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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. Note foreground; note background.
  2. UND currently sponsors 21 sports at the DI level. NDSU sponsors 16. The sports at UND made sense for a DII UND. UND is no longer that school so a re-evaluation and reorganization makes sense.
  3. This week in Hannaford, ND. I recommend headphones because the audio is priceless, but NSFW. https://video-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hvideo-xta1/v/t42.1790-2/11996893_866411060139599_536437474_n.mp4?efg=eyJybHIiOjQxNCwicmxhIjo1MTIsInZlbmNvZGVfdGFnIjoicmVzXzQyNl9jcmZfMjNfbWFpbl8zLjBfc2QifQ%3D%3D&rl=414&vabr=230&oh=7ce4709fc48c86b4c102b04cc085213a&oe=55FC3BB5
  4. Can I be greedy and ask for four guys in the 50-70 yards category? Say two backs, a QB, and a WR.
  5. Plus ... they'll be able to sell advertising on video boards (where the existing ones don't allow for that). Sounds like an FCOA revenue stream ...
  6. Are we sure that's not a Bubba quote from Saturday?
  7. What is NDSU's plan? I think UNDBIZ did a fine (albeit smarmy and cynical) description of it. What is UND's plan? Again I think UNDBIZ did a fine (albeit smarmy and cynical) description of it. However, UND's plan has other options, like (a) cutting sports and reallocating the budget, or (b) Champions Club levels haven't been increased in a couple years, or (c) more and better marketing of existing things. PS - I'm pro smarmy and cynical.
  8. No, I'm not the author of "How To Ruin Your Shoo-In Election As Governor". Sorry.
  9. And that is the nut of Minnesota's problem: As long as NYY and TOR are in a battle, and TEX and HOU are also, those teams are fully engaged and will be very difficult to catch because they are thinking "win division" not "wildcard". They're running toward something, not away from MIN. So there's four of five playoff spots and the fifth is KC.
  10. Oh yeah, UND went to the trouble, time, and expense to create a FCOA plan for just M/W hockey and didn't go one step beyond that. C'mon Dan, seriously.
  11. Inside the flood protection.
  12. Tower readings; sunrise/sunset power ups/downs; live on the air AM and FM.
  13. Masterfully played.
  14. OK, OK, I'll replace Kober. I even already have previously qualified for an Federal Communications Commission Third Class Radiotelephone Operators Permit with a broadcast endorsement. (For those of you who know what that is and what that means, yes, I was in the radio industry back when that was required of on-air AM or FM broadcasters. That requirement has since gone away.)
  15. Someone owns RoughRiders also, and he's a UND guy (see: USHL Cedar Rapids).
  16. C'mon CAS. Really? Is there really an "allegator death roll ankle tackle" technique to teach? I thought you had a better grasp of reality. And you can honestly say you never hit a RB with a bad shoulder up high, or drove him down on it, on purpose? Or you can say you never saw a game plan modified to put more pressure on an immobile passing QB?
  17. (Folks, pay attention, this is how you fuel a dumpster fire.) I say UND loses, goes to 2-1 on the season, but pops into the FCS top 25 a week from today also.
  18. UND just survived a "trap game" that couldn't have been scripted any better: a non-scholly team sandwiched between a first ever FBS win and visiting the rival for the first time in a decade. I'd hoped for more than the egg laying we go Saturday, but part of me is glad for it. It give the coaches lots to use to make sure focus, the right focus, is on this next game. My take: - UND needs to somehow come out +2 on turnovers - UND's offensive line needs to have "Welcome to Laramie" put on the insides of their visors - Beyond those, I pretty much agree with bisoninnwmn's take.
  19. "Pentican"? Is that a five-sided can? Or is that somewhere near Penticton, BC?
  20. Honestly, I don't want Santiago to go nuts. I'd like to see some of the other backs get cranked up also.
  21. Shepard Smith plays DB at NDSU? He gave up his gig at Fox News?
  22. Folks, where is there safe land* to build on in Grand Forks right now? It's all ... south. And Grand Forks is growing or those developers would not be putting up those buildings. *Inside the flood protection
  23. Populations shifting south in RRV towns? I've heard someone call "Fargo Davies" instead "Wahpeton North".
  24. < best Noo Yawk accent > I'z gotz sumpin' fuh use ta polish right hee-ah. (C'mon, it's the trash-talkin' dumpster fire thread. It had to be said.)
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