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Speaking of golf...I shot my best 9 holes at Ray Dicks yesterday...a 33 (-3) from the Blue tees. I was even -4 thru 7...f'ed up on hole 9.

I would have to say that is pretty good round even with a bogey or double bogey.

First off, are we a little grumpy today. :sad: Most of us that hunt ducks know there aren't many duck out west to hunt. That is where the deer and the Antelope play as well as the Roosters and sharpies. By west I mean Past Bismarck going towards Dickenson. That is also where you will be applying to get those extra Antelop liscenses they were talking about. Doug Leir has a blog I am kind of disappointed in you. Your insulted a whole bunch of sportmen and woman who like to read and listen to Doug Leir. From what I can tell he is a pretty good guy.

Uh, yeah, that day I was quite a bit ticked off and I took it out on the wrong person (and group of people by extension).

For that, I apologize and I'd delete the post if I could.

Conserving the duck habitat is great. So is the great outdoors. I'm not a big part of that stuff, but that doesn't mean that I should knock it. As a poster pointed out, it IS better than NASCAR.

For all those here who were offended by what I wrote, I am truly sorry. I did not mean to cause offense. I don't think Leir is a fool, a tool, or any unsightful character type. He knows what he is talking about even if I may not care too much about the topic area.

Next time I'll try to do better.

UPDATE: YAY! I deleted the embarrassing post.... now if only those who quoted it would erase my post from theirs....

I thought it turned into a interesting summer subject :sad:

Actually I think this subject was a smashing sucess. The other day I told one the guys that work in the club house at Kings walk I had to hurry home after golf to watch the World of Outlaws and Donny Schatz. The guy in the club house asked me if I was going to go home and brush my tooth. My buddy turned to me and said this is coming from a guy that is from Beulah ND... All in good fun.

I think It takes a special person to be a hunter or an outdoorsman, its not for everyone and we are happy we don't have to share with everyone. I neither take offense to people that don't understand us or don't hunt... I do get upset with the clowns/moron that want to take our right to hunt away from us aka PETA.


Uh, yeah, that day I was quite a bit ticked off and I took it out on the wrong person (and group of people by extension).

For that, I apologize and I'd delete the post if I could.

Conserving the duck habitat is great. So is the great outdoors. I'm not a big part of that stuff, but that doesn't mean that I should knock it. As a poster pointed out, it IS better than NASCAR.

For all those here who were offended by what I wrote, I am truly sorry. I did not mean to cause offense. I don't think Leir is a fool, a tool, or any unsightful character type. He knows what he is talking about even if I may not care too much about the topic area.

Next time I'll try to do better.

UPDATE: YAY! I deleted the embarrassing post.... now if only those who quoted it would erase my post from theirs....

All in good fun. I figured you said it tongue in cheek. :sad:


All in good fun. I figured you said it tongue in cheek. :sad:

I tried, but it wasn't done very well. It came out too ascerbic.

I'm not a true outdoorsman. I have no problem admitting that. I don't hunt. I don't like hunting. I don't care about hunting. But it isn't my business to ensure that others feel similarly. To each their own. I enjoy camping and hiking, but I don't think that's the same thing. I also do that very rarely as I'm the only person in my family who does enjoy that.

In any case, I think the show concept is nice. Anything to decrease the political talk radio bs.


Uh, yeah, that day I was quite a bit ticked off and I took it out on the wrong person (and group of people by extension).

For that, I apologize and I'd delete the post if I could.

Conserving the duck habitat is great. So is the great outdoors. I'm not a big part of that stuff, but that doesn't mean that I should knock it. As a poster pointed out, it IS better than NASCAR.

For all those here who were offended by what I wrote, I am truly sorry. I did not mean to cause offense. I don't think Leir is a fool, a tool, or any unsightful character type. He knows what he is talking about even if I may not care too much about the topic area.

Next time I'll try to do better.

UPDATE: YAY! I deleted the embarrassing post.... now if only those who quoted it would erase my post from theirs....

Of course Red Wing would be anti-hunter - for self preservation :D


I'll have to apologize to Red Wing. I have to admit, I am overly sensitive to anything that seems to be a slam to North Dakotans. I work in Minnesota and live in ND, and anytime I hear anything negative towards my home state, I see red. I am proud to be a North Dakotan, and an Alumni of UND, and I will continue to cheer on the Fighting Sioux until I take my last breath

In any case, I think the show concept is nice. Anything to decrease the political talk radio bs.

Yeah I hear you, I am hoping it cuts into Ed Schultzes Radio show... :sad:

Of course Red Wing would be anti-hunter - for self preservation :sad:

I'm not "anti-hunter." And I don't go hunting with other people for self preservation. I do know which end of the gun is the "business end." :D

No apologies are necessary. It was a stupid post and I had what was coming to me for not thinking before posting.

I'm not "truly" a North Dakotan (using the East Coast mantra). I was born in Rochester, MN and moved to Fargo when I was 2. I do not consider North Dakota to be a bad place. It is not flyover country. Of course, I believe there are other places that have more fun times to offer young people, but I think North Dakota is just a nice place to live overall.

The final word is thus:

Ed Schultz is a dumbass. He can argue against it all he wants, but the more he tries the moreso he is. Dead airtime is more inspiring.


All part of the learning process RedWing. We all make our stupid posts from time to time, and we learn from them. I'm sure I'll continue to make a few in the near future and I'll continue to learn from them. I'm with you in that I'm not into hunting....probably because I'd be more of a danger to myself with a gun then the darn animal. However, my brother's an avid hunter and I sure love eating whatever he brings home!!!! :sad:

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