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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. When UND makes it a pseudo-lottery, yes. Go get swab shoved into brain, get chance at prize, go back to house party and drink some "flu bug killer" 'cause there ain't no nothin' else to do.
  2. Who enforces quarantine? I'd say the pubs I drove past Saturday night were "quarantine centers" for the 20-40 crowd.
  3. I'd say the "Bucks Bochenski" leash was left behind by Blais for Berry. And I'd guess it's been shortened down to nothing (and the inside of the collar converted to razor wire).
  4. Where is "George" campaigning today? What I noticed is what the Brits dared say in the link: Jill whispered something to him. Based on that clip from yesterday Trump should start calling Jill Biden ... "Jeff Dunham".
  5. Don't you build hospitals like you build churches? You don't build a church for Christmas or Easter. You build so it's affordable through the year, and full at peak times.
  6. Is there data from prior years showing hospital occupancy during October or February? How do we compare to a "normal" year.
  7. Jason went to the Alyssa Milano School of Masks?
  8. The Craig Harris story mentions this occurred four years ago when Miller (today 18) was 14. The records must be from juvenile court. They are. From article: "Four years ago, Miller admitted in an Ohio juvenile court ... " I though juvenile records were sealed to give the chance to learn and be a better adult.
  9. Deaths in ND: Age 80+: 284 Age 70-70: 94 Age 60-69: 49 Age 50-59: 19 Age 40-49: 10 Age 0-39: 5 ____________ Age 80+: 284 Under 80: 177 https://www.health.nd.gov/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/north-dakota-coronavirus-cases Average lifespan in US: 78.54 years. Like I've said, this virus is a cherry-picker. It's getting the old (specifically those who've beat the mean) and folks with existing problems.
  10. Dr. Jill is the breadwinner I guess.
  11. It'd be me saying "tell me about hospitalizations and deaths". "Cases" amongst the 20-29 and 30-39 year old demographics are click-bait. In those two demos are 15000+ cases and ... 4 deaths. https://www.health.nd.gov/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/north-dakota-coronavirus-cases
  12. Let's hope they do as well or better than Chris Cuomo of CNN did with his quarantine.
  13. Vlad doesn't care at this point. Chaos in America, no matter who's in power, works to his favor. He's just stirring the pot.
  14. Mister Trump ran his own businesses and made (and lost and made) his money in private business. Mister Biden has been a "public servant" in DC for 47 years. I'm not surprised one has penthouse apartments and planes. But how does one afford multi-million dollar homes on a senator or Vice President salary?
  15. Trick or treat.
  16. Control? No. Manage? As much as you can a communicable disease.
  17. Cases increase with increased testing. Tell me about hospitalizations and deaths per capita. As far as “disappear”, do you mean the effects of the virus on the population stop, or, we no longer hear about Covid-19 from media.
  18. Ah ... say Legislation/Executive moves the Court to X (greater than 9): If the Amendment goes through at a later date and says “9” the Court contracts back to 9.
  19. I heard Rudy talk in Fargo about five years ago. He should’ve quietly moved to Boca back then. That said, ... evaluate the message before shooting the messenger.
  20. Mister Biden took five days off before the Thursday debate. He ventured out yesterday to call some PA folks chumps. Knowing he lives in DE he ventured not far from home yesterday. And now he’s not in public until Tuesday per this tracker: https://blog.4president.org/2020/
  21. So why hasn’t someone (like an AG or governor in a large geographically squarish midwestern state) started the Constitutional Amendment process to set the number of Supreme Court justices at nine?
  22. What would the reaction be if the New York Times got locked out of its Twitter account for a week before the election for publishing an unverified story about Trump’s taxes? Asking for the the NY Post.
  23. The old adage: The coverup is always worse than the crime. https://taibbi.substack.com/p/with-the-hunter-biden-expose-suppression-136 What else did we really not need to know.
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