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Jason Blake


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OMG!! My mom died from CML four years after her diagnosis but she was 80. She refused chemo because it would decrease her quality of life. At that time it wasn't a good choice for an elder. Jason is young, strong, and has his whole life in front of him. I'm positive he can beat this beast!!!

My prayers are with you, Jason!!

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I totally forgot about what his wife went through not long ago!

Talk about horse s&#t luck!!!

Hope to see you on the ice soon!!!

doesnt sound like hes gona miss any icetime per that article which is great to hear!

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How harsh is the media in Toronto? It only took 3 questions to ask if this is the reason for his "mini" slump to start the season. ??? you can view the press conference on the Leafs website.

pathetic and he has 2 points in 3 games by the way :lol:

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Am a huge Packer fan and having watched one of the best, Brett Favre go thru a ton. Jason is of the character of Brett and I think he'll turn it into a positive and be awesome.

Thinking of you Jason.

Yeah Packers!!! I'm pissed about the Bears game :lol:

Anyways, I wish Jason and his family the best. I'm sure he can and will get through this!

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Am a huge Packer fan and having watched one of the best, Brett Favre go thru a ton. Jason is of the character of Brett and I think he'll turn it into a positive and be awesome.

Thinking of you Jason.

OMG You've been a member since April 07??? Well helllllo sista!!

Hopefully Jason's dad (Rick) is still reading this board from time to time and will pass on our thoughts and prayers to the entire family. It has been good to read about Jason's positive attitude, but tears welted up for me as I'm sure did for others when he spoke of the family! He will get through this -- we love ya man!!!!

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