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Fullerton Interview


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This article is a very informative interview. Doug Fullerton seems to like to talk, though it seems like always to Sacramento. I could have put this in every category on Sioux Sports except for hockey. Football has the biggest tie to Big Sky so I chose here. It's long but good.


There has been a lot of controversy surround one of the new members, North Dakota. Some of it has involved you. What do you think about North Dakota’s logo controversy?

That’s a tough one because they didn’t have the controversy when we got them in the league. They already had signed on. I think our presidents have a real concern about the action taken by the (North Dakota) legislature (to keep the Fighting Sioux logo). We did not and will not get into the fight. I know they tried to get us into the fight. Whether or not the logo is appropriate or inappropriate – what we worry about is the NCAA had a deal with them and now they were forced to back out of that deal. If they are in violation and the NCAA sanctions remain in place, we’re afraid of what the outcome of those sanctions will create at the University of North Dakota in two ways. No. 1, the pure NCAA sanctions of not being able to host a postseason event will really hurt their ability to be successful in football. That’s one of the things that we really think is important. But more important, as long as the NCAA has those sanctions, we’re starting to see a grass roots protest against the University of North Dakota. We know that they’ve lost scheduled games. We know there have been mini demonstrations when they travel. If those kind of things grow, then their use to us as a solid Division I program in the Big Sky begins to diminish. At that point in time, then it could affect if we want them as members. People try to drag us into this fight whether the Sioux nickname is appropriate or not appropriate. That’s the not where our presidents are. They are engaged in the second part of that conversation.

When you invited North Dakota, South Dakota was expected to be part of the package, but USD went to another conference. With the school being so far away from the rest of the conference and all of the logo issues, do you regret inviting North Dakota to join the league?

Not at all. Let me tell you what they did and this is the way our league looks at it. Our league looks at the institutional fit first. We had the opportunity to get a research-type institution. It’s an institution that would elevate our educational profile. That was the key to presidents’ move. If you look at the moves we make, I have to get the institution past the “institutional fit” first before I can even take a look at their athletic program. We feel like they’ve elevated us in some ways. Again, when you hear me say that, you’re probably saying, “these people do look at world differently than maybe some of the other conferences have.” And quite frankly, I think some of the other conferences have made some hasty decisions in what schools they brought into their league that actually almost ensure that the league will break apart at some time in the future.

I quoted the direct stuff on UND. He also covers wanting to add a like minded 12th all sports member, but they are being very careful. Talks a lot about the conference shake ups. Also mentions basketball tournament and that a new TV deal is coming in next 30 days.

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We feel like they’ve elevated us in some ways.

At least this quote is encouraging.

I'll be the first to say it (though it won't happen). The single most logical FCS institution (and its not even close) for the BigSky to make a big run at for its 12th member is...........................North Dakota State University.

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At least this quote is encouraging.

I'll be the first to say it (though it won't happen). The single most logical FCS institution (and its not even close) for the BigSky to make a big run at for its 12th member is...........................North Dakota State University.

I agree when it comes to looking at current FCS teams (needs someone close to UND). I really feel like Fullerton is waiting to see what happens to FBS though. Like he said in the article: 16 teams isn't really a good conference number because it makes it too easy for 8 schools to re-form on their own. But add those 3 WAC FBS schools and the Big Sky is sitting at 14.

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Seems pretty clear UND needs to either retire the name or have the NCAA sanctions lifted. We can fuss all we want about the NCAA and how inconsistent they are and how they should stay out of the issue. We can fuss all we want about who to blame. Doesn't matter anymore. It seems the Big Sky feels the same. They don't want to waste time screwing a dead horse with an issue they can't fix. Spirit Lake can take them to court (should have done that years ago) but UND can not take a chance on losing admission to the Big Sky. It is cleat UND has not been able to schedule games with certain schools because of the logo. That also hurts UND hockey and anyone who hasn't figured that our either hasn't been paying attention or is too closed minded to figure it out. The legislature needs to recind the law and UND needs to retire the name. If Spirit Lake or anyone else can get the NCAA to reverse the decision then by all means bring the name back. Hanging on to a thread of hope isn't worth the cost (no longer risk, but cost).

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we’re starting to see a grass roots protest against the University of North Dakota. We know that they’ve lost scheduled games. We know there have been mini demonstrations when they travel.

What games have we lost with the logo? UND has not lost any games. We are not able to call to schedule games with Minny, Wisc, and Iowa. SDSU threatened to back out but hasn't. Also where are these "road" demonstrations? St. Cloud State? I wish he had examples.

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What games have we lost with the logo? UND has not lost any games. We are not able to call to schedule games with Minny, Wisc, and Iowa. SDSU threatened to back out but hasn't. Also where are these "road" demonstrations? St. Cloud State? I wish he had examples.

Someone (Iowa?) canceled a game with WBB, I believe and wasn't there also a track meet the Sioux were uninvited to? Since UND is now under NCAA sanctions per the settlement, it will continue and become more prevalent.

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Also where are these "road" demonstrations? St. Cloud State? I wish he had examples.

Apparently their were some fools protesting the last time we went to UC Davis.

I've also seen protestors the last two times I went down to Vermillion......................

Dartmouth threw a holy hell fit when the hockey team played there a few years ago...........................

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What games have we lost with the logo? UND has not lost any games. We are not able to call to schedule games with Minny, Wisc, and Iowa. SDSU threatened to back out but hasn't. Also where are these "road" demonstrations? St. Cloud State? I wish he had examples.

Does it matter? The only thing that matters is whether keeping the logo is in the best interest of UND and UND athletics. It is pretty clear it is not and any other discussion about permission, Native rights, proving what the NCAA or Fullerton or Graham Cracker claims or false statements or criticism is warrented or not has become fruitless. It doesn't matter anymore. UND can not risk any damage to UND athletics over the name. UND has no control anymore over what happens so UND needs to move on. The legislature needs to rescind the name and then we retire it. If Spirit Lake or someone else can keep UND from being hurt and keep the name,that would be great, but unless that is a sure thing this has got to end.

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