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Everything posted by BigGame

  1. I guess I will have to check him out in person next season. My guess is that he's a good athlete they seem to have tons of them in that school district.
  2. Wow! being the second best team in college hockey makes you a failure? I don't think you should hang banners but it's far from failure.
  3. It's fine to vent but calling for the coach to be fired is way out of line considering what Hak has done at UND. His teams have always finished strong, it's amazing how many fans forget that so quickly.
  4. I think I will do that tonight, I tried at work and it wouldn't download. Anyway I was even thinking someone might have a list of guys who tried out for pro teams but didn't make it. I can think of several recent guys but being so far away from the program I don't get much info. and realize I am missing a lot of them. Especially when I start thinking about things like Arena football.
  5. I was looking for a comprehensive list of former UND football players that have gone on to play professional football. Does anyone have a list or know where to find one?
  6. I really don't agree, I watched several SIU games this year and if they had any type of passing game they would be at least as good as the teams still in it. I really feel they are only a player or two away.
  7. Early in the game SFA got the ball down to the goaline on a big play and then fumbled it away. I would say most of the turnovers were SFA playing bad more than the Griz playing good. The end result would have still been very one sided but SFA was brutal in this game. A couple of the INT's were as bad as I have ever witnessed by a college level QB.
  8. Has anyone heard if UND is recruiting Jake Miller from Bismarck? If so I would assume that it would be as a WR or position other than RB.
  9. Goska is clearly a threat to run and seems to have been given freedom to run at any time, that changes the opposing teams defensive focus a lot. I can't see the game but it sounded like Landry was really off.
  10. I would bet Landry isn't done for the day, just a hunch.
  11. Pretty sure Mannausau never coached Kotelnicki or Schmidt?
  12. I find it very strange with the problems the defense has that some of you think just letting MM call the D will make a big difference. I am sorry, but I don't buy that just because a guy played in a system it automatically makes him the better coach and better person to call plays. If that's the case just hand that job over to Kotelnicki, I think he would actually be the best guy for the job and that also includes Schmidt as well.
  13. Team chemistry is a strange thing in football. One group might need to get verbally ripped to shreds to get the message while others might need to completely be left alone. I recall a bad game early in the season my first year at UND and the captains took over the Sunday run instead of continuing with the same old strength coach standard. Well the captain in charge happened to be Mark Callahan and I thought it was crazy because our Sunday run before meetings became very lazy, but for some reason the team responded. Each group is different and it's up to the coaches to figure it out. Sometimes it takes a while or it might never happen.
  14. BigGame

    UND vs SUU

    The season has been going down hill pretty quickly the last couple of weeks. Mussman is a good coach and I have faith it will get turned around in the next couple years but I can't see a quick fix to some of the problems right now. As much as it feels like throwing people under the bus I think a change has to be made with the defensive coaching staff, the problems with the defense have been getting worse for several years now. Also I really don't think Landry is the guy at QB for the Sioux, he had a few decent games and a few terrible games. UND doesn't have a good enough team right now for a serviceable QB, they need a play maker that doesn't throw the INT. I felt after watching Jake early in the year he would be OK if he could be more consistent with his accuracy, but it has actually gotten worse which shouldn't happen at this level of football. Let's hope these last couple of games don't continue to snowball into more bad years.
  15. UND was a better team from 05-07
  16. That's a very generous assessment of the tacking!
  17. Does anyone know how big the crowd is?
  18. The game has the sitting bull trophy but the PC crowd wanted it to go away and it did. I am guessing it is still sitting in Memorial Stadium somewhere.
  19. BigGame

    UND @ SFA

    After seeing them play I think Davis is UND's best bet at RB right now. He is small but runs hard, has speed, and can make people miss. All the other RB's seem a little slow to make a cut and get up the hole, although it is tough to tell considering the offensive line isn't making much for holes to run through either.
  20. Sure they need to get better, but SFA wasn't more talented than Texas Tech or IMO Northwestern Louisiana. Unless you actually see the game (in person is much better than TV) your really don't know but you go ahead and keep on thinking you do and I will keep my opinion.
  21. What I was getting at is that UND had guys in position to make the play and stop them well short of getting first downs on most drives during the game. Much of the game UND would hit the guy and then let him slip off to gain another 15 yards or more. Tackling better would have killed a bunch of SFA drives, especially because about 80% of the offense they run is a 2 yard pass and try to get a big run after the catch. But when 3,4, and 5 guys miss the tackle or let the WR or RB slip the tackle and bust off big plays it makes a huge difference. Good solid tackling would have likely cut the SFA score almost in half, but like I said it was as bad as I have seen in a long time, maybe the worst tackling I have ever seen. SFA was the better team and clearly more talented, but UND was flat bad and it would have made a big difference in the points SFA put up. I actually watched the game, can you say the same?
  22. BigGame

    UND @ SFA

    UND clearly doesn't have the team speed SFA has but I think if UND just tackled better the scoreboard would have been much closer. I don't remember the last time I saw a team tackle so poorly, it was brutal!
  23. The offense did actually look a little better at times during the SFA game. A lot of that was just throwing down field a little more. The offensive lines isn't great when it comes to run blocking but seems OK when pass blocking. The RB's haven't helped out the run game much either. I think UND would have been able to sustain drives better if Landry was so completely off at certain times in the game. Consistancy will help at least give the defense a chance to rest for a few minutes, which didn't happen much against SFA. Defensively most seem to be placing the blame on the secondary which is warrented to a certain extent but the entire defensive display related to tackling was just terrible against SFA. If UND does a better job in this area the SFA offense would have been shut down most of the time on Saturday. Even when blitzing the pass rush is poor, so we see teams pass all over the place and think it's the secondary but I don't feel the deserve all that much of the blame right now.
  24. BigGame

    UND @ SFA

    UND has pretty much zero pass rush to speak of right now, but the secondary did look pretty bad at times especially when SFA could just run a simple slant against man coverage on the goal line and the DB wasn't within 2 steps of the WR. Some of that is SFA having some quick and talented WR but that shouldn't happen more than one time during a game... but it happened at least twice that I can recall.
  25. BigGame

    UND @ SFA

    I understand the traveling is tough, but UND tackled very poorly from start to finish! This clearly wasn't a travel problem, and Landry does have some big time accuracy issues at times. The overall talent on offense just isn't what it needs to be right now. I am not saying they can't get better but UND is clearly weaker than is has been in the past at RB and on the offensive line.
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