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What's GF like these days?


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It's been a long time since I graduated in 1982. I've seen the Sioux and Tony Hrkac win it all at Joe Louis vs Mich St and I went to the Frozen 4 in Columbus last year. But I haven't visited GF in 7 years and only a few times before that since 82'. The things I miss the most are Sioux Hockey, the UND Rugby Club, Whiteys and their great waitresses Andrea and co, and the world's best hangover food slung together by the Kuklok family at the Tomahawk Cafe at the truck stop, that place is surely gone by now.

I was living in GF when Davey Christian won gold in 80' and I think you could hear the whole town whoop when it was final. Doug Smail's girlfriend (maybe his wife now) lived above me near the Red Pepper (more drinking food) and I remember Smail setting a record in maybe 81' by scoring the quickest goal in NHL history with the Jets...I think it was 5 seconds into the game. I remember drinking gallons of beer with a goalie named Stankoven at the DU house in 77' or maybe 78', that guy was funny as hell but just OK as a goalie.

Hockey was the glue that binded the town and college together and I imagine it still is. I remember living on 20th st or ave near a Piggly Wiggly across from an ice cream place and often sitting with Fido Purpur and listening to his stories. He was quite a guy and I guess he died a few years ago.

Gino Gasparini was the coach and his wife was my HS phys ed teacher at R River, the big mall wasn't built yet. I remember Mark Taylor and Phil Sykes always saving the day with late goals. The Sioux won it all in 80' and 82' with Taylor, Sykes, Eades, Patrick and Murray having big years, Chorney too. That arena was fun, the fans were often idiots but we didn't know any better. When I moved east I'd often drive to Pittsburgh to see Taylor play. Troy Murray was a real star, one of the best college players I've seen along with James Patrick.

Good times, I really enjoyed that town. Go Sioux.

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Great post frnkdrcmn . . . . .

Brings back alot of memories. Billy Stankoven. No wonder he couldn't stop more than about seventy percent of the shots thrown his way.

Alot of great Sioux players back in those days, including those who struggled with Rube. The WCHA in its earlier years was something else. Great great hockey. Even better rivalries. Nothing has changed.

Grand Forks is a great place. I shoulda been somebody dere . . . .

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Great post frnkdrcmn . . . . .

Brings back alot of memories. Billy Stankoven. No wonder he couldn't stop more than about seventy percent of the shots thrown his way.

Alot of great Sioux players back in those days, including those who struggled with Rube. The WCHA in its earlier years was something else. Great great hockey. Even better rivalries. Nothing has changed.

Grand Forks is a great place. I shoulda been somebody dere . . . .

Those days are gone (but the memories live on) and were replaced by things like The Antique (flooded away, but not forgotten) and Jason Blake and sweeping the #1 ranked Gophers at home when we were "nobodys" (circa 1996 I think) and everything has looked up from there. Today, Sioux fans are filled with the memories of a little guy named Karl Goehring and the Panzers and Hoogsteins and Bochenski and Parise (Act I) and how we all will never forget Matt Henderson and that 1997 team that came seemingly out of nowhere to reclaim the pride of the Sioux and make us (and Ralph) remember what it means to be a Sioux. We miss you and your kind and hope you will continue to store the memories of the Sioux teams that came after and the ones that are yet to come.

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That 'little bar' across of Piggly Wiggle (Hugo's now) is Judy's and it's still there. Man, you're talking about my first time as a hockey fan. Remember Frenchy's, gawd, I loved that place, didn't know how much until it was gone. Never knew who you were going to run into but there was always someone you knew. Still have my mug!!!

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I showed up at UND in 1984. Didn't know that much about college hockey having grown up in NE South Dakota. Sodak Sioux Fan and I would drink beers whenever the North Stars scored a goal in the playoffs. But college? Who knew what fun was to be had?

So when I got to UND I found out about this hockey team that I had to see. Didn't take me more than a game to get hooked. I went to a few football games, no basketball games, but every home hockey game WITHOUT FAIL (unless I was home on break) in the 3 years I was there.

I remember stopping by practice on occasion after class. What a great way to wind down and soak up some atmosphere. I still have a practice puck I picked up in the old REA from the Hrkac Circus.

Go to the Spud in the afternoon for Buck Pitchers, get back to the dorm before the dining room closed, and get to the rink for game time. Of course, your routine was different for gopher series if you had to get in line. My last year it was having a few guys over to our house on Columbia for tacos before the game. We were so poor everyone had to chip in to buy their share of burger. One friend lived in those little white quanset style rooms right behind the Winter Sports Center (later to be the REA) so occasionally between periods we'd run there for a beer.

Doing homework until midnight, then grabbing my skates and going to a neighborhood rink to learn how to skate (barely) in the darkness. Man, what a great way to end a day.

The decision to attend UND certainly affected my life in many ways. My Sioux hockey obsession continued on after I left, and while it was beginning to falter for lack of a connection when I left town, the internet brought it all back close. I have friendships from school that were initially probably only maintained because of the connection to hockey that have grown into family friendships now. I've met more people that I consider friends or strong acquaintences through Sioux hockey in the last 10 years than I have from any other means. Sioux hockey has even had an impact on me in the business world relative to customers, coworkers, etc.

I guess my post moved off topic some, but it seemed a natural progression.

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So when I got to UND I found out about this hockey team that I had to see. Didn't take me more than a game to get hooked. I went to a few football games, no basketball games, but every home hockey game WITHOUT FAIL (unless I was home on break) in the 3 years I was there.

Similar to your experience, I never attended a football or basketball game, or any other Sioux sport for that matter, yet rarely missed a hockey game. Growing up in SoDak, people asked me why I chose UND. They ask about their education program (as I'm a teacher), and I commented that it was a pretty good education program, but the real reason I chose UND was because they have hockey. Of course, the next question I'm always asked was, "Did you play?" My response is always, "Nope, just a fan!", which always gets a pretty funny look from people. So yes, I chose my higher education institute because of their hockey team, and a fine choice it was!!!! Go Sioux!

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WOW! Talk about the memories. While you were in college, I was just a young junior high punk growing up in the same neighborhood you talk about. I no longer live in Grand Forks, but visit there several times a year from Wisconsin to see family and friends.

The businesses you describe are litterally in the same area I grew up. Piggly Wiggly is Hugo's and the bar across the street is Judy's. Also in that same area was a music store called Mother's Records. I spent many, many hours there getting my Motley Crue on. HAHA.

I remember rink dances fondly at the roller skating rink on Gateway Drive. We used to drink in the cemetary near there and stumble to the rink dances. Afterwards, we usually stumbled back down Gateway to Hardees or if we were lucky and had a ride, we'd go to the Pepper for some real food.

I remember fights in University Park after school at Valley Junior High, great hockey at the old Ralph, rivalies between Central and Red River, finding somebody to buy me beer (Thanks Doug!) on the weekends, going road tripping, heading to Maple Lake in the summer, Friday night races, Shangrila, freezing my ever-loving butt off walking around town, playing video games at the UND student union and attending rock concerts at the Hyslop Sports Center.

Concerning the Tomahawk Cafe, I actually worked there as a dishwasher in high school. I think my boss' name was Shamus (spelling). Big burly SOB that ya just didn't want to piss off.

Great town... greater people.

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The River Queen (I lost more than a few brain cells in that place)! Anyone? Do nursing home residents have access to the internet? :huh:

What was the name of that bar in the Ryan Hotel? Brothers owned it and then opened a bar in the City Center Mall.

All named places are gone now.

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The River Queen (I lost more than a few brain cells in that place)! Anyone? Do nursing home residents have access to the internet? :huh:

What was the name of that bar in the Ryan Hotel? Brothers owned it and then opened a bar in the City Center Mall.

All named places are gone now.

The Lobby & Loft, operated by the Beloff brothers.

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There was a nice article about Frenchy's in the last issue of Sioux Illustrated -- said Frenchy was living in Ashley, ND and occasionally helping out behind the bar there.

Oh, the things I miss about GF. Bonzers and the Pepper. I think I'm still paying for the ham and taco grinders I had at the Pepper last weekend.

That 'little bar' across of Piggly Wiggle (Hugo's now) is Judy's and it's still there. Man, you're talking about my first time as a hockey fan. Remember Frenchy's, gawd, I loved that place, didn't know how much until it was gone. Never knew who you were going to run into but there was always someone you knew. Still have my mug!!!
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I'd tell ya but I don't know anything :blush: The Alerus & Ralph are very nice other than that GF is about the same :)

Lobby & Loft - old Ryan Hotel bar ? I miss good Live Music Who remembers the Level 7 :D

I do, I do! I remember leaving the bars in EGF and racing down Gateway Drive to get to the Down Under for last call! I don't remember why?! Did EGF bars close earlier than GF bars on Saturday's back then?

I remember going into the Frontier Bar and being scared $hitless by the clientele. I ended up having a great time but never went back.

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