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The Sicatoka

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Everything posted by The Sicatoka

  1. Idaho, SMU, or Houston. Sounds like trying to decide whether to get mumps, measles, or chicken pox.
  2. I just got my UND Alumni Association and Foundation annual report. (It's like the annual report you get if you own stock in a company.) Paging through it I noticed that Mike W. Commodore, employed by the Calgary Flames of the NHL, has donated $25,000.00 to UND in the last year. It was first in the Jan/Feb Alumni Review but there was another, sadder subject that was the focus of that issue so I must have missed it then. Anyway, big applause to Mike Commodore for the $25-large hit.
  3. (I'm gonna say it.) Respect is earned. The students didn't respect sections 107 and 110 right away in the new arena and things happened. Now I'd say the students are doing a much better job of respecting their neighbors in those sections. I'd say it's time to ask that some respect be shown back. Take it to REA or Roger Thomas or all the way to Kupchella. Point out that you've played the seating game and expect better now because you've played by the rules. Whining (yes, I'm going to use that word) here about all the 'injustice' ain't gonna fix dinky-doo. Don't be a victim. Do something real and substantive. (And it'll be a great life lesson.)
  4. And, thanks to the world we live in, there will always be lines to get into popular places.
  5. Gee, I paid for my season tickets too. And I have to wait in a line to get in too. (And I haven't even gotten the free groping. ) Does the entrance say "Student Entrance" or "Student Only Entrance"? Which gates are open for entrance before a game? I know the SW (Student) is. The front doors are. Which others? There must be one on the north side somewhere, probably NW because I know the NE isn't and neither is the SE. (Help?) If it's the front, and one to the NW and one to the SW, that's three entrances. Divide that amongst 11400 people. That's 3800 per entrance. With about 2200 students, sure, set up two student and one "other" line at the SW. The students would get a great deal there (do the math). Also, I'd guess a disproportionate number comes in the front (even better for the students). However, back to the main point: There are lines at each entrance. Next we'll be crying because the ice cream is cold.
  6. (We otta take this act to Vaudeville because you just played the perfect straight-man for a punchline.) Why, I thought the big arena would be home to UND BB so you wouldn't need TV capabilities in the practice facility. Could it be that a fair number of games will be played in the REA-SC so you'll need the TV capabilities in there?
  7. I've heard that line of thought expressed this way: We're crying because our ice cream is cold.
  8. REA has posted the latest photos here. That place is looking more and more "cozy" every day. From the court, with that low truss, it'll look like there really are people hanging in the rafters. I found the latest drawings here. PS - Why would you set up media/TV broadcast facilities in a practice arena?
  9. Congratulations, your coach has perfected playing the game at a snail's pace. Obstruction is still a penalty on the books.
  10. How come it doesn't show up there today? http://members.aol.com/cheisenber/Recruit04.htm
  11. My misread. I saw the date and "10:58" but didn't read the "AM" (thinking PM). It's too early to be up on a weekend.
  12. Was it really an exhibition? If so, I stand corrected.
  13. Back to the question that started this thread? Who will UND play? Find out when (and where) they do!
  14. (With no disrespect intended to any of those teams ....) UND only plays cupcakes. PS - Jim, hasn't UND played 9 NCAA standings games? UMD, BC (2), Yale (2), Minnesota (2), SCSU (2). The UMD game counts for NCAA record (RPI, PWR), just not conference record, so UND is really 7-2.
  15. Let's play "Find the Recruit's Dad!" First, find Taylor Chorney's dad on this page: http://www.hockeydb.com/ihdb/stats/leagues...0005821980.html Next, find Ryan Duncan's dad on this page: http://www.hockeydb.com/ihdb/stats/leagues...0005821971.html As an added bonus, see how many other "interesting" or "familar" names you can find on those pages.
  16. Touch
  17. What I know for sure: - UND's the only team I'm dead-solid-sure is in. A Manheim Steamroller concert at The Al (11/21) still has me worried about home field. - Winona State got the best break imaginable. - The MIAA has had two of the top four spots in the region for a month. - The MIAA has a five-way tie for first. Those last two I don't believe bode well for NDSU.
  18. I was pretty upset with losing last night until I saw what happened to NDSU against Northern State. They'd have been happy with a 2 point road loss to an NSIC team. Instead they took a 22 point road loss. Basketball isn't the other NCAA team sports. You only really need three solid players (for the level you're playing at) to be good. That's why the NSIC has better success in hoops. PS - If I were a betting man, I'd bet that Rich Glas' tenure ends when his son is done kicking for football. (That, plus he has two years left on his contract.) Think we could lure Phil Jackson to come back and coach at his alma mater "gratis" for a couple years before full retirement?
  19. Someone burned paper in a fire pit. Sounds like we're missing a lot of 'news' from campgrounds every weekend. They found empty beer cans on a college campus. Next they'll tell us they found textbooks in a campus bookstore. However, I shall be alerting the ACLU about a "sacred" teepee on public grounds, on the campus of a public institution. Imagine if the "sacred" thing wasn't a teepee but maybe say a Christian manger scene or a Jewish menorah. Hey, this game is kinda fun.
  20. I'd guess the big, ugly orange "I" or their "name mark" like on their football helments.
  21. Sometimes you don't watch a movie for the screenplay.
  22. I don't know if any of this is true or not, but, either way, the wise don't "go after" Mike Prpich. He can, uh, let's just say, take care of himself. Signed, Marco Peluso Minnesota-Duluth
  23. My response is over here. Scroll to see it all. I think, after you see the photo, I win.
  24. I can't believe you guys "dis" me for watching movies with scenes like this. They aren't dresses, but they are so tight. All those ladies are very fine .... dancers. They could "abduct" me.
  25. I think you're confused with 3rd down at The Al (and I think it's BL Rivers over there). I don't recall Hennen ever doing that at either REA.
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