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Predictable GF Herald Position on Nickname

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It's Tom Dennis, after all. Those of you in Grand Forks, please call your legislators and ring the phone or computer red hot with calls and emails.

OUR OPINION: Listen to local voices on UND nickname

As the North Dakota House takes up the question today of UND

  On 2/21/2011 at 3:49 PM, BIGSIOUX said:

i dont care for tom dennis. however, i do agree w/ his position. I was at the UND gala event saturday night. I overheard a conversation that included Dr. Kelly, the fundraiser had mentioned that most donors are just sick of the conflict and want resolution yay or nay. Dr. Kelley said he felt the same way.

Im over it as well. Does it suck, yeah. So does obamacare, parts of the patriot act, and no child left behind. There ARE more important issues to work on. Start the healing.

Flame away!

Don't be a Quitter!

You are correct that Bobbie Kelley does want resolution sooner than later, as long as the nickname goes away. A strong majority of the donors are very pro-nickname and would rather fight it out for a few more years than just role-over.

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I agree that this issue should be put to rest. Accordingly, the anti-name crowd should cease its anti-name rhetoric and allow the process to play out in Bismarck. The anit-name crowd should accept that they are in the strict minority, and as such their positions are causing pain and suffering to the majority, including the Native population which has either voted strongly in support of the name, or wishes they could. The anti-name crowd should accept the fact that the democratically elected representative body in Bismarck is debating the matter, and the democratically elected representative body in Bismarck will legislate the matter -- and the anti-nickname crowd should allow that process to move along without the hand wrining, threats of doom, threats of dire disaster, and otherwise doing everything within their power, both on the record and off, to discredit the legislative process. The anti-name crowd should stop holding public meetings declaring their dislike, disagreement, and disapproval of the bills moving through the legislative process.

And most importantly, the anti-name crowd needs to stop making this issue a moral war. The anti-name crowd needs to stop declaring the issue devisive, and accordingly then place all the blame for the divisivenes on the supporters of the name. The anti-name crowd needs to stop belittling the name, and the deep feelings of the supporters for that name, with insulting comments about "its just a name," and "sports should unify." First, its not just a name to many, many people -- natives particularly included. If its just a name, then why change it? Secondly, sports should unify? This is a platitude whose time has come to die. The anti-name crowd are actually saying, "Sports should unify as long as that unity is by our terms, on our terms, and with our conditions." Since the majority overwhelmingly supports the continued use of the name (once again, native namesake tribal members included), we as a UND/college comminuty are about as unified as any community can get. The only fly in the ointment for the anti-name crowd is that they don't approve of the type of unity we've attained.

The anti-name crowd should stop their hateful, hurtful, unpleasant, and unwanted assault on the Sioux name and its respectful supporters. The anti-name crowd should own up, and take full responsiblity for creating tension and agrument in the college community.

Since that is unlikely to happen, and since the anti-name crowd refuses to surrender -- we who support the name will not surrender, either.

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  On 2/21/2011 at 5:24 PM, Siouxbooster#33 said:

I agree that this issue should be put to rest. Accordingly, the anti-name crowd should cease its anti-name rhetoric and allow the process to play out in Bismarck. The anit-name crowd should accept that they are in the strict minority, and as such their positions are causing pain and suffering to the majority, including the Native population which has either voted strongly in support of the name, or wishes they could. The anti-name crowd should accept the fact that the democratically elected representative body in Bismarck is debating the matter, and the democratically elected representative body in Bismarck will legislate the matter -- and the anti-nickname crowd should allow that process to move along without the hand wrining, threats of doom, threats of dire disaster, and otherwise doing everything within their power, both on the record and off, to discredit the legislative process. The anti-name crowd should stop holding public meetings declaring their dislike, disagreement, and disapproval of the bills moving through the legislative process.

And most importantly, the anti-name crowd needs to stop making this issue a moral war. The anti-name crowd needs to stop declaring the issue devisive, and accordingly then place all the blame for the divisivenes on the supporters of the name. The anti-name crowd needs to stop belittling the name, and the deep feelings of the supporters for that name, with insulting comments about "its just a name," and "sports should unify." First, its not just a name to many, many people -- natives particularly included. If its just a name, then why change it? Secondly, sports should unify? This is a platitude whose time has come to die. The anti-name crowd are actually saying, "Sports should unify as long as that unity is by our terms, on our terms, and with our conditions." Since the majority overwhelmingly supports the continued use of the name (once again, native namesake tribal members included), we as a UND/college comminuty are about as unified as any community can get. The only fly in the ointment for the anti-name crowd is that they don't approve of the type of unity we've attained.

The anti-name crowd should stop their hateful, hurtful, unpleasant, and unwanted assault on the Sioux name and its respectful supporters. The anti-name crowd should own up, and take full responsiblity for creating tension and agrument in the college community.

Since that is unlikely to happen, and since the anti-name crowd refuses to surrender -- we who support the name will not surrender, either.


  On 2/21/2011 at 7:52 PM, UND Fan said:

Is anyone listening to the House discussing this issue right now? I can't get it. If someone has anything of interest, let us know.

Passed 65 to 28

  On 2/21/2011 at 5:24 PM, Old Time Hockey said:

Don't be a Quitter!

You are correct that Bobbie Kelley does want resolution sooner than later, as long as the nickname goes away.

I would be willing to bet that this the only resolution this guy wants.


I think it's funny that we should just let it go now that the anti nickname crowd has temporarily got an advantage in the game.

Why did these idiots bring it up when they lost on every other venue?

  On 2/21/2011 at 8:23 PM, Goon said:

I would be willing to bet that this the only resolution this guy wants.

I think Kelley should just move back to Wyoming and quit pretending that somehow he's smarter than everyone in ND.

  • Upvote 2
  On 2/21/2011 at 9:11 PM, The Whistler said:

I think Kelley should just move back to Wyoming and quit pretending that somehow he's smarter than everyone in ND.

What do you have against Wyoming? :)


Dr. Kelley is exactly what you get when you do a nationwide search for a president -- a perfectly respected, but entirely bland left-leaning academic. Regarding the name, I wish he would either lead or get out or the way. He instead has presented himself throughout this whole drama as a man clearly uncomfortable with the name because most of his employees (e.g., the professors) are uncomfortable with the name. I think Kelley COULD be very good for the school, just like Faisson. Both are highly qualified men who have succeeded in previous posts. Both are able to bring in large sums of money. Both are able to operate well run, well respected offices. And Both will, I beleive, be a credit to the school, not the embarassment that our younger sister school in Fargo has endured over the past few years with a criminal president and a bumbling AD.

However, the name is more than just an atheltics logo. Much more. Until these men, specifically Kelley, realize the depth and degree of passion, he will NEVER be able to fully and completely do his main job. Accordingly, I ask that he either lead the charge to keep the name in support of his alumni and students. Or he get out of the way and stop making random, unsupported allegations of doom and gloom if the name remains.

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