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Stuff happens in hockey, bounces and the like, but the third period tonight wasn't bounces.  UAA earned the win.  The hardest thing to take is how much the ice was tilted in the last ten minutes or so.  All it would take is a shift or two down in the UAA zone, even if it didn't result in a score, to halt the momentum.  But they couldn't do that.  I wonder if UND's fourth line should have taken a shift, as they were good all weekend.

Truly disappointing to get not just beat but outplayed.  I have to echo PCM and admit that I'm not real optimistic about Wisconsin next weekend.


The fourth line doesn't get thrown out when goals are needed because they can't deliver!

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Some of you "SIoux" fans suck. There. I said it. Some of you guys SUCK!

Don't let the doors hit you in the posterior on YOUR way out!

Bad seasons happen. New coaches happen. If there was no leeway for coaches then no one would coach!

He has some talent, yes. But uh. Who recruited the seniors? Was it Hakstol? Was it Blais? If it was Blais then shouldn't you be cursing him too?

Oh and another thing: I'm guessing that Hakstol was the reason why we've had so many injuries. Hakstol was the reason Bo and Zach left. Hakstol was the reason why UAA scored 5 goals tonight. Hakstol was the reason why Greene has had so many penalties. Hakstol was the reason why our offense is poor. Oh yeah, Hakstol is the reason why it gets to -1000 degrees Fahrenheit in the winter! Get real folks. THere's more than just coaching to winning a game!

And, from what I gathered, UAA scored the winning goals 5x5? That doesn't sound undisciplined to me. UAA, from the sound of it was heavily penalized this game too.

We dropped a game we should have won, sure, but there is more to a loss than just pinning it on the coach.

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sioux could have put the home ice at the door but instead, they open the door for the dogs...


Not exactly. The door is still pretty much closed. The Sioux have a free series vs. SCSU to take points (both teams have a Wisco series left). Even if the Sioux are swept next weekend, they will still be tied w/UMD as we have to play the Beavers. That would leave UMD with a home series vs. Wisco, and the Sioux at Jan Brady (who you outscored 7-2 earlier this season). I would still give a major advantage to the Sioux. No, there's no cheeriness here...

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Not exactly. The door is still pretty much closed. The Sioux have a free series vs. SCSU to take points (both teams have a Wisco series left). Even if the Sioux are swept next weekend, they will still be tied w/UMD as we have to play the Beavers. That would leave UMD with a home series vs. Wisco, and the Sioux at Jan Brady (who you outscored 7-2 earlier this season). I would still give a major advantage to the Sioux. No, there's no cheeriness here...


And before all you blowhards start pissing and moaning, SCSU couldn't beat an egg right now!

I don't care who or what SCSU did to CC! I'm guaranteeing right now we sweep SCSU. As PCM is dreading, UW series will be rough, but I'll be damned if we'll give a single point to SCSU!

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We dropped a game we should have won, sure, but there is more to a loss than just pinning it on the coach.


You make it sound like we're going off over one game...it hasn't been one game, it's been many games...the same underperforming team over and over...inexplicably giving up goals mere seconds after scoring...losing to perennial bottow dwellers...giving up late goals when the chips are down...and all that time, the coach just standing in the box, checking his watch, wondering if TiVo has caught SNL...

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They lost to a banged up, horrible AA team. What do you think will happen when a Good Wisconsin team comes to GF next weekend. Sioux will get swept and show no heart like they have done all year.

Denver did make a run last year, but they also started playing better late in the year before losing to CC, who is their rival.  The Sioux are not Denver 2004, so you can forget about some miracle run in the NCAAs. Plus you need to make the tourney to win it and that may be tough when you lose to a crappy, banged up AA team. I say they win one game the rest of the year vs. St. Clown and then lose in the first round of the playoffs.

Hopefully they prove me wrong.


Exactly.. You got one of the most talented teams in the nation and this is what you do with it. You got guys taking stupid penalties, getting DUI's, and playing flat all season. As far as I am concerned all this points to coaching.

I am not saying that we need to fire him and put someone else in their but Hopefully he will learn from his mistakes and turn it around next season. I just think he did a poor job of leading his hockey team this season.

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Supertrex has got to be the most negative individual in GF. Maybe he'd look good in red and white and maybe, just maybe, a REAL Sioux fan would like to have his ticket next to "Lammy's dad". Do you enjoy sitting behind your computer and pointing the finger and placing blame on individual players game in and game out? Not one of these players is a bum. You've got some personal grief with certain players and their families - get over it and move on. The UAA announcers repeatedly said during the final few minutes of the game that the Seawolves opponents were completely outworked and outplayed. Give UAA some credit - they played hard and with heart and overcame adversity. Cut the negativity and naysaying - either cheer this team on to the end - either bitter or sweet - or put on that red and white and move on.

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Typical Hak excuses in the postgame comments with Hennesy. "Alaska is a good team" blah blah blah.....This team will have a hell of a time making the NCAA tournament. This team is just not getting it done. Hak sounds like he is in la la land in the postgame. He may be a decent coach in time but he is not ready for this.

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Supertrex has got to be the most negative individual in GF.  Maybe he'd look good in red and white and maybe, just maybe, a REAL Sioux fan would like to have his ticket next to "Lammy's dad".  Do you enjoy sitting behind your computer and pointing the finger and placing blame on individual players game in and game out?  Not one of these players is a bum.  You've got some personal grief with certain players and their families - get over it and move on.  The UAA announcers repeatedly said during the final few minutes of the game that the Seawolves opponents were completely outworked and outplayed.  Give UAA some credit - they played hard and with heart and overcame adversity.  Cut the negativity and naysaying - either cheer this team on to the end - either bitter or sweet - or put on that red and white and move on.


Why don't you stfu...I've been wearing green since before you were born asshole... Just because someone disagrees with your opinion, doesn't mean he doesn't have the right to voice it...

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Wow... that may be a bit pre-mature...

Let's remember DU was the 5 seed in the WCHA playoffs last year, failed to qualify for the Final 5 (losing to CC in first round) and got hot and won a National title...

yeah, they aren't playing well right now, but get hot in a couple weeks and who knows...


You can't just turn it on when you want. Denver didn't just get hot in the NCAA playoffs. They went 7-0-2 in their last 9 regular season games, including a tie with the Sioux, and sweeps over Minny and CC. The Sioux have 4 games left and I can't see them turning it around this year. Hakstol said that last night might have been a defining moment. For me, tonight was a defining moment...number eight ain't happening this year. We are now 15th in the pairwise, out of the NCAA tourney at this time. I am guessing that to make the NCAA tourney they may need to sweep Wisconsin and St. Cloud or win the WCHA tourney.

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I think this is getting fun.

I seem to recall that UAA is in the hunt for 5th place. They don't exactly suck... they did take 3 from Minnesota. But yeah, they still suck. We're better than them. We scored two goals. They scored 5. Those 5 goals don't mean anything. It only means that Hakstol sucks. That's the only thing it means.

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And before all you blowhards start pissing and moaning, SCSU couldn't beat an egg right now!

I don't care who or what SCSU did to CC! I'm guaranteeing right now we sweep SCSU. As PCM is dreading, UW series will be rough, but I'll be damned if we'll give a single point to SCSU!


That is laughable that you would say you guarantee we will sweep the Hussies....Please what do you base your opinion on? This team has lost 6 out of the last seven league games and you are guaranteeing a sweep of the Hussies...please............

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The job of a coach is to get the most out of the talent they have at their disposal. Flip Saunders found this out with the Timberwolves. He is a great coach but could not get the most out of the the talent he had on this years Timberwolves team. That failure should have landed on the players but Saunders was dismissed and McHale will now see if he can get the Wolves to play up to their potential of winning an NBA championship. In the same way, the Sioux have way more potential than being an also-ran in the WCHA. I do not attend practices, but UND is far more talented than their current standing, and while that may be on the players, it is the coaches responsibility to bring it out of them. Coach Hakstol is responsible for getting this team to play up to or exceed their potential, not blame losses on bounces of the puck. Dean Blaise even commented on the players playing with no heart last weekend. Coach Hakstol needs to address this issue. They have the talent necessary already.

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You can't just turn it on when you want. Denver didn't just get hot in the NCAA playoffs. They went 7-0-2 in their last 9 regular season games, including a tie with the Sioux, and sweeps over Minny and CC. The Sioux have 4 games left and I can't see them turning it around this year. Hakstol said that last night might have been a defining moment. For me, tonight was a defining moment...number eight ain't happening this year. We are now 15th in the pairwise, out of the NCAA tourney at this time. I am guessing that to make the NCAA tourney they may need to sweep Wisconsin and St. Cloud or win the WCHA tourney.


Obviously this team can't turn it on and off like a switch... yeah DU was hot, but they also got beat soundly at home by their biggest rival in the playoffs, not exactly a confidence booster heading into the tourney, and they rode a hot goalie to the title... it is possible to get hot and roll of 5-6 straight

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Supertrex has got to be the most negative individual in GF.  Maybe he'd look good in red and white and maybe, just maybe, a REAL Sioux fan would like to have his ticket next to "Lammy's dad".  Do you enjoy sitting behind your computer and pointing the finger and placing blame on individual players game in and game out?  Not one of these players is a bum.  You've got some personal grief with certain players and their families - get over it and move on.  The UAA announcers repeatedly said during the final few minutes of the game that the Seawolves opponents were completely outworked and outplayed.  Give UAA some credit - they played hard and with heart and overcame adversity.  Cut the negativity and naysaying - either cheer this team on to the end - either bitter or sweet - or put on that red and white and move on.


And by the way, you may want to read some of my posts before suggesting that all I do is bad mouth individual players - that is simply not true. It's pretty clear the individual player you are referring to is Lammy, since he's the only one I've ever said anything negative about individually on this thread...

It seems like you and Lammy have a real special relationship and I've noticed that nobody on this board can be critical of his play without you showing to jump on the poster with your snide remarks... FYI, TH said that Lammy would have loved to have that third one back...pretty soft... but heaven forbid someone on this board might point that out...Oh if they do, they're not a true sioux fan...no that guy better get out the Wisconsin jersey...

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Typical Hak excuses in the postgame comments with Hennesy. "Alaska is a good team"  blah blah blah.....This team will have a hell of a time making the NCAA tournament. This team is just not getting it done. Hak sounds like he is in la la land in the postgame. He may be a decent coach in time but he is not ready for this.


I am just making a point that it seemed like the team was in dissarray all season..on and off the ice. I don't think we showed much heart or leadership. We were missing a Curtis Murphy or a Jay Panzer type on this team. No one filled that role.

Obviously there were some things that Hakstol couldn't control, like the players leaving early for the draft or players making poor decisions off the ice.

I am not a fair weather fan. I will faithfully listen to my team on the other team's radio broadcast if that is what it takes but I will also bitch about my team that I love so much when they don't play to their full potential.

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Edited my last post.

One thing I will say is that Supertrexx has not really been one of the finger pointers.

I will say that Phil has apparently hit the wall, but it's not as bad as you think. He'll recover.

I hope we can take 2 from UW. But that's all I can do is hope.

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You are a gem redwing77 and a loyal and true fan. I, too, will continue to love the Sioux and support our teams through lean years and winning seasons. And, I will continue to demonstrate that loyality no matter what the outcome of each game is. A long-time season ticket holder, does not always a true fan make. I will also demonstrate some class on this board and not respond to posters who choose to call other fans crude names.

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