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Everything posted by BigGame

  1. I assume so, but this is my first year trying to watch through direct tv
  2. It showed up like that last night for me as well, already set the DVR to record because I can't get home from work until after 8
  3. Someone on the board mentioned he left the team, but also hinted that it wasn't big deal as maybe he wasn't as good as expected.
  4. Most places they Head Coach is like an athletic director on campus and they teach a few classes in addition to athletics. They do have a lot more time than a typical teacher but much of it is spent doing administrative tasks.
  5. Sometimes when a player doesn't expect a shot at playing during a season they don't put as much focus into preparing for that season, maybe that can be the difference.
  6. That's interesting, but from what I saw last season I wouldn't agree but maybe with more reps with the first group and an offseason to prepare he will be really good. Players see it everyday so they would have a better idea about it than me.
  7. It TX the coaches run the class, usually some are PE teachers but a lot teach other subjects with one or two athletic periods each day.
  8. Non athletes continue regular PE, but all sports have athletics PE and band members take marching band witch qualifies as PE credit. So no they don't even see the regular PE kids in a physical activity setting which really helps get more kids active and involved because they are in activity with students closer to the skill level of each student.
  9. I agree because even down here a lot of kids play baseball or are in track and don't participate but it helps the others athletes. Spring ball is really helpful but not nearly as much as the athletic PE period throughout the year, and yes those classes during the school day are when the kids get at least half or the spring practice time in. I think practice for the HS in TX have a max practice time per week but that doesn't count the football PE class which gives them an extra 5 hours per week of football or sports training they don't get most other places.
  10. ND could never compete overall athletically with TX for several reasons but I do think that they could produce better football talent if they adopted some of the rules they have in TX. For example offseason programs and athletic PE classes would help dramatically to improve skill and athleticism (the athletic PE classes also have some school wide benefits as well). They also have spring football in TX which can help a lot as well.
  11. I think you are asking the impossible when you assume it was a mistake to recruit him because no one can really know how a player will develop. They can only recruit based on film, potential, and the information they get from the people who know the kid and have seen him play in person. Maybe he had some other issues that had an effect on his development, college is a huge change in lifestyle and some people struggle. These mistakes happen all the time, look at the University of TX and that QB situation. Gilbert essetially could have picked any school in the country as the #1 QB recruit the year he graduated from HS and he is terrible. So a lot of people were wrong about him, this happens all the time.
  12. I agree with you that is was very likely a goal. The problem is that we have no absolute proof the puck was over the line, thus no goal and the game should have continued. If you think that pic is proof, you're nuttier than a squirrel turd.
  13. The problem with a Brazilian BBQ place is the expence, I doubt the population would support a place like that because they are pretty expensive.
  14. I haven't had either of those but Smash Burger is a lot better than Five Guys.
  15. Real Tex/Mex doesn't work well in ND because people tend to like things more on the bland side... like Paradiso. I have been gone from the area for a long time, but I think Kolaches would do well in GF. kolaches
  16. Compared to coaching QB's, coaching RB's is very simple.
  17. I was looking over the football post season awards and noticed Tyrhy Ivory was the offensive scout of the year and Daryl Brown was the defensive scout of the year. I guess I would like to know if anyone on the board watched this years freshman practice and can give any insight on who might help out next season.
  18. I have no idea how good he is, but his size seems about right for a UND 3-4 DE
  19. This really sucks, but I am glad the coaches hold the line.
  20. I don't thnk that it's possible to go an entire year without someone calling for Hakstol's job. Just like any other team we have a lot of good fans and supportered and some idiots.
  21. IMO nobody can "text and drive safely" and if you think differently you shouldn't probably ever get behind the wheel.
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