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Everything posted by Cratter

  1. Residential propane average price per gallon has been pretty steady for many years now. https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=PET&s=M_EPLLPA_PRS_NUS_DPG&f=M
  2. Cratter

    FCS Playoffs

    $25 x 7,000 = $175,000. I'm sure every teams fans that lost the bid is complaining right now. It's basically asking "how much money can we afford to lose" for most bidding teams.
  3. Cratter

    FCS Playoffs

    You obviously know it was a down year because UND did well in it.
  4. With cold weather comes the need to fill propane for the patio heaters (tailgating) and buddy heaters for fishing.... Where's a good place to fill 20lb tanks in Grand Forks?
  5. DeRidder giving me Josh Siembida vibes....came in hot off a transfer and quickly cooled off.
  6. Watching this Oklahoma rivalry feels like a replay of the North Dakota rivalry game.
  7. Why is NDSU not taking a knee?
  8. I wouldn't pull my goalie down 3 with ten minutes left in a hockey game either.
  9. How could they even over turn that when Vince was still on his feet and the refs blew the play dead? Otherwise he would have kept trying to score a TD.
  10. Is that just a football thing in general now? I'm old enough to remember when it had to be "clear and obviously a wrong call". Now it's more like "What would you call this if you seen this for the first time?"
  11. Bison just a lot more talented.
  12. Without snow they can all just rent the escooters for transportation now.
  13. That holding penalty on USD really turned out to be big.
  14. Like going for it on 4th but stupid play call.
  15. Is this team gonna make the playoffs?
  16. Wasn't it just last year Midwestern Hawk was constantly bashing the guy? And now this year he's breaking records.
  17. Now that they sell the white sauce. I just go buy it.
  18. Some of us took a lot of fire for pointing this out years ago.
  19. The offensive output (SOG) the last few games (and years) is worrisome.
  20. Tearing buildings down for "deferred maintenance" has always been a ploy to help build new ones since the dawn of time. *tears down student housing. ....two years later. "We have a housing shortage on campus. We need new ones. Give us money please." ....All the new "UND Housing" being constructed right now on campus is coming along nicely.
  21. I gotta believe that was intentional...
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