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Yeah, I hope that's true, but I bet some MIT grad could figure a way for the Huskies to still lose it. Anyway, they still have that momentum thing to worry about. Also, I'm sure the NHC crowd will still be abnormally rowdy since destroying the goophers last Friday. The buzz surrounding the team is near an all-time high and I think the atmosphere will be especially hostile to the opposing team. The Sioux could do themselves a HUGE favor by scoring first. The arena will instantly become a marihoochie style funeral home.

BTW, the "meaningless game" magic stayed in the Twin Cites with Luciapet. :(

Unfortunately they still have the WCHA title to play for on Friday night, at the least.

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With any luck, the Huskies will be distracted by blizzards inside and outside.

I wonder if our hockey team will even make it. I was surprised that Hakstol was on the radio tonight talking about the bus for St. Cloud leaving tomorrow morning. I wouldn't be surprised if the Interstates were shut down at some point tomorrow.

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Under my scenario, it might not be as difficult as some think. On Friday night, what if :

  1. UND beats SCSU
  2. Minnesota beats MTU
  3. CC beats DU
This would mean that Minnesota wins the league title outright and SCSU is assured of second, no matter what. UND would move into third place, one point ahead of Denver. The Saturday night game would mean little to the Huskies, but would be very important for the Sioux. Who knows? Maybe Motzko would give Goepfert the night off.

Under that scenario, a Saturday win for the Sioux would assure them of third place, no matter what happens with CC and DU.

Let me get this straight... UND has lost 1 game the whole second half and, now that they have things somewhat in their own hands and SCSU is awaiting the Gods, NOW the Sioux will get swept?

I give that a "Come On" and a "Uhhh Gahd!"

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Then we sweep the Huskies on Saturday and Sunday. :(

OK, to follow the original question, I've not heard of a weather postponement for a WCHA game. It must be in the rulebook somewhere. Can anyone remember one?

Friday would be better than today - unless they leave early enough to beat the snow - which is supposed to get heavy around here about noon time.

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I saw it. I still doubt that it will happen.....

Knowing what already has happened and looking at the radar to see what's headed this way now and what's still to come, I think 16-18 inches of snow in eastern North Dakota is very likely.

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I say just strap a plow on to the front of the bus and let 'er go!...All joking aside, I could see the DOT leading the bus to Fargo by following a plow possibly. Just a thought.

Strap a plow to Oshie and let him go... Just remind him to stop when he gets to St. Cloud.

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