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Scott Zelkin


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Watched the third period of the MN/MSM game last night and Zelkin let the team's play. Lots of wienie hooks and take downs took place, but nothing major, and the non-calls didn't detract from the up and down the ice action.

I'd prefer to see the game called this way, but it was a large departure from the way most games have been called up to this point. Does make me wonder if the crack down will slowly disappear, and we'll end up seeing major holding and ride time eventually allowed again.

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Announcers mentioned he was a former NHL ref who was out of the game for a year or so and then contacted the WCHA and expressed interest in getting back into the gam at the college level.  Methinks the WCHA is fortunate to have him.


I watched him in both games I didn't think he was that great, but he was consistane, called it both ways and called the hooks and holds. The problem with the refs in the "W" is there is too much bisased in the refing of the games and teams just can't get a fair shake. I think UND is one of those teams that always ends up on the short end of the stick.

That being said, this new guys is a breath of fresh air and an improvement over Todd Anderson, Donn Adam, Greg Sheppard and any of the the Schmidts. On a side bar anyone know where Kleven surfaced?

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Zelkin was anything but consistant. Lots of penalties to start, then no penalties...it is annoying but he is new so I give him a bit of leeway. (he reminds me of Don Adam which is never good)

I also think it is a bit off to say that officials are biased...I mean come on seriously do you really think the refs have it in for UND? What purpose would they have to screw over UND?

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Zelkin was anything but consistant.  Lots of penalties to start, then no penalties...it is annoying but he is new so I give him a bit of leeway. (he reminds me of Don Adam which is never good)

I also think it is a bit off to say that officials are biased...I mean come on seriously do you really think the refs have it in for UND?  What purpose would they have to screw over UND?


I'm inclined to agree. If you want to find fault with the officiating in the WCHA, sure you can blame the refs (which I urge everyone to do if they find adequate fault in it) but also, you should look at leadership. Why expect greatness from the refs when they are led by the one person who has needed termination for the past 5 years? If you want to get rid of the problem, get rid of the source. Fire Greg Sheppard.

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I haven't been watching the games as close as usual yet this year, but I was at the Saturday UM/MSU game. Zelkin called everything in the first, didn't care if you were already short handed. In the second, he called every first infraction, but wouldn't put anyone down two. In the third, you pretty much had to go to town on a guy to get the penalty, but to his credit, he did call those. It was like a script.

I think he blew the game for MSU though, I could tell from behind Briggs that it was deflected in off a skate and I just will never believe these guys don't do it intentionally. I'll take it though. :silly:

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I think he blew the game for MSU though, I could tell from behind Briggs that it was deflected in off a skate and I just will never believe these guys don't do it intentionally.  I'll take it though.  :silly:


I thought it was deflected with a skate too, but turned the channel over the to Wisco game instead of watching replays.

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I think he blew the game for MSU though, I could tell from behind Briggs that it was deflected in off a skate and I just will never believe these guys don't do it intentionally.  I'll take it though.  :silly:


With Chucko's rep as a hard nosed player, I don't think he'd "turn away" from the net rather than charging right to the crease in front of the goalie, but he did make the skate turn to redirect the puck look innocent, anyway.

Didn't see the first and second, so had no idea of the scripted calls; sounds NHL like, though. There were a couple or more good scoring chances in the third that were elimated by some strong hooks with the stick up high that weren't called. It would appear it will be tough for players to figure out what they might be able to do, no change from the past, I guess.

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With Chucko's rep as a hard nosed player, I don't think he'd "turn away" from the net rather than charging right to the crease in front of the goalie, but he did make the skate turn to redirect the puck look innocent, anyway.

My thoughts exactly.

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I also think it is a bit off to say that officials are biased...I mean come on seriously do you really think the refs have it in for UND?  What purpose would they have to screw over UND?


Yep I do. Most UND fans have seen it happen over the past 5-10 years. In one incident Don Adam once told the UND coachs after they called a penalty against Mike Commodor that lead to a power play goal that lost the game for UND apparently Donn Adam skated past the UND bench and said now were even. That should never happen in any game with any official. That official should have been fired on the spot. Todd Anderson's hatchet job the weekend before is more proof. Also look at the game he called when UND played B.C. the year before. They guy has it out for the Sioux. Personally I think the Refs in this league have knee pads and they just absolutely blow. So I think Zelkin is better than anything we have.

It was the same when Wooger was the coach for the UofM. I honestly think Wooger got screwed by the ref when he was the coach. Any objective observer would probably say that. But with Lucia he gets all the breaks. Maybe it is because Woog worked the refs over. I think Blaiser did too. But a lot of times Blaiser had a point. Its hard to sit there and watch your players get rode up and down the ice by some gorilla drapped all over them.

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Let me tell you that they are not going to call that goal back the ref would probably lose his job for making a call against Minnesota. Remember its all about selling tickets for the final five. It will always be that way. Their a big school and they get all of the breaks.

Ever notice how UofM is never down 5-3? Not very often their are not. That being said the puck was directed in with a foot in my opinion. I wish the ref would have had the guts/balls to make that call. If you watch Juttings facial expression he knew it was too. 


1. Like all teams Gophs have big goals overturned. Last year against BU, a couple years back against SCSU in OT, and CC at the Final Five in OT from what I immediately remember. Maybe not as big as the Maine/DU goal last year, but they all hurt and they happen to everyone.

2. The Gophs find themselves 3x5 all too frequently, including against MSU. The loss to AA was on a 3rd period 3x5 as well.

If the Gophers got all the breaks I would not have had to wait my first 21 years as a fan to see them win the NCAA title. Some of the new folks around here would benefit from a little patience, though I wouldn't wish a 23 year drought on any of you. :silly:

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1. Like all teams Gophs have big goals overturned. Last year against BU, a couple years back against SCSU in OT, and CC at the Final Five in OT from what I immediately remember. Maybe not as big as the Maine/DU goal last year, but they all hurt and they happen to everyone.

2. The Gophs find themselves 3x5 all too frequently, including against MSU. The loss to AA was on a 3rd period 3x5 as well.

If the Gophers got all the breaks I would not have had to wait my first 21 years as a fan to see them win the NCAA title. Some of the new folks around here would benefit from a little patience, though I wouldn't wish a 23 year drought on any of you. :silly:


I was amazed that the Gophs didn't go down 3x5 on that Friday game against UND. Even Woog expected it. The funny thing is that when you watch UND's PP in that game, you see some obvious penalties on the Gophers that weren't called to put them down 2 men. Not anything major, but they were called on UND.

Biassed reffing in that game? No. Interesting timing? Yes.

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Ok, honestly, does it really matter? We had our first 5x3 against BC and we didn't even get a shot on goal! Our power play is awful that I'd rather get called for less penalties.


Not as far as our PP goes, but it does when we are constantly going down 3x5.

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