certianly can't lump all the athletes together about class attendance. Ryan will be missed this season but he obviously didn't take it as seriously as he should have. As a scholarship athlete, if you are struggling I don't think you should ever miss a class. Athletes should take advantage of all the help the athletic dept. and football team provide. I guess Ryan didn't do that and he and his teammates will suffer a year for it.
  11. Title IX sucks!!! Maybe we should have the colleges start funding and playing Ladies Football?
  12. The Flame I think these guys got busted for smoking the reefer at the State Fair in Minot.
  13. I recall while at UND and taking some of my general course work that in a composition class having to write a persuasive paper. At the time I chose to write about why we should keep the nickname and logo. I felt strongly about the situation so I really put a lot of time and effort into the paper. I am a terrible writer, but this was probably the best writing I have ever done. When it was returned to me with a failing grade I was shocked (although looking back I shouldn't have been) Well I figured the only reason my grade was so poor was because the professor didn't like my perspective. So I decided then just to drift through the class and tried to write about thing this professor would agree with. I really put no effort into the actual writing other than to make sure the prof. would like the general message. Somehow all these crap papers I turned in ended up getting decent grades, in spite of the work actually being very bad. This experience left me with no faith in the faculty of the English dept. at UND. The guy is an absolute joke and should never be allowed to teach at any level, but I am sure he and many like him still have jobs. What I don't understand is, how does somebody who is teaching basic composition courses at UND have such a huge ego that they will grade material based upon if you share views on political issues? You're teaching in the English dept, what have you done that's so great and causing this huge ego?
  14. BigGame


    It's not just small towns in ND that have this problem. I have coached in ND, TX, and WA and the same thing occurs almost everyplace, but athletes need to be responsible for themselves. Many athletes do police themselves and do the right things and some don't, but even if the enviroment is flawed, athletes can and often do choose the right path. I have no simpathy for those who don't control themselves. The tough thing is that once the power has been given over to the HS athletes it very difficult to change the situation back in that particular community. As a person who coaches, I would much rather lose with good kids than win with bad kids. The thing is, you very rarely will lose with a group of good kids because those are the teams that usually play well together.
  15. BigGame


    I understand your point of view, but most athletes are in these situations and don't manage to do all the stupid crap he did. UND certainly has players on the the team far more valuble than Bobby, and yet they aren't going around doing stupid crap and thinking they are untouchable.
  16. BigGame


    I don't know who you think should Identify themselves, but I am sure most wouldn't have much of a problem with it.
  17. BigGame


    I agree that most of the FB team is made up of good people, but it seems that a few bad apples are almost always in the group as well. Stroup gets the boot for all this stuff, but a lot of time the general public doesn't even catch wind of what happens because it is kept quite. Look at how much stroup did before he was finally removed.
  18. BigGame


    But instead he gets a football scholarship, isn't that great! I am sure at some point people have tried to get through to him, but if people wanted him to play football bad enough they tend to let a lot slide. It's to bad and these types of guys are all over the place in athletics.
  19. Yes, hermit is the only one around here with a real education. Proof is that he actually believes the down with the white man BS that is spewed out by some extrem professor. I don't even care about the UND nickname thing anymore but your arguements are just flat stupid and you try to make them stand up soley by trying to be subtle and claiming if your white your and racist and don't understand.
  20. JP had a great season and was probably the main reason the Sioux made it to the frozen four, but as the quote says "in the end" which indicates he didn't get the job done in the frozen four. This is what happened, he was off and gave up some very soft goals against BC as well as just looking lost at times. The loss isn't on him but he certainly didn't play the way he was capable of and had most of the season.
  21. I can now clearly see why so many people dislike Sioux hockey fans.
  22. It would be very nice to keep players throughout college eligibility, but I just don't see how you can guarantee that considering you are always trying to recruit the best young hockey talent.
  23. Wow, I sure am glad tard's like you don't get to make these types of decisions!
  24. It will still have a huge impact on the local economy. From the little info. I have heard getting it out of the ground isn't the problem it's getting it moved out in order to be refined. Wouldn't it be nice if ND could somehow rapidly get past all the federal regulations in a hurry and build a refinery. If they can't a pipeline may have to be built, just like Alaska.
  25. Has nothing to due with being democrat or republican, because I am niether. It has to do with Hillary Clinton and what she chooses to do or not do. I think all these politicians are crooks, but I just think she is worse than the others with her double talk and continued BS.
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