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  fightingbooya said:
the bottom line is the we the students have the best seats in the house and people are going to look for excuses for us not to have the seats no matter what. I feel the solution is to do what wisconsin does and move us to the end of the arena, sections 112,113, 311, and 314. This way we wont be in anyones way when we stand, not if we stand. The atmosphere wont be affected at all either, as anyone who watches games in wisonsin knows. Plus we would be right next to the bars so swearing wouldn't be as much of an issue, and REA could make even more money off season tickets. Cause whether we want to admit it or not, there really is no bad seat in the house, and i think moving the students is the only solution. What does everyone else think?


I think you are just fine where you are. As I mentioned before I'm in Section 107 and have no problems with students standing and/or swearing for that matter. It is a hockey game not church. Party on...

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  Diggler said:
This was because some people didn't like the players appearing without shirts and expressed this to REA.

Well those same folks should have been really ticked when Minnesota completely undressed our guys Saturday night.

  The Sicatoka said:
Well those same folks should have been really ticked when Minnesota completely undressed our guys Saturday night.


That would mean they'd actually have had to:

a.) come to the game

b.) watch the game instead of searching the arena high and low for something to complain about.



cant wait to see how some of these "older" fans take wj. a good amount of fans will most likely be canadian and euros. granted they will most likely sit during play, but when they are standing up waiving a 3 ft x 3 ft flag of their home country around, is REA going to cave and give refunds to fans that bitch about that?

  The Sicatoka said:

Well those same folks should have been really ticked when Minnesota completely undressed our guys Saturday night.


Are there 20+ jock straps hanging in the rafters among the 7 NCAA title banners?

cant wait to see how some of these "older" fans take wj. a good amount of fans will most likely be canadian and euros. granted they will most likely sit during play, but when they are standing up waiving a 3 ft x 3 ft flag of their home country around, is REA going to cave and give refunds to fans that bitch about that?

I can guarantee you that these fans will be sitting and - gasp - watching the game -during the play and will still be just as loud as any hockey fans you've ever heard (well, maybe not the European fans).

You'll rarely see these fans stand (unless it's after a goal or because their trying to see over top or around some American lout) and yet they'll be every bit as enthusiastic as UND fans who believe the only good fan is a standing fan.

  Canuck said:

I can guarantee you that these fans will be sitting and - gasp - watching the game -during the play and will still be just as loud as any hockey fans you've ever heard (well, maybe not the European fans).

You'll rarely see these fans stand (unless it's after a goal or because their trying to see over top or around some American lout) and yet they'll be every bit as enthusiastic as UND fans who believe the only good fan is a standing fan.

Do they offer a course we could enroll some folks in?

Do they offer a course we could enroll some folks in?


In Canada, yes. But you are required to take it after baptism and before First Communion.

I'm afraid it's too late for most.

  Canuck said:

In Canada, yes. But you are required to take it after baptism and before First Communion.

I'm afraid it's too late for most.

Curtis: Well, the Sister was right. You boys could use a little churching up. Slide on down to the Triple Rock, and catch Rev. Cleophus. You boys listen to what he's got to say!

Jake: Curtis, I don't want to listen to no jive-ass preacher talking to me about Heaven and Hell!

Curtis: Jake, you get wise! You get to church!


Excellent post Canuck.

Regarding the need for standing at the game: Wouldn't the corner areas be most suitable for all involved? The people could stand the entire game if they so chose, and they wouldn't obscure anyone else's view of the action. At a hockey game, I'll jump up out of my seat on a goal or great play most of the time, but I wouldn't think of continuing to block the view of others who want to see the game too. I don't attend many games at the Ralph (about one per year) and I haven't been

"blocked out" by any fans at the games I have attended, but the location of our seats (in the corner) may have had something to do with that.

I have a question regarding the student tickets sold. A friend of mine told me that the most of the time, all of the student tickets are not sold out. Is that true? Just wondering.

  Canuck said:

I can guarantee you that these fans will be sitting and - gasp - watching the game -during the play and will still be just as loud as any hockey fans you've ever heard (well, maybe not the European fans).

You'll rarely see these fans stand (unless it's after a goal or because their trying to see over top or around some American lout) and yet they'll be every bit as enthusiastic as UND fans who believe the only good fan is a standing fan.


canuck, i agree with you. i am canadian aswell, and i sit during the game. i meant that when a goal is scored or there is a stoppage in play, there stands a chance that people will stand and cheer.

one thing for certain, canadians and euros will not blast right thru the vestibule and try to get back to their seat while game is being played. as canuck said, we have manors.

i think that one and only good thing that berning did try to do before he left was to move the student section to the ends of the rink before this season to try and eliminate this problem. the funny thing is, the student association voted the move down.


Speaking from a personal standpoint (pardon the pun), I've always thought seats in the middle of the rink are extremely overrated (unless you're there for the sole purpose of taunting whoever happens to be in the penalty box).

When sitting in the center I've found it difficult to see either corner on your side, especially if you're sitting behind the player benches. I've always thought the best place to watch is near the top of the lower level in the corner.

The folks in the club seats at either end also have fantastic views of the game; you can see everything developing in front of you and it really provides a great perspective.

In short, I think students have been hesitant to agree to move to the corners because there is that perception that the middle of the ice constitutes the "best" seats in the house.

one thing for certain, canadians and euros will not blast right thru the vestibule and try to get back to their seat while game is being played. as canuck said, we have manors.

I agree with you to a certain extent, although I'm not sure the right word is manners, even though I think refusing to sit is a complete lack of disrespect to the people around you.

It's more of a cultural difference. Hockey, in a general sense, is more ingrained into the Canadian culture, so when a fan goes to the game, the game is the event. When an American - again, generally speaking - goes to a hockey game, the game is part of the event.

That's why in Canada you see fans sitting in their seats, responding only after certain types of plays and generally spending more time analyzing and watching than screaming and yelling.

That's also why when you go to a game in the U.S., at REA for example, you get not only the hockey game, but laser light shows, video clips, Noise Meters, T-shirt cannons, Katie O'Keefe, that Mitch fella (whose show, BTW, is pretty good), cheerleaders, a band, a dance team, a mascot (oops, scratch that one)...you get the idea.

That's not to say one is right and one is wrong; it just depends on what you prefer to be surrounded by. Me? I've experienced both and I enjoy both, although I still tend to lean to the Canadian way of watching the game and reacting when I'm excited, rather than being told when to be excited and what to be excited about.

But again, I don't care either way as long as people are being entertained.

Unless they're standing.


As a student I would have no problem with the student section being in one of the corners. Place the students behind the goal that the Sioux attack at twice and let us get into the head of the opposing goalie. If that were to happen, REA woould be able to sell more center ice tickets making them more money, and it would solve most of the standing issues. REA would be happy with the extra bucks and the students could stand when they wanted to. We need to get this issue solved soon because the longer it goes on the more people that are getting upset.


If you are going to make theories on why the students did not want to move to the end, at least understand all of the facts. There would be a loss in the number of seats on the end. The students already lost two sections that were supposed to be on the lower level. Please add this info to your theories.

My suggestion is to give students sections 103-106, 303, and 306. Of course people don't want atmosphere anymore. :lol:

  DamStrait said:

You beat me to it sprig. I was going to ask if we should refer to him as Sir 7titles or m'lord? :lol:


Not sure, but it could be one of those Canadian words like "shed-you'll", gutshes, Chesterfield, or "eh" :D

  sprig said:

Not sure, but it could be one of those Canadian words like "shed-you'll", gutshes, Chesterfield, or "eh" :D


okay, so manors was a bad choice of words. i've been in ND for about 20 years and there are many great hockey fans in this state.

  Fedorov said:
If you are going to make theories on why the students did not want to move to the end, at least understand all of the facts.  There would be a loss in the number of seats on the end.  The students already lost two sections that were supposed to be on the lower level.  Please add this info to your theories.

My suggestion is to give students sections 103-106, 303, and 306.  Of course people don't want atmosphere anymore.  :lol:


my theory, as you call it, was simply let others know that REA did try to move the students. maybe i took it for granted that most would know that REA would try to shortchange the students in classic REA fashion, but i could have added the loss of seat info.

  PCM said:

Wrong. If the taxpayers of North Dakota didn't fund the university, it wouldn't exist. Period.

The university exists for the students. It doesn't exist because of the students.



Don't start with the "taxpayers of North Dakota" B.S. (of which I am one, by the way). The "taxpayers of North Dakota" are funding less and less of UND's budget with each passing legislative session. As a result, the students are paying more and more of the bill for UND to operate. You can't ask students to pay more in tuition, fees, hockey tickets, ect. and then treat them like second-class (or worse) citizens.

And the university does exist because of the students. If our students are treated like crap, they might decide to go someplace else for their education (perhaps NDSU! :D ) and we'll lose out on tuition dollars and future alumni contributions. And they'll tell all their friends back home about it and they might not come to school here either. And thanks to dwindling state appropriations, we can't afford that.

And that's what this issue is really all about, is it not? If students are treated like dirt at athletic events like hockey games or in other departments on campus, when they are out making money in the "real world" (something some people on this forum think they are experts on), they might decide not to contribute one cent to the athletic department or to any other department on campus. This issue goes beyond college athletics. It goes to the heart of how we treat our students (a.k.a. future alums and potential benefactors).

There is no reason why we can't work out a deal that protects student interests while insuring that REA continues to generate the revenues we need to fund our athletic programs. That is what it was built for in the first place. A lot of people, particularly in REA management circles, have forgotten that. :silly:

All I want, as a season ticket holder and a FSC member, is to bring back the atmosphere of the old Ralph to the new one. That is what the team deserves and it's what all the fans deserve as well.

  fightingsioux4life said:


Don't start with the "taxpayers of North Dakota" B.S. (of which I am one, by the way). The "taxpayers of North Dakota" are funding less and less of UND's budget with each passing legislative session. As a result, the students are paying more and more of the bill for UND to operate. You can't ask students to pay more in tuition, fees, hockey tickets, ect. and then treat them like second-class (or worse) citizens.

And the university does exist because of the students. If our students are treated like crap, they might decide to go someplace else for their education (perhaps NDSU! :D ) and we'll lose out on tuition dollars and future alumni contributions. And they'll tell all their friends back home about it and they might not come to school here either. And thanks to dwindling state appropriations, we can't afford that.

And that's what this issue is really all about, is it not? If students are treated like dirt at athletic events like hockey games or in other departments on campus, when they are out making money in the "real world" (something some people on this forum think they are experts on), they might decide not to contribute one cent to the athletic department or to any other department on campus. This issue goes beyond college athletics. It goes to the heart of how we treat our students (a.k.a. future alums and potential benefactors).

There is no reason why we can't work out a deal that protects student interests while insuring that REA continues to generate the revenues we need to fund our athletic programs. That is what it was built for in the first place. A lot of people, particularly in REA management circles, have forgotten that. :silly:

All I want, as a season ticket holder and a FSC member, is to bring back the atmosphere of the old Ralph to the new one. That is what the team deserves and it's what all the fans deserve as well.


I'm glad to see that a fellow fan has the same idea that a lot of the students do. I'm also glad to see that a season ticket holder believes that the new ralph has new ideas on how things should be run and not like the old ralph. I, myself, never saw a game in the old ralph but i heard that is was an awesome experience. I just want to say what was said up there......"is to bring back the atmosphere of the old ralph..."

  fightingsioux4life said:
Don't start with the "taxpayers of North Dakota" B.S. (of which I am one, by the way). 


It's not BS. Take away state government support and see how long UND lasts.

If the hockey program was shut down today and the REA was closed forever, UND would continue to exist.


I am a student at UND, and I feel that the athletic department, and REA are treating the students very, very, very poorly. I think Roger Thomas is one of the worst AD's i've ever seen. They force the students to sit so the Alumni can see in their precious little box. But if they keep treating the students like this, in 50 years, there will be a far less number of Alumni supporting the athletic department, not to mention the school. I am considering transferring after this spring, partly because i am sick of being treated as a sheep by the administration. Money for the university comes from the state, and from the students. But the money they really want is from the Alumni, which is put in jeapordy. Not now, but in the years when i'm an elderly person, and the rest of my classmates are getting older, it will be hard for me to give money back to this school that treats me like $#!*.


A leather seat in a $104 MM arena.

They ask you to respect the sight-lines of the other folks there watching the game.

They ask for a network TV vocabulary.

Horrible, just horrible.

(sigh) <--- That's me not even going to try.

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