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is everyone going to be watching tomorrow? Who are you guys hoping your team gets? I want the vikes to get either AD or brady quinn. That would be a huge get for the vikes. I think brady is a better qb then jamarcus but with jamarcus's success in his final game and his performance at his pro days i would bet the raiders go with him. Plus they need a qb who can be sacked 50 times next year and not get hurt.

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is everyone going to be watching tomorrow? Who are you guys hoping your team gets? I want the vikes to get either AD or brady quinn. That would be a huge get for the vikes. I think brady is a better qb then jamarcus but with jamarcus's success in his final game and his performance at his pro days i would bet the raiders go with him. Plus they need a qb who can be sacked 50 times next year and not get hurt.

from what I have heard the vikes are looking for a wide receiver and not a qb. I might watch, i don't know. I don't pay that much attention to NFL football so I might decide to do something else. Anybody who can catch the ball would help the Vikes though. :D

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They'll either take Landry, the safety from LSU or they'll trade down.

Vikes covet Gaines Adams, who appears to be slipping on the board. Landry would be a good pick for them. I don't think Quinn will amount to much in the NFL, and I also think Lynch is a better back than Peterson. If running back is the direction they choose, trade down and take Lynch.

The Pack have offered the Chiefs their 1st and 4th round picks for Larry Johnson, and it sounds like they are very close to sealing the deal on the Moss trade. If the Pack were to get those two, look out....

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Peterson seems like a good pick. from what I have seen Brady Quinn looks like a good pick, i wonder why teams keep passing him over. does anyone after Miami need a QB?

Not for a while. I could have seen Miami maybe choosing a corner or somebody on D over Quin, but not Ginn Jr. I guess when Daunte is starting for them next year, they will regret it.

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and Dallas trades with the Browns and the Browns take Quinn 22nd overall.

i can't believe brady quinn fell this far. Atleast he got to go with the browns, where he wanted to go and grew up in, but not at the pick he wanted. 22nd instead of 3rd! wow. I can't belive that

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I don't believe the rumors about the Packers wanting Randy Moss. First off, two years ago when the Vikings were desperately trying to rid themselves of the cancer Brett Favre went on record as saying Moss isn't the kind of guy who would be welcome in the Packers' locker room. I seriously doubt they want to associate themselves with the classless punk who desecrated Lambeau Field. Besides that, he is so far beyond washed-up it isn't even funny. He was never anything more than a one-trick pony anyways. Granted, that one trick was very dangerous at times... but all he could ever do was run straight down the sideline and go up for the jump ball. Now that he's lost the ability to do that, he is pretty much worthless. The Raiders would be lucky if they were offered anything more than a 5th round pick for Moss.

There no such thing as middle ground with you is there Dave. Haha. I will give you that you always have a strong opinion one way or the other. I think he still has some gas in the tank and if given the right situation he can still be a go to guy in this league. I don't know if Green Bay would be the best situation for him but I think he would excell with a quarterback like Favre who just likes to throw the ball up and let his receivers go up and get it.

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I don't believe the rumors about the Packers wanting Randy Moss. First off, two years ago when the Vikings were desperately trying to rid themselves of the cancer Brett Favre went on record as saying Moss isn't the kind of guy who would be welcome in the Packers' locker room. I seriously doubt they want to associate themselves with the classless punk who desecrated Lambeau Field. Besides that, he is so far beyond washed-up it isn't even funny. He was never anything more than a one-trick pony anyways. Granted, that one trick was very dangerous at times... but all he could ever do was run straight down the sideline and go up for the jump ball. Now that he's lost the ability to do that, he is pretty much worthless. The Raiders would be lucky if they were offered anything more than a 5th round pick for Moss.

Randy Moss to New England for a fourth round pick. You were close, Dave.

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Good deal for the Raiders, addition by subtraction. As for New England, they just undid all of the good they had previously done this offseason. Now they will be the center of drama in the NFL for as long as they employ that ticking time bomb. However, according to this little tidbit I just read on NFL.com I suspect that Randy's Patriot career will be rather brief.

"Moss also comes to New England with the warning that, as Bill Parcells used to say, the light is yellow and ready to turn red. The Patriots have notified Moss that under no circumstance will they tolerate any of the transgressions that have marked his career. The first controversial incident that Moss is involved in will be his last. The Patriots insist they will release him."

Well, the reports are that Moss ran a 4.29 for New England and a 4.3 for that Packers. Get ready, Moss and New England will dominate the league.

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Well, the reports are that Moss ran a 4.29 for New England and a 4.3 for that Packers. Get ready, Moss and New England will dominate the league.

4.3 for the Pack. 4.29 for New England.

He must have wanted to go to the Pats. Looks like he dogged it with Green Bay!


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It's only been four years since he had a productive year. What makes anybody in their right mind think he can ever be an impact player again boggles the mind. All he's going to do is be a major pain in the rear end for Brady and Belichek.

In my opinion, Moss performs and is a reasonably good citizen when he is on a team that is having a good year. When they are struggling, he engages his big mouth and antics. He will have a very productive season at NE if he stays healthy. If you look at the draft and free agent moves that NE made, they will certainly be favored to win it all. Which by the way pains me.

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