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After having a stellar performance last week at the Blues prospect camp, I can tell you that TJ is 100% coming back to play for the Sioux. I cant' say enough about all of these guys (Tj, Duncs, Chorney, Finley, and others,) and their commitment to UND. Put yourself in their shoes. Would you be able to turn down literally millions of $$$$, and put off a life-long dream of playing pro hockey if the opportunity presented itself? I respect every one of these guys and their decision to stay at UND and be part of something magical. I'm telling you folks, these guys are driven, they want to finish what couldn't be finished for two years in a row. Next year is going to be a hell of a year, I hope we all enjoy watching these guys play. I want them all to know that I appreciate the fact that they gave up the money to stay here one more year and try to win another title. It means alot to the fans, the Sioux Hockey program, the university, and the community. Plus it shows that we not only recruit top notch players, but quality people as well. Thanks again guys, and let's go get #8.

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Would you be able to turn down literally millions of $$$$, and put off a life-long dream of playing pro hockey if the opportunity presented itself?


This is a gift and we should appreciate getting to watch these guys all year, regardless of the outcome.

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This is a gift and we should appreciate getting to watch these guys all year, regardless of the outcome.

Yeah, and if you see those guys, make sure to shake their hand and thank them for coming back, I know the'll appreciate the kind words as well. On a side note, if I were inticed by that kind of $$$, at that age, all I would be thinking about would be booze, stripper's, and all other kinds of debauchery. But hey, that's me.

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On a side note, if I were inticed by that kind of $$$, at that age, all I would be thinking about would be booze, strippers, and all other kinds of debauchery. But hey, that's me.

Who needs $$$ to think about booze, strippers, and all other kinds of debauchery?

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I couldn't be happier about those guys coming back. They listened Taylor's dad's advice (PCM's signature). They will be better players for it over their careers and lives. (I know I would have a lot of trouble walking away from those dollars.)

But (and there's always one of those), they are talking about commitment and mission also. There's talk, and then there's follow-through. I preached patience with young teams. These guys aren't young anymore. I've preached patience with teams in the past; this group needs to perform to their full capabilities, and that means doing whatever they need to do, or not do, (on- and off-ice) to be at peak performance, for a full season.

I'm going to be greedy and ask for something a little better than 4-7-1 at home before Christmas. And the season ending notes saying, "Made Frozen Four, lost to _____ in ______ game" has significant opportunity for improvement also.

You only get so many opportunities. Hak (it starts at the top) needs to coach as if he has something to prove beyond "getting there". (Heck, Woog "got there".) Oshie, Duncan, Chorney, and Finley need to show by action and leadership that their decision to come back was more than a feel-good gesture. UND (under Blais) had four teams that could have won it all. And yet none of them did. This group might be more talented than those. But talent alone ....

Am I glad that four guys who could have gone pro decided to come back? Certainly. But that has to translate into something more. I know they can live up to that.

I say "thank you and congratulations" for coming back; I'm saving the lauding and laurels for post-game on a Saturday night in Denver in April. They've set a very high bar for themselves, so high that, ....

Really good isn't really good enough this time around.

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I couldn't be happier about those guys coming back. They listened Taylor's dad's advice (PCM's signature). They will be better players for it over their careers and lives.

But (and there's always one of those), they are talking about commitment and mission also. There's talk, and then there's follow-through. I preached patience with young teams. These guys aren't young anymore. I've preached patience with teams in the past; this group needs to perform to their full capabilities, and that means doing whatever they need to do, or not do, (on- and off-ice) to be at peak performance, for a full season.

I'm going to be greedy and ask for something a little better than 4-7-1 at home before Christmas. And the season ending notes saying, "Made Frozen Four, lost to _____ in ______ game" has significant opportunity for improvement also.

You only get so many opportunities. Hak (it starts at the top) needs to coach as if he has something to prove beyond "getting there". (Heck, Woog "got there".) Oshie, Duncan, Chorney, and Finley need to show by action and leadership that their decision to come back was more than a feel-good gesture. UND (under Blais) had four teams that could have won it all. And yet none of them did. This group might be more talented than those. But talent alone ....

Am I glad that four guys who could have gone pro decided to come back? Certainly. But that has to translate into something more. I know they can live up to that.

I say "thank you and congratulations" for coming back; I'm saving the lauding and laurels for post-game on a Saturday night in Denver in April. They've set a very high bar for themselves, so high that, ....

Really good isn't really good enough this time around.

they are coming back for 1 reason, and thats #8, unfinished business from the last 2 years since they have been there and 3 going back another year. i hope BC is in our way at some point!! and yes they have set a high bar and they know that and other fans will beat that to death which will be fun, thats what i love about them returning, great to see this and lets get the ralph behind these guys every night no matter who they are playing!! GO SIOUX

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From a fan's perspective I don't think they owe me anything. However, if they want to attain what they have said, they should carry that attitude as you describe.

Though I would agree that this year there is little excuse for a slow start.

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I couldn't be happier about those guys coming back. They listened Taylor's dad's advice (PCM's signature). They will be better players for it over their careers and lives. (I know I would have a lot of trouble walking away from those dollars.)

But (and there's always one of those), they are talking about commitment and mission also. There's talk, and then there's follow-through. I preached patience with young teams. These guys aren't young anymore. I've preached patience with teams in the past; this group needs to perform to their full capabilities, and that means doing whatever they need to do, or not do, (on- and off-ice) to be at peak performance, for a full season.

I'm going to be greedy and ask for something a little better than 4-7-1 at home before Christmas. And the season ending notes saying, "Made Frozen Four, lost to _____ in ______ game" has significant opportunity for improvement also.

You only get so many opportunities. Hak (it starts at the top) needs to coach as if he has something to prove beyond "getting there". (Heck, Woog "got there".) Oshie, Duncan, Chorney, and Finley need to show by action and leadership that their decision to come back was more than a feel-good gesture. UND (under Blais) had four teams that could have won it all. And yet none of them did. This group might be more talented than those. But talent alone ....

Am I glad that four guys who could have gone pro decided to come back? Certainly. But that has to translate into something more. I know they can live up to that.

I say "thank you and congratulations" for coming back; I'm saving the lauding and laurels for post-game on a Saturday night in Denver in April. They've set a very high bar for themselves, so high that, ....

Really good isn't really good enough this time around.

I don't get it, hammer on them when they make the jump to the NHL for big bucks, and now we're hammering on them because they decided to stay, c'mon people. That's a bunch of bull$%!#. We should feel fortunate regardless of the season's outcome like Dagies already said.

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I don't get it, hammer on them when they make the jump to the NHL for big bucks, and now we're hammering on them because they decided to stay, c'mon people. That's a bunch of bull$%!#. We should feel fortunate regardless of the season's outcome like Dagies already said.

exactly,lets let the season play out and then orry about that crap after its all said and done, hwo knows maybe #8 will be hanging and maybe it wont

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And if they don't, they are bums and losers - right?;)

Now come on, I don't think that is what The Sicatoka meant. He's a loyal supporter of the green and white. I don't think he would ever call our players "bums" and "losers".

What he is trying to say (the same things I got slammed for saying back in April) is that you get only "X" number of chances to win a national championship. And the fact of the matter is, no one remembers the team that finishes runner-up (BC the last two years) or the team that finishes as a semi-finalist (UND the last two years), unless you are a Cinderalla program that has never gotten there before and wasn't expected to be there. They remember who won it all. This group of players collectively gave up millions of dollars to take one more shot at the national championship. If they don't get it done, will they be considered "bums" and "losers"? Of course not, because there are no guarrantees in sports and because they are high quality players and people. But will it be a major disappointment if they don't get it done? Of course it will, because this program has high standards and expectations every season. It is what separates us from the programs that never win a conference championship or programs that get excited about winning more games than they lose.

National championships are what a program's legacy is built on. I think these guys understand, accept and embrace these expectations or else they would never have come to school here. Even if they fall short of their ultimate goal, we will all be proud of them for delaying the instant gratification of a signing bonus to take one last shot at winning Title #8.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it! :lol:

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You sure don't. Nobody is hammering on Oshie, Duncan, Chorney and Finley for staying.

No, but Sica's post sure has some shade's of "they better win it or else" to it. I was mereley trying to point out that we are fortunate as fans to be able to watch these kind of players. Plus, we get the added bonus of 4 (or more) of them deciding to stay here one more year, when they clearly could have moved on. Winning another National Championship is really beside the point here. Obviously, it is what you strive for, but reality is something quite different. As Siouxeleven's pointed out, if the effort is there, and they fall short, that's just the way things happen. I do agree with sica about one thing, being 4-7-1 at home is hardly acceptable.

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No, but Sica's post sure has some shade's of "they better win it or else" to it.

No. Not at all. There's no "or else".

They're only accountable to themselves. They have to look in the mirror and know they did do all of the right things (and none of the things that tripped them up before) to achieve this lofty goal they're setting for themselves.

They can do it.

They need to critically self-evaluate what they've done right, and wrong, to put themselves into this position (pre-season favorite and loaded for bear) and then go out there and do it as far as they can. This team is better than 4-7-1 at home in a half. This team is better than two disappointing showings in national semi-finals. They have the experience; they've made a (good) choice and they get to prove what they've learned and why they're better.

If they run into a better team or hot goaltender and lose, so be it, knowing that's the only reason anyone stopped them.

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No. Not at all. There's no "or else".

They're only accountable to themselves. They have to look in the mirror and know did they do all of the right things (and none of the things that tripped them up before) to achieve this lofty goal they're setting for themselves.

They can do it.

They need to critically self-evaluate what they've done right, and wrong, to put themselves into this position (pre-season favorite and loaded for bear) and then go out there and do it as far as they can. This team is better than 4-7-1 at home in a half. This team is better than two disappointing showings in national semi-finals. They have the experience; they've made a (good) choice and they get to prove what they've learned and why they're better.

If they run into a better team or hot goaltender and lose, so be it, knowing that's the only reason anyone stopped them.

yeah, luckily schneider is gone from BC, we only averaged 4.5 goals on him in 2 frozen 4 games and lost both ;)

this is a going to be a fun year!!

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No, but Sica's post sure has some shade's of "they better win it or else" to it. I was mereley trying to point out that we are fortunate as fans to be able to watch these kind of players. Plus, we get the added bonus of 4 (or more) of them deciding to stay here one more year, when they clearly could have moved on. Winning another National Championship is really beside the point here. Obviously, it is what you strive for, but reality is something quite different. As Siouxeleven's pointed out, if the effort is there, and they fall short, that's just the way things happen. I do agree with sica about one thing, being 4-7-1 at home is hardly acceptable.

I didn't get that at all from his post.

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