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Everything posted by BigGame

  1. BigGame

    Fire Muss

    Most employees have some type of employee parking. If you think the coaches are only working during practice or during the day you are clueless. College coaching is an extremely demanding job.
  2. BigGame

    Fire Muss

    Big Deal... so they had to shovel some snow in order to practice. If the players had an issue with this, no wonder they are so soft on gamedays. I guess RT should have gotten a bunch of crap for having the team sandbag leading up to the 97 flood.
  3. BigGame

    Fire Muss

    Do you have any idea how mnay hours coaches put in?
  4. BigGame

    Fire Muss

    Can't realastically compare UND to USC. Vastly different situation. At this point I would like to see a really high energy coach. Something that UND hasn't had in football for at least 30 years.
  5. That backup QB was not a very good QB outside of a couple of games. Lot's of talent but he was all over the place.
  6. BigGame

    Fire Muss

    Pretty much every player on the field for NDSU can make or did make a one on one tackle on Zenner. I don't think UND has one guy that can do that right now. In the first half of the game (all that I saw) I thought the defense players looked to be playing hard but got pushed around again. It seems like our guys don't know how to or can't hold gap assignments. Really frustrating to watch because the defense is far worse than I have ever seen in the past and it is on both the players and the coaches. I still can't figure out how basically an entire college defense struggles so badly with tackling.
  7. BigGame

    Fire Muss

    Not going to comment on the effort thing, but it's clear UND can't play sloppy like the last couple games and expect to beat anybody. Really hope they clean up the play today.
  8. BigGame

    Fire Muss

    And you know this for a fact?
  9. That is not how I read it, some kids will not care and only focus on the scholarship offer. But if the athlete is clear thinking they will take everything into an account when making a decision. Of course not all will be clear thinking as evident by some of the sideline behavior during the Montana game. Do I think what is posted here would have an effect on most recruits, no but that doesn't mean it will not be part of the process for some as well. This situation, like most things, isn't black or white.
  10. I grew up in Minot and the coaches show wasn't available except for a brief stretch on fox north.
  11. BigGame

    Fire Muss

    To some extent yes but with the number of guys on a football team at times you will get some problems. Do you think Adam "Pac Man" Jones did a good job of following leaders in college or in the NFL. They need to be weeded out but it's a little crazy to blame the coaching staff because a guy was dancing on the sideline during a blow out. Now if something isn't done to correct it that's on the coaches but they wouldn't even likely be aware of it because they are focused on the game. As horrible as this might sound, I think the tackling has been a little better than last year. Still not close to where it needs to be though.
  12. BigGame

    Fire Muss

    This also happens to a lot of non-athlete students as well. Some people aren't ready for the freedom and personal responsibility of college. I will say that being in an athletic program like football the coaches monitor and have study table for the players which gives them a far greater chance to be successful. Even with that some just aren't going to make it. I remember a particular player that was a PE major but needed to switch 2 years in because he was going to struggle and likely fail in certain classes (yes in PE). He ended up graduating with a degree in communications. The bottom line is that if you want to make it, you will work and find a way. Some just aren't mature enough to manage college at 18 or 19.
  13. BigGame

    Fire Muss

    It's more that Saban is extremely detailed and demanding of this players. He is a good X's and O's coach but it gets a lot easier when you always have the best talent on the field top to bottom. Now Mack Brown at Texas has always been a great recruiter but the X's and O's stuff, not so much.
  14. BigGame

    Fire Muss

    That's difficult considering UND doesn't get blue chip recruits! You can think what you want but these forums do reflect on the program and with out a stable situation I wouldn't want my child at UND or any other institution.
  15. BigGame

    Fire Muss

    Staying and watching a team compete and make a comeback isn't a hardcore fan thing, that is something anyone who claims to be a fan should do.
  16. BigGame

    Fire Muss

    So you would just be willing to send your child to a place in which one of your few snap shots of the environment was an abusive message board. Hey I really like that coach, he has been in my home and I what that kind of guy coaching my son/daughter. After seeing fans have been wanting him fired for years my child probably wouldn't get to play for him anyway if he is so close to being canned. This would not happen with all or even most recruits, but your fooling yourself if you don't think it could be a factor.
  17. BigGame

    Fire Muss

    Well... there is caring and being constructive and what we have going on here which seems to be a whole lot of flaming A-holes that just bash and tear down. I have expectations but I also tend to be more patient, Yes the Montana game was a huge disappointment but I don't think I will judge a season based upon one game. I see a lot of people thinking the team sucks and will continue to suck the rest of the season. I saw a lot of positives offensively and if they can get cleaned up UND will be able to score on anyone. The defense is much harder to be positive about.
  18. BigGame

    Fire Muss

    UND football hasn't been eligible for the playoffs until last season, not really a fair or accurate way to compare.
  19. BigGame

    Fire Muss

    If you can't stick out the game your not a real fan. It's crazy to give up on a team so early like most UND fans seem to do. I haven't been able to attend a home game is person since I graduated because I have lived across the country. I was at the SDSU game and what I saw was a bunch of fair weather d-bag fans. UND scores in the second half and clearly has the momentum and people walk out. Even if you think the game is out of hand, why would you leave in the 3rd quarter when the team has started to pick it up?
  20. BigGame

    Fire Muss

    He makes a valid point. I know if I saw the type of crap that's being spewed on the board I would have second thoughts about letting my children be involved in UND athletics.
  21. BigGame

    Fire Muss

    It doesn't do any good to fire a coach during the season! It will not change things for the better! If at the end of the season it happens, my hope would be that they move very fast in finding a new coach in order to not completely screw up recruiting. I am still holding out until the end of the season to make a final judgement on the team and staff but it doesn't look very good right now.
  22. Is Sanford involved with the practice facility? They seem to have hands in everything else.
  23. If that was the case you would never see any team improve.
  24. BigGame

    Fire Muss

    I don't think any of the suggestions would be what I would ideally choose but both coaches brought up are division 1 experienced coaches. In fact one is a current NFL coach if that makes you feel any better.
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