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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. First Rule of Hacker: Never admit you're a hacker.
  2. I bolded a key word. If he really did as alleged, he would still have been a minor and in violation. How did he not end back up in juvenile court? I have a feeling we know what we're being told and not everything there is to know.
  3. Brits on the Tucker Carlson story: https://www.theguardian.com/media/2020/oct/29/fox-news-tucker-carlson-mocked-for-lost-in-the-mail-biden-documents-claim
  4. Hint to UPS employees: There are more cameras watching you in those facilities than in a Vegas casino.
  5. I've said one direction, I'll say it the other. Don't declare the victor in the middle of the game.
  6. In a word: Why? That age demo has huge survivability, unless they are trying to find vectors. Why not target folks going into care facilities. That's where the damage is being done. (60% of ND deaths are age 80+.)
  7. When will the apology from USA Hockey arrive?
  8. https://arizonasports.com/story/2437896/coyotes-renouncing-rights-of-2020-4th-round-draft-pick-mitchell-miller/
  9. If the Elliotte Friedman tweet is accurate, that jams up Brad Berry.
  10. So ... Hummer EV. Discuss.
  11. If only we were this smart.
  12. Early, in-person, here.
  13. That's Biden running all the battlegrounds (except Ohio). Biden may well win, but I don't see that.
  14. Bait. Governor Cuomo doesn't want Trump talking about economic numbers today.
  15. In light of the Mitchell Miller situation in the hockey side of the house, not the best choice of meme.
  16. It's become political alchemy.
  17. There's a reason juvenile records are usually sealed and only unsealed to show an ongoing pattern of behavior. It seems these were never sealed. (<-- Can not confirm that.)
  18. "Well, we're kind of a polling industry disrupter in that we think that the way the industry is being run is very out of date and not in line with modern times, modern values and kind of modern politics to start with the day and age of, you know, mom and dad sitting around the poler waiting for the phone to ring. And this is a political survey. Oh, well, we have to take some time and answer this. I mean, this is not reality. You know, the phone rings at 6:30 at night. You got. You fixing dinner, you're washing dishes, putting kids to bed. Nobody's got time to stop what they're doing and take a 25, 30, 40 question poll. You're not getting regular people. You're getting people who are on the ideological extreme of being way too liberal, way too conservative, or worse yet, people who are bored. We're about polling average people. I grew up in politics in South Carolina. And Lee Atwater, what he used to say to all of us is, don't worry about what the political insiders say. You want to know what's in Joe Sixpack's head. And that is my goal, is to figure out what's an average people's minds." -- Robert Cahaly, Trafalgar Group
  19. I never said it was. I have no idea what's coming, but there's still one more coming --> it just wouldn't be 2020 otherwise.
  20. My only 2020 prediction? There's one more (alleged) election bombshell surprise in store before 8 pm Central Monday night.
  21. James Carville in 2016.
  22. Assume everything from Rudy is out of play. Please reconcile Mister Bobulinski's claims and documentation.
  23. @Hayduke1 -- As you quoted from CNN: " ... Trump's chances for closing the gap are deeply dependent on Election Day turnout." Like I said -->
  24. The CNN poll referenced does not say anything about those polled save for: I went to the SSRS site and couldn't quickly find a breakdown of the 1005 sampled.
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