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Sioux vs. Huskies - Friday Night


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If a team has no energy, is that not a coaching issue?  I never have said anything about firing DH, so don't bother flaming me over my question.


I'm not getting at you at all. I didn't even see your post until after I posted mine. I think Hak may have to pull a Donny L and get on their a$$es and threaten them. Something has to happen, be it a Captain, Senior, Coach, a Frosh...it doesn't matter, someone just has to step up and start the fire.

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I agree with Federov on the coaching issue. Blaiser would've had guys crying in his office after some of the performances we've been seeing. If we weren't on the bubble in the PWR I would make an example of some of these clowns. I'd put scholarship info on the chalk board and every guy who didn't play would see his $ disappear in front of the whole team. Leadership has to come on the ice too, and it doesn't look to me like we have any out there.

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I agree that a "Denver Run" is very unlikely.  We have some horses though, they just aren't running.  Murray, Stafford, Zajac and Porter can play on my team any time.  Greene is a pro player, not a college player.  His game is much more suited for the NHL or Major Junior.  If the lockout gets resolved, I wouldn't be surprised to see him go.  It is unfortunate that we will be reloading in a year where we are hosting a regional.


The subject of what is wrong has been beaten to death and Murray is playing with both a bad knee and shoulder. The shortcoming of this team is obvious, the Senior class. Check out some of the previous subjects and you will find out that more than half the seniors are having the worst years of their Sioux careers and it is often seniors who make the mistakes that lead to opposition goals.

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last time i checked reloading is a great thing,not a bad thing... rebuilding is what would suck but we don't rebuild, we reload!! reloading is also great with the talent coming in next season..enough on next season, lets win sat night and get duluth and move on..

I agree that a "Denver Run" is very unlikely.  We have some horses though, they just aren't running.  Murray, Stafford, Zajac and Porter can play on my team any time.  Greene is a pro player, not a college player.  His game is much more suited for the NHL or Major Junior.  If the lockout gets resolved, I wouldn't be surprised to see him go.  It is unfortunate that we will be reloading in a year where we are hosting a regional.


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Blaiser would've had guys crying in his office after some of the performances we've been seeing. 


I don't know how much things would be different. We have had a problem with playing down to our competition's level. It seemed like CB was better at making sure the team had energy and motivation, or they didn't play the next game. Of course there are not enough players to sit anymore. :huh:

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yeah, and also we ran into a hot goalie and the pucks are not bouncing our way and oh yeah the puck is hitting the posts.... :huh::)

Not to make excuses but apparently the flu going through the team right now that would probably explain the lack luster play in the third period.


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I always say reloading with our program.  It's not like we are Tech or UMD or SCSU, we are an elite program that always is a threat to win.


:huh: Here we go...another jerk who thinks he can break the WCHA down into the few elite programs, and the rest of the basement dwellers. UMD and Tech on the same level?? Uh, not right now. Don't even try to compare us to St. Clown. Real intelligent post Steve... :)

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I always say reloading with our program.  It's not like we are Tech or UMD or SCSU, we are an elite program that always is a threat to win.


Very good point. We should have everything going for us, with the exception of a proven coach. There is no need to reload a perinial powerhouse.

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All in good fun UMDDOGZ :D , but the last time I was in the DECC, the only championship banners I saw were for women's hockey. :0 MN, UND, WI, Denver and CC have all won many NCAA titles. SCSU and UMD have both been to the dance a few times, so maybe I shouldn't have thrown TECH in, sorry.

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All in good fun UMDDOGZ :huh: , but the last time I was in the DECC, the only championship banners I saw were for women's hockey.  :) MN, UND, WI, Denver and CC have all won many NCAA titles.  SCSU and UMD have both been to the dance a few times, so maybe I shouldn't have thrown TECH in, sorry.


UMD has many more tourney wins than St. Clown. Tech has three titles. But in recent history (since Sandy came on board) we have clearly been a better program than either of those two.

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Definitely not a bandwagon jumper. I was watching the Sioux win from before I could walk. I remember clouds of cigarrette smoke in the concourse at the old winter sports arena so thick It looked like LA in springtime. UMD is a fine program, if you don't get scholarship offers from UND or MN or WI :D

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In all seriousness, UMD is a great program and Duluth is a fabulous hockey town. I have a lot of buddies who went there, so I just like to rub in the titles fact. Next weekend is anybody's series. Duluth does need a new facility. In recent years, however, the student section up there has become a great force. Sort of like at the old Ralph. It is a lot of fun to go to UMD home games. It is important that Duluth plays well. I am truly a WCHA traditionalist and hate SCSU and MSU being part of the league.

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