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All in all, Ryan Bakken's column was very positive about the signs but he kinda threw down a challenge for us to top ourselves this week. Will NorthStar be at the games to hoist a few

signs or will he go Hollywood on us?

My thoughts:

"2004 Hardware Inventory:

In Stock: MacNaughton

On Order: Broadmoor, NCAA"

"Huskies Experience

Tech(nical) Difficulties"

These, inspired by some hats I've made:

"Sioux Xcel at Winning"

"The Road to Boston

is Paved With Ice

(Switching to All-Wheel Drive)"

"Lundy is da bohm"

"We Want the Broadmoor,

No Less!"

C'mon, who's got ideas?

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How about:

Michigan Tech University...we feel really sorry for you.

Michigan Tech....when will you just give up and drop the program???

Those are mean...I'll come up with more intellectual ones.

"2004 Hardware Inventory:

In Stock: MacNaughton

On Order: Broadmoor, NCAA"

"Huskies Experience

Tech(nical) Difficulties"

"Lundy is da bohm"

I think that these three are great, but unfortunately I'll be stuck down here in mpls so hopefully they make it on TV or I won't be able to see them.


Someone needs to bring Ellsworth some sunblock, so the back of his neck doesn't get sunburnt from the goal light!!!

Time for Bochenski's goal scoring to not be so skimpy.

He needs to step up so we can win the Broadmoor Cup!

If BO sits idle we might not win an 8th title!

8th title looks good right now!!! GO SIOUX!!!


Sadly I will not be at the games this weekend...I will be on my way down to San Anotonio for Spring Break. I basically had to chose between the Final Five or another series with Tech. Besides I've only been at the 1st UMD game in 2001 and the 2002 Gopher series...and we know how those turned out. :D


OK, that puts us a man short.

Will another student step up and take NorthStar's place and hold up the signs or shall we just bag the venture?

If you're willing to spell NorthStar, let me know how to find you in the arena Friday night.


MNS: Whether or not I want the signs in your possession depends on whether or not there is someone in the student section who's willing to hold them up. My gosh, I can't believe how lost we are without you and you aren't even gone yet!

MNS: Whether or not I want the signs in your possession depends on whether or not there is someone in the student section who's willing to hold them up. My gosh, I can't believe how lost we are without you and you aren't even gone yet!

Maybe I was more important to this whole venture than I thought :D:);)

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