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Fighting Sioux Coaches' Show


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Disclaimer: This is a summary of the weekly Fighting Sioux Coaches Show. It is NOT a verbatim transcript of the show. Comments by the show's hosts and the coaches are paraphrased to the best of the author's ability and are NOT direct quotes. This summary contains selected highlights from the show and is NOT a comprehensive account of all topics covered or discussed. This broadcast summary represents the interpretation of the author and is not associated in any manner with SiouxSports.com, the University of North Dakota or USCHO. This summary MAY NOT BE REPRODUCED without the written permission of the author.

From Joe DeMaggio's in beautiful downtown Grand Forks, Tim Hennessy and Scott Swygman are the hosts with Sioux hockey coach Dave Hakstol.

TH: There

Edited by PCM
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Good news on Murray; wish he were in this weekend since I'll be there but I guess will have to see him on TV later this year, if our cable ever figures out how to tune in FSSN.

Sounds like Zelkin at GF this weekend.

Thanks for the report, PCM.

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Good news on Murray; wish he were in this weekend since I'll be there but I guess will have to see him on TV later this year, if our cable ever figures out how to tune in FSSN.

Sounds like Zelkin at GF this weekend.

Thanks for the report, PCM.


Thats fine with me. I think he did an ok job.

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Thanks as always PCM.

I like the way Hak talks. He knows what the problem is and knows what needs to be done to fix it. I think he is right on. Spirko, RM, Zajac should be an interesting line, they should generate some offense. The players are still trying to adjust to a new coaching style, and new enforcement of the rules. Greene would be crazy to come back next season, clearly college hockey is not going to develop his style of play. I think that is too bad. They could cut down on the obstruction penalties without driving out players like Greene.

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The players are still trying to adjust to a new coaching style, and new enforcement of the rules.  Greene would be crazy to come back next season, clearly college hockey is not going to develop his style of play.

I don't know Matt, but I have to wonder how thrilled he is that he came back this year. It's funny that perhaps the wrong guy turned professional last year, as Parise would love the open ice at this level, and Greene would thrive in the AHL's physical game. Hopefully Matt can overcome these early difficulties through a combination of his own adjustment and a partial easing of the officiating, and once again be the dominant defender he was last year.

Also, PCM, thanks for the great work. I really appreciate it.

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Yeah, but is the problem that he's physical?  Or is the problem that he's being caught obstructing, hacking or slashing players?

It seems to me guys can still be physical, they just need to know the right times to do it.


I am using the Friday night Gopher game as an example, but from what I saw during that game, he was being physical. Toward the end of the first, with UND down a man, Greene is battling with a Gopher in front of the Sioux net and the puck goes to the far boards, Gopher players turns, Greene gives him a shove in the back with the stick and Gopher goes flying - two minutes for cross checking.

Truthfully, with a penalty like that I don't know how it could be avoided (yeah, yeah, I know, don't crosscheck, but that is easier said than done in that situation)? Defensemen have to be allowed to clear out the guy in front of the net - that is a big part of their job, especially on the penalty kill. With Greene's strength, height and size, if he is battling another player and gives a shove, that player will likely hit the ice. Jones took a similar penalty moments later. Again, unavoidable, especially down 5 on 3. If d-men aren't allowed to clear out in front of their net on the penalty kill you might as well just put a goal on the board, nullify the penalty and start play again with another faceoff.

I cannot fault him for penalties like that.

Some of his other penalties on the hand . . . . . . .

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Here we go again. I guess you had/have to play hockey to talk hockey. I think this was your response last season everytime someone said something you didn't agree with.

I was sitting in the front row behind the net where it happened. Was it a penalty - according to Anderson it was. I also thought it was good, physical play. The earlier question, in part, was, do Greene's problems come from being physical and the answer is yes, in part, in my opinion.

I have no problem with that type of penalty - it is going to happen . . . when Greene gets the holding and obsturction penalties then there is a problem.

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Here we go again.  I guess you had/have to play hockey to talk hockey.  I think this was your response last season everytime someone said something you didn't agree with.

I was sitting in the front row behind the net where it happened.  Was it a penalty - according to Anderson it was.  I also thought it was good, physical play.  The earlier question, in part, was, do Greene's problems come from being physical and the answer is yes, in part, in my opinion.

I have no problem with that type of penalty - it is going to happen . . . when Greene gets the holding and obsturction penalties then there is a problem.


You are right - you do not need to have played hockey to know about hockey and for suggesting as such, I apologize.

I believe there are better ways of clearing the opponent from the front of the net other than cross-ckecking the opposing player because they are going to call that virtually every time. The cross-check I am referring to put the Sioux down on a 5 on 3 and I believe the Gophs scored. They could have called a cross-check on Greene at least two other times within about a 30 seconds time span.

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Hak Thinks Jordan Parise has taken a step ahead of the other goalies??

I must be following a different team, or something. What does everyone else think?

It seems to me that if anyone has taken a step forward it would be Phil. Jordan hasn't got much accomplished out there. Hak said that Jordan has been batteling hard. Batteling hard doesn't get the job done. In fact, If Jordan has taken a step anywhere, it would be backwards.

Jordan has had his chance to take the starting spot, and hasn't done anything with it. I would like to see someone else get a shot. Phil's been playing well (better than parise) and Brandt has proven himself before. So I think either is deserving a shot, Lets jump off the Parise bandwagon already.

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Like Ive said before Parise has his good games but he seems to always be floppin around on his back or stomach. They really should give Lammy a chance vs a good team, not to knock Mankato or Northeastern but I want to see him play top 5 whca team. Brandt might be in a tough spot since that injury. Does anyone know how long hes out?

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I've seen Greene take many of those crosschecking penalties in the past that could be avoided.  I guess that's one reason I don't cut him much slack in that area now.  Maybe the refs aren't either.


Dagies I think you on to something, his cross checking penalties are probably reputation penalties. I am sure the refs talk about players to watch. I know Adam watch Commi like a hawk everytime he breathed I swear they were calling him for a penalty some of them warranted and some reputation.

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Brandt isn't hurt. He never missed a practice.

3 years with Blaiser, I believe, he never missed a trip.

1 month with Hak-- left at home.

I guess this years team is just too damn good. I mean the way they just handled Mankato. Hopefully the team can pick it up, or they are going to strugle to get home-ice the first round.

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Good news on Murray; wish he were in this weekend since I'll be there but I guess will have to see him on TV later this year, if our cable ever figures out how to tune in FSSN.

Sounds like Zelkin at GF this weekend.

Thanks for the report, PCM.


Not that we've gotten screwed on penalties all year, most of the calls were good, but with this guy calling the game, at least the prospect of bias will not be part of it. He may have been hired by Greg Sheperd, but he doesn't know him that well yet.

Edit: And I agree with Forecheck. Sorry Lammy lovers, but I really think JPar hasn't done too badly. REMEMBER: Going from a rotation to a most every night starting job, especially on a whim (aka Gopher series) is TOUGH. JPar did have a rocky game on that Saturday and against BC, but that's what happens when the defense leaves you out to dry. Hey, remember why we beat Denver so much last year? I remember the first series in Denver. We scored, what, 14 goals that weekend? 90 percent of them was because their defense was busy picking their noses or humping Zach's leg to position themselves to play. You leave goalies out to dry and, I'll guarantee you, sooner or later the puck's gonna hit the twine.

JPar is a legitamite (sp?) every Friday night starter barring injury, IMO. So:

Fridays -- JPar

Saturdays -- Lammy/Brandt

Just my opinion.

Edited by redwing77
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Are you trying to say a Division 1 athlete can't play two games a week? If so, thats sad. What are they going to do when playoffs come and they have to play three games a weekend? Keep rotating all three? I would say they don't play enough games a week. They should play atleast four times a week if possibe just to stay sharp. Playing once a week is tough to do. They should go with one guy until they prove they either can do it, or can't do it.

I will atribute most of the goals given up this year to taking way too many penalties, and I agree "JPar"(as you like to call him) hasn't done too bad. But there is a difference in not doing too bad and being a number one goalie. If you look at Phil's numbers they are pretty damn good, much better than Parise's.

In regards to Brandt. As i recall the '01-'02 season Kollar was a senior, and he had always gotten the job done before so Blaise tried sticking with him. Which was probaly the right thing to do. Now Brandt is the senior. He is second all time at UND in GAA and shutouts, 3rd in save% and 4th in winning%, but where does that leave him?? You would think it would be his job to lose...insted they leave him at home.

And my comparison to the coaches. I think you would agree that Blaise was a pretty alright coach. Hak was head coach in Sioux City, he had them at the bottom of the league. The following year, new coach, they win it all. I mean thats not defining a career, but i don't think anyone would be too proud of that.

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And my comparison to the coaches.  I think you would agree that Blaise was a pretty alright coach.  Hak was head coach in Sioux City, he had them at the bottom of the league.  The following year, new coach, they win it all.  I mean thats not defining a career, but i don't think anyone would be too proud of that.


Again, comparing peas and carrots. Of course Blais was a great coach. We have no reason to believe that Hakstol isn't going to be a great coach when we're only 9 games into a season.

I'm glad Lamaroux has a fan out there cheering for him, but we have no idea what goes into the coaches' desicions when choosing the starting goalie besides what Hakstol mentioned on the Coach's Show: performance in practice, performance in games, and gut feeling. Since you don't see them practice, it's going to be hard for you to know for sure who should be playing.

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