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SIOUX vs QUINNIPIAC Friday Game Thread


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WOW Good play by all lines

Too bad Lammy did not get the shut out

PS.......Lammy stay in the NET !!!

I notice they don't cycle the puck in the corners like the past couple yrs ? - I'd rather they take ito the net & Score :glare:

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I retract my statement from earlier this week about Lammy, and splitting up Toews and Oshie, as of right now, the lines should stay where they are. Good game to all especially Martens, Miller, and Zajac. BTW anybody like Duncan getting into it on the faceoff, brings back good Prp memories

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Zajac is the PS Doors Player of the Game.

I thought Miller could get some recognition for a 3 point night.

Miller's goal was pretty, and he definately looked good tonight. How about Zajac.

Off to a good start.

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Question for the fans:


Fisher for QU: Sieve or just a goaltender that got hung out to dry 5 too many times?

i think he made some really key saves early, but Q just didnt capitalize... one thing leads to another.

also...UMTC lost!! and so did DU i believe!

i also have a question...what does everybody think of the season opener tonight? i think it is the best start in 2 years...they did many things well for an opener.

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My thougths after watching on my fuzzy computer:

One of our D (looked tall) tried to poke check a QU player coming across our blueline in the first period. Seems that's a place to take the body. Our guy got walked. Fortunately Lammy came up big. I couldn't see the # of who it was.

Lee made some nice plays coming back to break up plays tonite. For those of us who would like to see a more physical side to his game, at about the 5 min mark of the 3rd he rode a QU player HARD into the side boards to ride him out of the play. It was a great play to neutralize that player and free up the puck to be cleared from the zone.

I now see what the talk about Genoway is about. This kid is exciting to watch. I'm not sure I know the difference between a player who is a "good skater" and one who needs to work on his skating, but I bet Genoway is the former. He can wheel and deal, stop and change directions in a moment, all in all very dynamic. He seemed to play with confidence and with speed. He's going to be very fun to watch. He looked as good offensively as any of our defensemen, from what I could tell.

I can see why Hak wanted to put Oshie, Duncan and Toews together. That line is men against boys out there. How Oshie keeps his skates like he does I don't know.

Radke's second penalty in the 3rd period was a bad one. It's too bad it cost Lammy a well deserved shut-out.

I thought VandeVelde looked like he was going to take some time to adjust to the D1 game for most of the game tonite. He just looked slow and tentative out there. But half-way through the 3rd period it seemed like he started playing more aggressively. He played physically and helped create turnovers, and made a nice pass in the offensive zone shortly before Zajac scored his 2nd goal. My opinion began to change as the period went along. Hopefully Chris can build on that in the next few games.

Lammy looked very quick and very good tonite. He made an excellent glove save with just a minute and a half on a point blank shot by an open QU player. Excellent reflexes. It's going to be hard for anyone to beat him out if he plays this well.

Haks post game comments:

The positives outweighed the negatives tonite.

It was good to see Martens score his first goal.

Zajac scored 2 goal scorer goals. They were nice plays and he showed good patience on the 2nd one.

We took 2-3 dumb penalties. If you play hard you'll take 4-5 a game and we can accept that, but not the extra 2-3 dumb penalties. That's when you get yourself in trouble.

Thought QU played a pretty good game.

Happy with Lammy. He made tough saves, but didn't make them look tough. That's what we're looking for from him.

3-4 times we gambled on D and a couple times it worked and a couple times Lammy had to make the saves. That's ok to be aggressive at this point in the season, but if the same things are happening in a couple of months that's not ok.

Darcy Zajac interview:

1st goal just hit my stick. Lucky break for me.

2nd goal I just threw it on net.

When TH told him that Hak said they were "goal scorer's goals" he just laughed.

Brad Miller Interview:

I thought that shot went in but then I started doubting it when play went on. It's been a while since I've scored. I'm trying to shoot the puck more. The coaches want me to get to the net and get more chances.

TV called Zajac the PoTG. Radio gave Zajac the first star and Miller the 2nd star.

Sioux looked pretty good tonite. Will be interesting to see how the 2nd game goes.

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i think he made some really key saves early, but Q just didnt capitalize... one thing leads to another.

also...UMTC lost!! and so did DU i believe!

i also have a question...what does everybody think of the season opener tonight? i think it is the best start in 2 years...they did many things well for an opener.

They scored 6 times, sure, but there were many times where we were in front of the net or in close all alone and couldn't capitolize. We need to take every advantage we can get because teams like UW and Maine aren't going to give us that many opportunities.

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Just got bacK from the game. HOLY CROSS!! Our guys are tight! The passing is almost flawless. Kaip's speed has increased ten fold, he's everywhere right now! Duncan is fast , fast fast. TJ is well TJ! Q has some really big boys but that didn't stop our 'little guys', Q boys just had farther to fall!! Genoway, Zajac are phenomenal freshman. #8 HERE WE COME!!

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They scored 6 times, sure, but there were many times where we were in front of the net or in close all alone and couldn't capitolize. We need to take every advantage we can get because teams like UW and Maine aren't going to give us that many opportunities.

good points, but i still feel it was a great opener...especially how much better they were than last weekend imo. but i do agree that the big test is UW next weekend

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I agree about Vandevelde. Being from Fargo, Vandevelde is sorta a hometown kid for me (yeah, I'll get bounce for saying that from my fellow Fargoans). I want him to do well from the start, but he DID look incredibly slow out there.

I'd love to see Martens and Miller out there tommorrow night. Maybe Vandevelde will sit and Bishop will take his spot. I don't know. Forney didn't play tonight either. Maybe Martens loses out? I don't see Miller sitting....

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dagies, you saw all that on your fuzzy computer screen?!

On my computer screen, I could basically see little white blobs, and little dark blobs. And sometimes the white blobs and the dark blobs would all turn towards a moving invisible object, as though they were drawn to it, although I never saw the mystery object myself. I'm not sure that's my preferred way to watch a game, but I was happy to read that the white blobs won.

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