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Predict the Weekend Results


Who will win the series, and in how many games?  

95 members have voted

  1. 1. Who will win the series, and in how many games?

    • UND in 2
    • UND in 3
    • UMD in 2
    • UMD in 3

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I'm curious how many of the people that selected UMD in 2 are UMD fans, and how many are Gopher fans.


i'm gonna take a stab and say that runnin and umdogz are the only two UMD fans, the rest are retarded goof rubes messin up our little homer poll

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Thanks for featuring me in your "question of the day" sig line two days running! I still read this board religiously (no, I don't mean only on Sundays), even though I haven't had much to say. Thanks for noticing my conspicuous absence. BTW, I like clicking in little circles, too, and think my opinion is the ONLY one that matters. I picked the Sioux in two because, a girl can dream, can't she? If it goes three, I still pick the Sioux but I'll be bummed that I'm gonna miss "Cold Case," my old school VCR being set to tape the game on ch. 23.

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i'm gonna take a stab and say that runnin and umdogz are the only two UMD fans, the rest are retarded goof rubes messin up our little homer poll


There are several other UMD fans on here that don't post very often.

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I'm curious how many of the people that selected UMD in 2 are UMD fans, and how many are Gopher fans.


I did, I don't want to see hockey on Sunday, means we are in trouble of not going to the final five..

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Arguably the two best teams in the WCHA, peaking at the end of the season, in a season-ending cage match for one of them. Best of three. Loser likely relegated to riding the spring planters instead of playing any more hockey.

Anyone with even a remote chance to go to these games oughta pack up the wagons and head to The Ralph this weekend. The games promise to be barn burning classics. Like watching three title fights, or championship games, on three successive nights.

I hope a solid raft of students stay in town for the games. I hope that all of the pretty socialites get off of their high horses, and that everyone is willing to raise the roof on The Ralph for the first time ever.

Be there. Or be square. Sioux, in three.

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I hope a solid raft of students stay in town for the games.  I hope that all of the pretty socialites get off of their high horses, and that everyone is willing to raise the roof on The Ralph for the first time ever.


By the looks of ticket sales so far, it doesn't look like anyone is interested in these games. There are a lot of great tickets still for sale.

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