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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. Unfortunately, I fear in his rush to do that he hurt his long-term ability to do it. No way to know it now, but I believe another year at UND would have put him in position of ten to twelve years of one-way NHL contracts.
  2. When I lived out east one of the NYC sports guys loved that line. His radio partner would run through the baseball injury reports and it would normally go something like this ... Person 1: ... and < player > is day to day. Person 2: ... but aren't we all.
  3. The least free Americans in America? Our military. They must follow orders. They live under the UCMJ which has punishments up to and including death for crimes that would not garner such punishment for civilians (for example: rape is punishable by death). They are the least free in the land of the free. But they proudly serve to protect the rest of us. If your goal is a less free people and society, there's your model.
  4. And those outcome evaluations need to include folks who have indirect impacts of the virus (didn't seek treatment when they should've; loss of job; mental health impacts).
  5. When I flipped on the ATL/LAD game last night, ATL had the lead. Lo and behold, LAD are in the World Series this morning. This battle isn't over; it's still early to call winners and losers quite yet.
  6. Are we fighting "cases" or "deaths". The deaths trend line is the one that matters.
  7. Admittedly anecdotal, but I know of a worker in a LTC facility that kept testing until they came up ... positive ... so they (their words) could get 14 days off. I know four close people that have had it. All are still here. Three under 35; one had anti-bodies but had no idea when they were "sick". The fourth? An uncle, 75+, ND LTC facility, lots of pre-existing, and still here (but not sure where "here" is ... < bleep > Alzheimer's). Of those four, two were/are tested at least twice a week because of jobs or where they live.
  8. 2020 Advice: Don't be showin' your Toobin when you're Zoomin'. https://thehill.com/homenews/media/521734-cnns-toobin-suspended-by-new-yorker-after-exposing-himself-on-zoom-call I know you'll be shocked, but CNN is yet to comment on their legal analyst being suspended from his (New Yorker mag) day job.
  9. Notice the middle chart of the three ...
  10. Can Tony make up his mind? https://www.cnbc.com/2020/10/19/coronavirus-hospitalizations-are-growing-in-37-us-states.html
  11. More cases. Does more cases of beer sold mean more DUIs and road fatalities? Maybe. Maybe not. Who is buying the cases? Are they predisposed to binge drinking or drinking and driving? Cases don't tell the whole story. Who has the "case" and what they do with it matters.
  12. Question: Where has the seasonal flu gone? https://www.cdc.gov/flu/weekly/index.htm
  13. Strangely enough, the shape of the "tests done per day" curve is much the same. A single number does not tell the whole story. https://www.health.nd.gov/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/north-dakota-coronavirus-cases
  14. And over the weekend the WHO says lockdowns do more harm than good. Sweden > WHO
  15. To me, the perfect debate: X vs Y Coin toss before it starts decides who asks first question of opponent; say X wins the toss, they can ask or first question or start last round. Round? What round? A round: X asks question (open mic) for 45 seconds Y responds (open Y mic; X mic closed) to question for 135 seconds. X rebuts (X mic open; Y mic closed) for 90 seconds 10 seconds of both closed mics Next round starts with Y asking X. Oh, and each participant is in a sound-proof booth so when the mic is closed, it's closed: you can hear but not be heard. Each participant starts six rounds . By the way, the mics are opened and closed by preprogrammed software. The only two humans involved are X and Y.
  16. Biden has called a lid until Thursday and the debate? https://thefederalist.com/2020/10/19/biden-campaign-goes-dark-until-thursday-without-answering-questions-on-hunter-biden-story/
  17. And before Mitch, Sen Harry Reid (D-NV) and his "nuclear option" opened the door to partisan shenanigans on the Rules of the Senate. At the time I told anyone who'd listen that Reid's idea was bad because doing things like that come back around with sharp teeth.
  18. Per the Constitution the President nominates; the Senate confirms (advice and consent). In 2016: President was D (and a lame duck for that matter); Senate was R controlled. The Senate wasn't going to confirm a D selection on the off chance they could run out the clock and have, well, R + R scenario. Mitch just gave the Senate a way out that didn't involve going on record voting against the D nominee. In 2020: President is R; Senate is R controlled (until the election is over and winners are sworn in). Trump could've nominated a ham sandwich with a broiled on "R" and elephant logo and it would be confirmed. Elections have consequences.
  19. The bolded is a bit much for me. I'd have to see it to believe it. ... No. ... On second thought, I'll let someone else look and verify if such abomination is true.
  20. Mitt and his carpetbag need to keep his Utah Senate seat. The Utah locals like ACB.
  21. In January 2017 I said it was like they slid the scripts back and forth across the table, changed the names to the other side, and a few adjectives: "Orange was the new Black" He's going to take our guns abortion rights! He's going to find a way to not leave office! He's not really a Christian!
  22. When all else fails, go to the British press: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8849687/Hunter-Biden-emails-identify-Joe-Biden-deal-Chinese-energy-firm-report-says.html Introductions? To ... whom ... or what? Seems what Hunter knows to introduce folks to are "the big guy", and hookers, and blow.
  23. A glimpse of how business is done from a former Biden business associate. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/former-hunter-biden-business-partner-gives-26-000-emails-to-breitbart Kind of tough to fake 26000 emails from jail.
  24. Like I said, ... I can't wait for those SCOTUS split 923 to 922 decisions in a few years.
  25. Why would a Biden attorney send a letter to the shop asking for it to be returned to Biden if it wasn't his?
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