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I'd hardly think I'm Kessel or Gopher obsessed. It was a hockey article on SI.com, a rag that rarely acknowledges college hockey's existence, so I figured I would post a link to it. If you find the link boring, go read a thread with something meaningful...like who has the fancier jerseys or who the highest-ranked prospect should be this week. :D

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Attended my first Gopher fan in 1973 and have been a HUGE fan ever since.

I didn't say you have to agree with the article, I said I think it's stupid for UM fans to think we and our program are better than UND and vice versa. It's a petty argument that cannot be won nor proven.

And what you think of Gopher fans is part of a never ending cycle that imho is lame. Sioux fans have the same percentage of d-bags as Gopher fans, as Badger fans, as... But if you really, really want to believe that Gopher fans are more cocky and whiney then accept the fact a number of Gopher fans think the opposite to be true. Doesn't really get us anywhere does it. :lol:

I will prove it right now. 7 national championships. There, I just won the argument. I'm sure I sound cocky, but Gopher fans tend to bring that out in me.

Thinking your team is better than their rival is part of being a fan. To say that argument is lame is dumb. Being a fan is about arguing.

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"Every kid who plays hockey in the state dreams of being a Minnesota Gopher," says current Minnesota captain Gino Guyer, who was born in Coleraine, Minn.

I know quite a few who dreamt of being a Fighting Sioux. That's kind of a blanket statement, Gino. "EVERY kid"?

beersong, if you didn't find the link remotely interesting, perhaps you can scroll down to another thread and read about whether the #19 jersey in the Sioux jersey auction still smells like Mike Prpich. I found the article interesting, good and bad, so I posted a link to it. Heaven forbid I might think people would like to read it or didn't happen to see it on SI.com already. Remind me of your post here next time I see a thread titled "out-of-town" scores on this board.

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Who are you to say that article was drivel? You probably only read this forum.

Brilliant comeback. I'm glad to see that course in remedial logic is finally paying off for you. With your continued hard work, and diligence, I'm sure the boss will probably let you wring your own mop in the near future.

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*giggle* GOPHER ENVY clap, clap, clap, clap *giggle* :sad:

WHY would MM post that article here? Methinks he is a closet Gophs fan! :lol:???

fluffy article with a few mistakes in it, but hey, I can't complain too much! Now back to the regulary scheduled Vanek vs. god/Kessel vs. Towes debates.....


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*giggle* GOPHER ENVY clap, clap, clap, clap *giggle* :sad:

WHY would MM post that article here? Methinks he is a closet Gophs fan! :lol:???

fluffy article with a few mistakes in it, but hey, I can't complain too much! Now back to the regulary scheduled Vanek vs. god/Kessel vs. Towes debates.....


Heh, we may talk too much about Kessel, but at least we (mostly) can spell Toews' name right :sad:

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Our nostalgic hallucinations were shattered by an unwitting Union College forward who made the very unfortunate decision to run straight into the Gopher's goaltender. Five of Minnesota's more massive players quickly piled on and proceeded to "Eddie Shore" any Union player who came near the fray. With Reg Dunlap glee, the crowd delighted in seeing their own beat the crap out of the liberal arts travelers from upstate New York.

Oh man, was that aweful. :spits out bad taste: The Goofer Collective poster child is Jesse Hardman.


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Brilliant comeback. I'm glad to see that course in remedial logic is finally paying off for you. With your continued hard work, and diligence, I'm sure the boss will probably let you wring your own mop in the near future.

Haha you're wrong. I don't even have a job.

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