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Sioux vs Badgers Saturday Night


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I like the attitude I saw tonight from the Sioux. They roughed up Mr. Kyleyboy Turris...who seemed to NOT be able to put his money where his mouth was. I like when Jonesy started to throw down with Turris, who looked scared, then a 2nd badger came in on Jonesy, at which point Kyleypoo got tough and tried to fight Jones 2 on 1! I would have loved to see Hak throw down with Mike Eaves. Eaves would have tried to slow down Hak's punches with some sort of a trap or left wing lock to no avail! I can't wait to watch the end of this one on DVR.

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Just played it back. What a shining example of sportsmanship that a$$ Eaves showed himself to be. :blush:

hes a pile of sh$#, the rivalry got heated up which was great!1

my feed here cut out and it fast forward and i missed the scrap, dammit

played very well all weekend and got 2 points, that how she rolls sometimes but great job tonight!

week off next then right back to it!

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Hak post-game comments:

I thought we really came out of the chute right where we left off last night. I didn't think we gave a lot of ground. We played physically, and really well. Vande goal is one we couldn't get last night.

We were relaxed before the game. You never know what the demeanor is going to be before the game, but we were relaxed. We were confident with how we played last night.

PK certainly had them off balanced. They were a little sloppy on their PP. Phil had to make a couple of saves, but we really didn't give a lot.

Guys on the bench got charged up to kill most of the penalties in the 2nd period. The Kozek hit was one they got fired up to kill for him.

Unfortunately, we weren't able to get Malone line out there a lot in the 2nd due to the penalties. Trupp looked very comfortable. It looks like it may have clicked at that level.

There was a little bit of an edge tonight. A little bit left with what happened with Oshie/Klubbertan at the end of last night. It was our best 120 minutes. We hadn't had a real good 120 minute effort from start to finish. We deserved better last night, but to be able to hold the focus shows the maturity. We'll take the 2 points and now we have the week off, before a 6 game run before Xmas.

We'll manage in a few days off, but we're certainly not a tired team. The 9 games we've played has been a good stretch. 5-3-1 is acceptable. Maybe we deserve a little better, but the real key is that we've gotten better in each area. We've seen improvement in all areas of our game.

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No, that means only misconducts were given out. No disqualifications were given out. :blush:

we used to call it a ten minute misconduct and a game misconduct, not sure if the nomenclature has changed... but i did say "game misconduct". i hear the anouncers use the term dq... but to my knowledge, they still call it a game misconduct... hence the 5 and a game tj got against sparty. i could be wrong, happens all the time, ask my wife.

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