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I think I can illustrate the sibling rivalry poster with two little boxers (if I can figure a way to flip the graphic 180 degrees--free rotate is not working) or with Sioux jersey and Denver jersey. Someone correct me if I'm wrong: I believe Jesse wore number 15 here?


"We will, We will, rock you!" With a picture of the rockies

Mile high scoring differential again?

CO=mountains & skiing ND=better hockey (nothing else matters or period)

Pioneers=old history Sioux=continuing history


Pioneers=strong in the past Sioux=still strong

(relating to heritage or does this cross the line?)

Penalty box signs, quotes could be really funny since the teams are facing the box. You could also make many of these very quickly.

Needed a breather?

Throwing in the towel or giving up so soon?

"This sucks"

"Wow, that white team is good!"

"I like watching, can I sit tomorrow coach?"

"Quit looking at me, I didn't do it"

"I just cost us the game, my bad"

"Anybody got a newspaper?"

"I just want this game to be over."

"Can I go home yet?"

(Thought bubbles) Leather penalty box seats, I wish we had an arena like this.

know Dora was involved in some sort of major penalty. I think it was a bogus call against us? Like a 5-minute slashing call or something like that?

Denver stats

Although he is tied for the team lead in penalties, it doesn't appear that Dora has been assessed a major penalty this season, but Smaby's DQ in that series may have been for a slash on LD.


Denver stats

Although he is tied for the team lead in penalties, it doesn't appear that Dora has been assessed a major penalty this season, but Smaby's DQ in that series may have been for a slash on LD.

Yep, that's what it was! Not sure what my point was, but thanks! :glare: I just remember laughing when I heard it was Dora who Smaby took the DQ for, after what Dora had said. He deserved it, Dora that is. Smaby didn't, game DQ for slashing!! Anywho, thanks for the info. Now, go get 'um boys!

Is it Friday yet?


Here is the website

Bwadwey was suspended on USCHO when I checked a couple days ago.

Another pic of Pukas a-Dora0304.jpg


Thanks for winning me that Gold Medal Zach, Drew and Brady. Now that I'm at Denver I won't ever win anything again.


Adam did retire from the WCHA last year i think but was back again later in the year.

I think actually Adam was running a school on officating. Hold the laughter, I remember it coming up last year and thought it was a real hoot.


Finishing the sibling rivalry & separated at birth posters which turned out quite nice. Please let me know today which other signs you want to see and I'll get them made tonight.


I love these three:

Wow, that white team is good!

On a Clear Day,

You Can See Boston from Here

DU=strong in the past

UND=still strong

I like the second one because it's optimistic without being too conceited (as opposed to "We'll send a postcard from Boston")

On the third one, I changed the nicknames to school names to remove the possibility of mistaking it as ethnic references. My intent is to refer to WCHA history.

My contributions:

That was DUmb. (a welcome to the box)

Enter Here -> (for seatholder next to penalty door)


in nonconference play

These could be stand-alone, or held side-by-side:

I... love...

Denver in the box

Fighting Sioux that rock

cleaning out your clock (or: and the twins!)

<Sioux logo>

Rock on.


Last call. Which of the foregoing ideas do you want to see on signs this weekend? So far, I've made only 3: sibling rivalry, separated at birth and "That was DUmb!" I'm going make "Give Denver the Boot," assuming I find a good illustration. Any others get your vote?

Redwing: That would work better if CC were having an up year. How's Air Force doing this season?

Perhaps, but Air Force's major rival is CC since they share the same home town. I was going on the angle that, regardless of records, CC is better than DU. If I'm not mistaken, on CC had representatives from their team at the WJC.

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