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Not so subtle racism at NDSU?


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Hey Goon,

Actually, I am one of those bleeding heart liberal Democrats who quite frankly believes this country could use gun control, a national health care plan and a big cut in the defense budget and a reasonable welfare system. But, that's just me.

I could probably sit down over a few good beers with you and reasonably sound out my position as well as listen to your cold conservative views. After a few beers, I would possibly think "jeez, you have a point, but I would rather stick to my opinion". You know what, that's why we have free "Democratic" elections in this great country of ours.

What I don't understand is just what the hell these idiots are doing even bothering wasting their time and effort over thie name change issue. Didn't they see the Sports Illustrated poll? Don't they understand that there is barely even a trickle of support, much less a great uprising of support in their favor?

It is obvious that their "leadership" doesn't get it.

Why don't they focus their energy on actually trying to help out the tribes in North and South Dakota? Work on actual problems they have with health care, education, housing...etc.

Obviously, these so called "leaders" are more interested in getting their names in the paper that actually attempting to get real issues resolved.

If they had any political sense, they would use the name change issue as political leverage to create more scholarships and native american studies programs at UND and other institutions. (Which, no doubt they have anyway....)

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that quite a few of us "bleeding heart, knee jerk, radical Democrats" want to see the Sioux name stay at UND.

Hey thats fine, I don't have a problem with that. Besides, we are in agreement on fighting sioux name...

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Holley may have been sportmanlike at UNC, but at the NDSU game he was not. That's why he received an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty for running onto the field and getting in the face of the officials. He also received a warning for running onto the field on another occasion during the game. A Mankato player received two unsportsmanlike conducts and was ejected from the game. If that's the definition of a "sportmanlike" coach, I better buy a new dictionary. :p The "fans", actually only one or two, were not students, btw.

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In light of the racial incidents during the NDSU/Mankato game, perhaps NDSU leadership needs to be especially thankful that they were not Division I this year. One can only imagine the firestorm of publicity NDSU and the state of North Dakota would have had if those incidents been picked up by the national press. From a media attention standpoint, Division I can cut both ways.

Below is a national story on Chuck Archambault, originally from Bismarck/Fort Yates and formerly with the Minnesota Gophers, and events during a basketball game in Nashville.

Handling Racism with Grace

The author attempts to make a connection between Indian mascots and racism, condemning stereotypical names such as Redskins, Indians, and Chief Wahoo. The author makes no mention of names such as Seminoles, Utes, and Aztecs. The story also does not include the apologies and repentance asked by David Lipscomb University:

From the Caller-Times of Corpus Christi:

APOLOGIES: Two weeks ago, Lipscomb fans greeted A&M-Corpus Christi basketball player Chuck Archambault with racial slurs. Now, Lipscomb students and faculty are heaping apologies toward Archambault, who is a Sioux Indian.

A few days after the game, Lipscomb assistant dean Jon Shoulders read the Caller-Times story about the incident to the entire student body at a chapel service.

"Ever since then, people have been coming up to us and repenting for what happened," Shoulders said. "I had guys come up to me in tears and say, 'I was one of them, and I can't believe I did it.' We've had a lot of reaction from students on campus. A lot of students have asked us for Chuck's address so they can mail him a personal letter of apology."

Did anyone from NDSU that has posted here even think of apologizing on behalf of NDSU fans, no matter how poorly you thought Clarence Holley reacted?

Incidentally, Chuck Archambault is planning to play somewhere in the Dakota

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It has been stated by the Mankato coaching staff that it was only one or two fans that yelled the racial slurs. I can't speak for all Bison fans, but most of us absolutely do not condone the behavior that this fan(s) displayed. It has been discussed on the Bison Boards, and nobody condoned that act of ignorance. I don't feel that the rest of the fans need to apologize for the stupidity of one or two people. Using your logic, all UND fans should apologize to all veterans and their families, because of the stupid remarks made by a couple UND fans during the presentation of the colors at the Fargodome. :p

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As much as I dislike agreeing with JBB or any Bison fan for that matter, I have to agree that the coach from Mankato is a little out there. I'm not just saying this because the Sioux lost. I don't like losing, but I'm not a sore loser. I'm just saying that I saw first hand how psychotic this coach is. Why he didn't get an unsportsmanlike conduct for going out on the field and yelling at a ref is beside me.

I also heard, and this pains me to say, that he may have made up the whole racial slurs thing at NDSU to try and take some of the heat off of him and his players. 4 misconduct penalties!!

I think it's becoming too easy to point fingers at UND and NDSU and cry racism.

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I'm just saying that I saw first hand how psychotic this coach is. Why he didn't get an unsportsmanlike conduct for going out on the field and yelling at a ref is beside me.

That nut was the coach? :p I thought he was the doctor/water boy/part of the chain gang/he was every where behind the bench! :p

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  • 2 weeks later...
Below is a national story on Chuck Archambault, originally from Bismarck/Fort Yates and formerly with the Minnesota Gophers, and events during a basketball game in Nashville.


Incidentally, Chuck Archambault is planning to play somewhere in the Dakota

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So then chuck archambault played for bismarck high school ..... correct?

They both did. Russ played for BHS as a sophomore, then went to some school in the Cities his junior year, and back to BHS for his senior year. He was noticed by the Gophers while attending hs in the Cities. (Someone must remember what school he attended. I believe they won a state title.) He must be 26 or 27 years old now. I don't think that the brothers played together in high school.

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  • 1 year later...
I am pretty sure that the Chuck that was in Corpus is Russ's cousin, not brother. Russ does have a younger brother named Chuck. But they aren't they same chuck.

WTF. Who searches back two years to make their first post? I'm a little drunk right now and even in my inebriated state I find it a little odd.

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Who searches back two years to make their first post?

My guess is someone was using a search engine on something related to the Archambault family, stumbled on the thread, and felt they could clarify the family relationship question raised in it. It certainly took me a minute of confusion to arrive at that conclusion.

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