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Really? No locker room renovation thread?


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This is a big deal for UND because a lot of teams had done new locker rooms/team areas that were better than what the Englestad had to offer. That is no longer an issue, for now....

Even before the renovations there weren't many locker rooms and team lounge areas that were better than the one in The Ralph in college hockey but the renovations just make sure we stay at the very top by ourselves.

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I recently saw the Miami renovation tour and was really impressed but and then saw what they did at the REA  and was REALLY impressed! SCSU did their remodel last year but are still sitting with concrete blocks and empty rooms in most of their space.


I can't imagine walking through those hallways at the REA to practice each and not feel how blessed I was and where I was. GO Sioux!

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The Sioux logo on the floor? Why? So they can block off 2/3 of the room so no one can walk on it?



Because it is another step, albeit a small one, in the transition away from the Sioux logo and nickname.  First Home of the Fighting Sioux words were removed from the outside of the stadium, then a few logos in renovation, 'what's next?' is my line of thinking.



I agree with you, in principle, but floor, court, and field logos have gone by the wayside since the 1990's due to the supposed "disrespect" of standing on it. Nothing more stupid than having a giant logo on a floor cordoned off so everyone has to walk around it - (see also: Justin Bieber and Chicago Blackhawk Stanley Cup). Just dumb.



Yes I have...and I am quite certain it was a point of contention of anti-nickname groups not happy with fans walking all over Indian-head logos.


(moved from the 2014-2015 thread)


This is what I'm referring to when I talk about the ridiculous-ness of putting floor or carpet logos in...






I'm a 1980's guy...nobody ever felt our basketball court logo was "disrespected" when they had a jump ball or people walked on it.  Then in the 1990's, football teams in particular started dancing on opponents' logos on the field either before the game or after a victory, which caused some skirmishes (I'm talking about FSU and Miami in particular) and all of a sudden, it's "Egads!  We have to remove logos everywhere so no one walks on the floor there - it's disrespectful."  Obviously somebody sometime never thought it was an issue or else the logos wouldn't have been placed on the field, in the carpet, or in the floor in the first place!  It continues even today...only now the disrespect is everywhere. 








Even Bryce Harper got in on the act...




Should we stop putting logos on center ice for fear of teams skating over them?

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