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Nickname issue


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I have to tell you what I found out tonight. I was in Monticello watching my nephew play hockey and a man that went to SCSU told me that when he was a student there, that some Liberal Professors offered extra credit to to students that were willing to go and protest against the Sioux when they were in town.

This blew me away. I am sorry but any instructor that offers extra credit for something that is not class related, should be fired ASAP, tenure should not matter.

I had to share and GO Sioux and Sioux Forever!

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I have to tell you what I found out tonight. I was in Monticello watching my nephew play hockey and a man that went to SCSU told me that when he was a student there, that some Liberal Professors offered extra credit to to students that were willing to go and protest against the Sioux when they were in town.

This blew me away. I am sorry but any instructor that offers extra credit for something that is not class related, should be fried ASAP, tenure should not matter.

I had to share and GO Sioux and Sioux Forever!

Something tells me that's not a problem for that professor. :silly:

It's when he's only half-baked when it does become one. :huh:

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I have to tell you what I found out tonight. I was in Monticello watching my nephew play hockey and a man that went to SCSU told me that when he was a student there, that some Liberal Professors offered extra credit to to students that were willing to go and protest against the Sioux when they were in town.

This blew me away. I am sorry but any instructor that offers extra credit for something that is not class related, should be fried ASAP, tenure should not matter.

I had to share and GO Sioux and Sioux Forever!

First of all, this should be in the Sioux name area, as it will likely soon be after getting moved.

If this is true, and it very well may be, what crappy excuses for human beings these instructors are. How about offering extra credit for something useful such as a fundraiser, helping out at the local homeless shelter, or the endless amount of other possibilities. This is sick, but absolutely does not surprise me coming from a place like St. Cloud. Some people are so out of touch with reality it is amazing.

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First of all, this should be in the Sioux name area, as it will likely soon be after getting moved.

If this is true, and it very well may be, what crappy excuses for human beings these instructors are. How about offering extra credit for something useful such as a fundraiser, helping out at the local homeless shelter, or the endless amount of other possibilities. This is sick, but absolutely does not surprise me coming from a place like St. Cloud. Some people are so out of touch with reality it is amazing.

The man that told me this said that a lot of his friends would go and hold signs just to get the extra credit. He then told me that he loves the logo and he does not agree with SCSU stance.

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OK I am sorry I mis-spelled something. But I corrected it. But thanks for pointing out my typing shortcomings.

Why did you change it? It just showed that this professor was more than one kind of a dope. :silly: Recreational drug usage is bad, mind you, but teaching while under the influence of said substances produces qualifications for teaching at SCSU. :huh:

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I have to tell you what I found out tonight. I was in Monticello watching my nephew play hockey and a man that went to SCSU told me that when he was a student there, that some Liberal Professors offered extra credit to to students that were willing to go and protest against the Sioux when they were in town.

This blew me away. I am sorry but any instructor that offers extra credit for something that is not class related, should be fired ASAP, tenure should not matter.

I had to share and GO Sioux and Sioux Forever!

that is a bit extreme i guess. depending on the course perhaps? i'd have to find out more on what he's talking about, but for now it's hearsay, something we've all been guilty of, including myself.

it's unfortunate how the nickname affects students? isn't it?

sort of one of the reasons why i would like to see it gone. damned if you do like it and damned if you don't like it sort of idea...

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I have to tell you what I found out tonight. I was in Monticello watching my nephew play hockey and a man that went to SCSU told me that when he was a student there, that some Liberal Professors offered extra credit to to students that were willing to go and protest against the Sioux when they were in town.

This blew me away. I am sorry but any instructor that offers extra credit for something that is not class related, should be fired ASAP, tenure should not matter.

I had to share and GO Sioux and Sioux Forever!

I s'pose it is ok then to offer extra credit in athletic courses so that you can go see a hockey game? Double standards abound in this and other forums on this website.

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that is a bit extreme i guess. depending on the course perhaps? i'd have to find out more on what he's talking about, but for now it's hearsay, something we've all been guilty of, including myself.

it's unfortunate how the nickname affects students? isn't it?

sort of one of the reasons why i would like to see it gone. damned if you do like it and damned if you don't like it sort of idea...


UND is now responsible for affecting students' academic careers because a professor chooses to assign extra credit towards vilifying UND, a position that his students may not hold?

That's just plain nuts! UND's part in this affair is a joke! This has nothing to do with the nickname and everything to do with a professor's inability to seperate his professional duties with his personal activism.

I doubt you'd like it too much if I was your professor and I told you that extra credit would be given if you protest the Native American's abusive relationship with the White man when it comes to promoting gambling habits at their casinos. In fact, I'd expect you to be apalled!

But way to attribute anything and everything unethical to the nickname. Doesn't help your cause at all. Just proves that there are corrupt and unethical professors at other universities who are perfectly willing to forward their personal agendas through the classroom.

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that is a bit extreme i guess. depending on the course perhaps? i'd have to find out more on what he's talking about, but for now it's hearsay, something we've all been guilty of, including myself.

it's unfortunate how the nickname affects students? isn't it?

sort of one of the reasons why i would like to see it gone. damned if you do like it and damned if you don't like it sort of idea...

Uh.....huh??? Nice job trying to spin this one. Pretty standard for the small small number of you who are for changing the name.

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Ok... thanks people. I was agreeing that the instructor was wrong if it is true that they did actually give extra credit for protesting.

but then I had stated unless it was a class directed towards something that falls into that category.

i didn't like an instructor ignoring me in gamble hall until i said that i supported the nickname... then i got 'fair' treatment. so again, i was agreeing it was wrong for an instructor to behave that way.

take a deep breath people. sheesh.

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Why did you change it? It just showed that this professor was more than one kind of a dope. :glare: Recreational drug usage is bad, mind you, but teaching while under the influence of said substances produces qualifications for teaching at SCSU. ;)

I think sometimes it qualifies one to teach in the arts and sciences at UND also.

I swear.

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That is a bit extreme i guess. depending on the course perhaps? i'd have to find out more on what he's talking about, but for now it's hearsay, something we've all been guilty of, including myself.

it's unfortunate how the nickname affects students? isn't it?

sort of one of the reasons why i would like to see it gone. damned if you do like it and damned if you don't like it sort of idea...

By looking what has happened at Dartmouth it appears that changing the name didn't eliminate racist acts in Hanover, NH. It looks if anything that they have more resentment and problems as a result of changing the name. I would say that Dartmouth has way more issues than UND even with our Fighitng Sioux Nick Name.

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Ok... thanks people. I was agreeing that the instructor was wrong if it is true that they did actually give extra credit for protesting.

but then I had stated unless it was a class directed towards something that falls into that category.

i didn't like an instructor ignoring me in gamble hall until i said that i supported the nickname... then i got 'fair' treatment. so again, i was agreeing it was wrong for an instructor to behave that way.

take a deep breath people. sheesh.

And I'll point out that that UND professor was a mockery to the field of academia. His personal agenda interfered with his professional duties.

If a professor takes on a personal agenda (like corruption) on a topic that is attached to a public institution and uses it against said institution or for it (like your alleged fair treatment only when you said you were for the nickname), this obviously was caused by the institution.

The nickname causes the corruption, people of UND! NOT unethical people!

When an issue causes people to start losing focus on the fact that there are individuals on this planet who are not very good people, then those people making said accusations really need to take a step back and realize that, perhaps, they need to look into a concept granted to us by God known as "free will."

If someone robs a convenience store, it doesn't tell me anything about the name of the convenience store or the ethnicity of the people owning or operating it. It tells me that the person robbing it is a crook! Using undsportsfan's perspective I'd have to look at the race of the people involved. Then ludicrous things such as "the owner and operators of the store were white and the robber was black. Therefore obviously the reason why he robbed the store was because the poor black man couldn't find honest work thanks to the racism of the white man so he must be forgiven because he was simply desperate to get what the white man takes for granted." THIS IS NO DIFFERENT THAN THE CURRENT NICKNAME DEBATE. Racism is charged by the pro name change crowd because they are unable to attribute free will to bad people.

Get a clue people. Racism is caused by people who are just plain bad people. Not some logo or name or whatever.

If it isn't, then where is the line drawn? If some guy is walking down the street wearing a "People, not logos" T-Shirt and kills someone wearing a Sioux T-shirt? I'm sure the hurt and the unfairness evoked by the nickname caused the murder right?

Where's the line?

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Well, I guess the NC$$ may have to give up it's main addiction, $$$$$. Since the US Mint and the Federal Reserve are institutions who are "hostile and abusive" towards Native Americans by using depictions of Native Americans on their product, currency. The NC$$ should have no other choice than to quit using products produced by this entity.

Link, I am sure you have seen this before.


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