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Tomorrow is the first anniversary of the "Great Holy Cross Upset" hopefully lightning will strike the Gophers twice! Although we looked good in the purple it is not a cool as the green and white! The Final Five was fun!!!!!

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sorry, i still say they are just the team that beat minnesota...........thats not slamming them because i know the coach has to look at it like that but thats just how i look at it. sure hope they have another good year and make another NC$$ tourney.

Amen! Is this thread still going?

No offense, Holy Cross, but while you gave us a good laugh at the Gophers, it's not like your little program can even pretend to be on the same plane as the Sioux and other perennial NCAA powerhouses!

Thanks for the fun, though! (You do have spiffy jerseys!)

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No offense, Holy Cross, but while you gave us a good laugh at the Gophers, it's not like your little program can even pretend to be on the same plane as the Sioux and other perennial NCAA powerhouses!

Thanks for the fun, though! (You do have spiffy jerseys!)

As a Sioux fan, this post has offended me. That "little program" was the cause of the biggest upset in NCAA hockey history. That game gave Sioux fans one of the best nights of hockey in REA history!!!

Your arrogance is befitting of a Gopher fan......... :lol:

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No offense, Holy Cross, but while you gave us a good laugh at the Gophers, it's not like your little program can even pretend to be on the same plane as the Sioux and other perennial NCAA powerhouses!

Where in this thread did anyone suggest or imply that Holy Cross and UND were on the same plane in hockey? Hockey aside, Holy Cross is a great school in its own right. As has been suggested by others, if you don't like a thread, don't read it.

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Where in this thread did anyone suggest or imply that Holy Cross and UND were on the same plane in hockey? Hockey aside, Holy Cross is a great school in its own right. As has been suggested by others, if you don't like a thread, don't read it.

Amen Brother. :lol:

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Perhaps it's time for Sioux fans to live in the present and not in the past. The whole 7>5 thing and Holy Cross jokes are sounding lamer and lamer everyday. Maybe you folks should focus on winning something. I know the Gophers have a couple new banners and trophies to put on display in the Mecca in the off seaosn. What do you guys have?

Oh yeah, lame old stories and sayings that have run their course.

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Perhaps it's time for Sioux fans to live in the present and not in the past. The whole 7>5 thing and Holy Cross jokes are sounding lamer and lamer everyday. Maybe you folks should focus on winning something. I know the Gophers have a couple new banners and trophies to put on display in the Mecca in the off seaosn. What do you guys have?

Oh yeah, lame old stories and sayings that have run their course.

*cough cough* TROLL ALERT *cough cough* :lol::lol::D

You may say we're living in the past... But I can say that some of us actually still keep in touch with the Holy Cross guys, whether it be players, announcers, and other students and fans.... I believe PCM said this earlier, but if you don't like a thread you don't have to read it.

PS. The Goofers may have a hell of a lot more NCAA tournament appearances, but I believe we have more banners.... Just answering your question :devil:

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Perhaps it's time for Sioux fans to live in the present and not in the past. The whole 7>5 thing and Holy Cross jokes are sounding lamer and lamer everyday. Maybe you folks should focus on winning something. I know the Gophers have a couple new banners and trophies to put on display in the Mecca in the off seaosn. What do you guys have?

Oh yeah, lame old stories and sayings that have run their course.

like I told the fan at the Final Five if you want a newer story than Holy Cross, how about Robbie Bina from 170+ feet? If you don't like it, don't read it. This is one of the reasons that it is so much fun to bring it up because it riles up Gopher fans. Guess what, a year later it is still a good story and still a big thing. That being said, Good luck to you guys today because I love Gopher-Sioux games.

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like I told the fan at the Final Five if you want a newer story than Holy Cross, how about Robbie Bina from 170+ feet? If you don't like it, don't read it. This is one of the reasons that it is so much fun to bring it up because it riles up Gopher fans. Guess what, a year later it is still a good story and still a big thing. That being said, Good luck to you guys today because I love Gopher-Sioux games.

Obviously, Sioux fans aren't the only ones living in the past, because, on at least TWO occasions yesterday, the "powers that be" replayed the Holy Cross win on National TV! Must be a carefully planned, hostile and abusive Sioux fan conspiracy! :lol:

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Perhaps it's time for Sioux fans to live in the present and not in the past. The whole 7>5 thing and Holy Cross jokes are sounding lamer and lamer everyday. Maybe you folks should focus on winning something. I know the Gophers have a couple new banners and trophies to put on display in the Mecca in the off seaosn. What do you guys have?

Oh yeah, lame old stories and sayings that have run their course.

Here's an idea: Stop trolling here and go hang out on a Gopher fan site if you don't like what Sioux fans talk about.

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Holy Cross had class in victory and defeat, something that another program should learn from.

The Holy Cross loss is not over as when we were getting ready for a group picture with our Holy Cross jerseys at the Final Five a grey haired lady gopher fan walked by and screamed "Grow Up!" My wife noticed she looked to have tears in her eyes.

That is why this thread does not go away, the Gopher fans just won't let it go! :lol:

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I will never forget watching the Holy Cross players come out of the locker room and into the concourse after the defeating the Gophers to meet their families, friends, and fans. That was the thrill of victory in it's purest form. That's why we play the game, to taste that-even if it's just once.

As for the Gopher fan that told you to grow up, Holy Cross can't have fans? Sorry to say it, but as long as Holy Cross isn't playing the Sioux, I'm cheering for them. They are a class act from the bottom up!

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PS. The Goofers may have a hell of a lot more NCAA tournament appearances, but I believe we have more banners.... Just answering your question :lol:

The Gophers were just a Clink away from hanging one of their banners as the puck hit the crossbar in over time in 1989.

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Holy Cross had class in victory and defeat, something that another program should learn from.

The Holy Cross loss is not over as when we were getting ready for a group picture with our Holy Cross jerseys at the Final Five a grey haired lady gopher fan walked by and screamed "Grow Up!" My wife noticed she looked to have tears in her eyes.

That is why this thread does not go away, the Gopher fans just won't let it go! :lol:

I saw that too. Also noticed that she waited till she was just about to go around a corner and out of sight before she screamed it. I laughed my a$$ off at that one. :devil: Must have been to afraid to face that many Holy Cross fans!

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Perhaps it's time for Sioux fans to live in the present and not in the past. The whole 7>5 thing and Holy Cross jokes are sounding lamer and lamer everyday. Maybe you folks should focus on winning something. I know the Gophers have a couple new banners and trophies to put on display in the Mecca in the off seaosn. What do you guys have?

Oh yeah, lame old stories and sayings that have run their course.

Hey pstar, do you mean to tell me that Minnesota actually hangs banners for Final Five championships? Do they hang them for DQ cup titles too?

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As a Sioux fan, this post has offended me. That "little program" was the cause of the biggest upset in NCAA hockey history. That game gave Sioux fans one of the best nights of hockey in REA history!!!

Your arrogance is befitting of a Gopher fan......... :lol:

How OLD are you, 12? "One of the best nights of hockey in REA history?" Obsession is an illness, NOT a virtue! Your "best night of hockey" was an embarassing upset of the Gophers, something the Sioux had nothing to do with? MY "best night of hockey" is a Sioux win in an important game, or, better, a championship - but yours? ...... You need to get out more, dude!

This condescension toward Holy Cross, the "Little Sisters of the Poor" of college hockey is amusing, though! "Oh, please keep posting here about your team and players, because we CARE about you so much!!!" LOL


I hope the Sioux can charge through these 4 games, and hang a new banner at the Ralph - something positive that we can celebrate, instead of only being able to say, "Well, at least WE didn't lose to #15 seed!!!" THAT's what "offends" me - the Holy Cross thing was funny, for awhile, but this just makes us look like Gopher-wannabes, with nothing to counter their recent NC's (they've won 2 since our last), hanging onto some lame memory like this! Like a 12 year old!

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I heard LTC talking to a guy about heading to Denver from Kearney and he walked away with "GO AIR FORCE!" It takes a lot for an Army guy to root for Air Force!! :lol:

After the Gulf War I became a big fan of our Air Force. Besides they used to be part of the Army back in World War II. :devil:

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THAT's what "offends" me - the Holy Cross thing was funny, for awhile, but this just makes us look like Gopher-wannabes, hanging onto some lame memory like this! Like a 12 year old!

Dude seriously not to pick a fight with you but are you the thought police? If Sioux-cia or others want to enjoy the loss so be it and buy jerseys more power to them. Personally I only wear Sioux stuff, but I used to watch Holy Cross play in Football when I lived in Mass during the late 1980's so its not a stretch to say some of us might like HC just a bit. As far as being obcessed with the Gophers hardly. I am obcessed with hockey in general. Lastly there is not written rule that you have to respect the team we are fans which is short for fanatic. In fact as I type Puffy is spinning the HC loss from last season.

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Dude seriously not to pick a fight with you but are you the thought police? If Sioux-cia or others want to enjoy the loss so be it and buy jerseys more power to them. Personally I only wear Sioux stuff, but I used to watch Holy Cross play in Football when I lived in Mass during the late 1980's so its not a stretch to say some of us might like HC just a bit. As far as being obcessed with the Gophers hardly. I am obcessed with hockey in general. Lastly there is not written rule that you have to respect the team we are fans which is short for fanatic. In fact as I type Puffy is spinning the HC loss from last season.

I'm obsessed with hockey too! I know that I only became a fan of Holy Cross last year (exactly haha) but I have been paying attention to Crusaders sports teams and fans ever since then. They have a place in my heart and are a great group of people. I wear Sioux stuff ALL the time, seriously ask any of my friends and they'll tell you it's true! (I'm even wearing my green Sioux jersey as I'm sitting at work!) I've never even put on anything HC!! I am a fan of both teams, and I have respect for any program that can have respect for ours. Yeah Holy Cross Crusaders!!! And GO FIGHTING SIOUX!!!

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How OLD are you, 12? "One of the best nights of hockey in REA history?" Obsession is an illness, NOT a virtue! Your "best night of hockey" was an embarassing upset of the Gophers, something the Sioux had nothing to do with? MY "best night of hockey" is a Sioux win in an important game, or, better, a championship - but yours? ...... You need to get out more, dude!

Why do you care so much about what other Sioux fans post about, think about and choose to remember? I was at the Minnesota-Holy Cross game and I'm quite certain that I'll never forget as long as I live. I have a Holy Cross practice jersey autographed by the entire Crusaders team. I doubt that I'll ever wear it anywhere, but I consider it a piece of college hockey history. There may never be a greater upset. It was amazing thing to experience, and maybe you had to be there to appreciate it.

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