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Fabian was helped off. It definitely didn't look good when it happened. He kept trying to get up but could only do push ups. On the postgame, Hak said that what little he knows right now, it seems like it will be a long term injury. It would be great if it were just a sprained knee or something though. Get well Erik we need you. Oops sprig beat me to it.

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What a class act. Post game interview: 'that's what happens when you play sports, I don't hold a grudge against the guy who hit me, and I give credit to the guys who stepped up tonight, we have home ice and that's a good thing'. That's leadership.

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Really disappointing. :lol:

It sounds like a clean play though. We will need someone to step up. I think Miller can play 4th line with Kozak going to the checking line.

The 4th line just had a very solid weekend. Wouldn't it be easier to insert Miller or Marvin to the 3rd/checking line?

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The 4th line just had a very solid weekend. Wouldn't it be easier to insert Miller or Marvin to the 3rd/checking line?

No, I think that Kozak is physical where at Miller is not. I don't think we will see Marvin, but maybe.

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Kozek has really shined at times this season, his snap shot is unbelievable.

I think he is the diamond in the rough this season.

I've been impressed with him, too! He's got talent, for sure, and will develop even more! I really liked that hit he put on Scott from MT and then turned around and scored a goal! That is one big guy to be knocking down!

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For a guy who is not very big, and who is known as a scorer, Kozek has really impressed me with the physical play he's willing to dish out. As he gains experience, and gets time on more scoring lines, and on the power play, I think he's going to become another favorite, combining his shooting ability and his physical play.

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Kozek's presence on the ice was big last night. BIG solid clean hits. Great physical control. Fast. He is now an important part of the team but come next season, man o man!!!

The kid can flat-out shoot the puck. What a wrister he has!

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Kozek's wrist shot is great. And what makes it better is that he is very good at using a defenseman to screen that shot. He did it last night and as well as a couple of weeks ago. With his play I believe he has earned the chance to fill Fabian's role on that third line, assuming that Fabian's injury is as serious as it seems.

That begs the question, obviously, as to who slides into the fourth line. Marvin might be the only reasonable option, given it is this late in the year. Assuming the Sioux are in the WCHA play-in game, the fourth line is going to be critical in the Final Five to spell the other lines.

To me, the greater issue that I have been observing is Lee's propensity to dish the puck to the opposing team in his own end. That needs to get fixed now or the Sioux season won't be going far. He got away with it against UMD and MTU, but we won't be seeing those teams from here on out.

Obscure highlight of the week: Watching Joe Finley catch Connor from behind going into the Sioux zone. Several defensemen this weekend caught up with MTU forwards from behind, but seeing Finley show that kind of speed was stunning. Absolutely pure hustle.

Godspeed Eric Fabian and hope for a quick recovery.

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Siouxman- Regarding Lee, I wonder if this is the communication issues we've been seeing off and on all season long? Early in the season, opposing players would do or say something and they get the puck passed to them... or perhaps our players didn't communicate well? Lee doesn't necessarily have a "propensity" to turn over the puck, but he has made a few mistakes in what you state. I don't know, but if he really had a propensity to turn over the puck, I think Hakstol would have done something.

Finley is FINALLY showing more confidence on the ice. This is GREAT news because he's got an amazing reach that can be used to help the Sioux defensively. He's still got a lot of work to do but it's nice to see that he's skating well.

As for Fabian's replacement... I think we'll see Marvin on Friday and Miller on Saturday. Both will be on the fourth line. Whether it is Kozek or Watkins that moves up to the third line is anyone's guess. I say put Kozek on the third line. He adds offense to the checking line and doesn't sacrifice the grit.

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Finley is FINALLY showing more confidence on the ice. This is GREAT news because he's got an amazing reach that can be used to help the Sioux defensively. He's still got a lot of work to do but it's nice to see that he's skating well.

I don't see as many games as you but I thought Finley was playing with more confidence back during the MN series at Mariucci. Even then he looked better than what I'd seen earlier in the year.

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I don't see as many games as you but I thought Finley was playing with more confidence back during the MN series at Mariucci. Even then he looked better than what I'd seen earlier in the year.

True, Finley has improved a lot over the year and did look good vs. MN, but I thought there was always some part of the game missing from him up until recently. He is now much more physical, has a really good knack for positioning (even though he does get beat still), and can recover VERY well (Uh, catching up to Conner from behind when IMO Conner is one of the fastest players in the WCHA).

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(Uh, catching up to Conner from behind when IMO Conner is one of the fastest players in the WCHA.

That was a pretty incredible thing to see. I thought Conner was breaking in solo when he went around Finley, and all of a sudden the big kid put on a burst of speed. Having a ten-foot wingspan probably didn't hurt things either. :lol:

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