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  DamStrait said:
Why try to engage in discussion someone that is on record as stating that the principle reason he wants the name changed is to "stick it to whitey"? He isn't worth it.

No, no, no, that isn't the principal reason why I want to see the name changed. The main reason, and I have stated this in earlier posts, is because of the way I was treated as an undergrad at UND. I have gone into detail in earlier posts so I won't now, but basically, UND says it is honoring the Sioux people by using the name, yet I felt anything but honored when I went to school their. After I graduated I had a bad taste in my mouth overall and that is how I arrived at my current stance. But I did make that statement although I don't think those aren't the exact words I used but I could be wrong.

  fourwindsboy said:
No, no, no, that isn't the principal reason why I want to see the name changed. The main reason, and I have stated this in earlier posts, is because of the way I was treated as an undergrad at UND. I have gone into detail in earlier posts so I won't now, but basically, UND says it is honoring the Sioux people by using the name, yet I felt anything but honored when I went to school their. After I graduated I had a bad taste in my mouth overall and that is how I arrived at my current stance. But I did make that statement although I don't think those aren't the exact words I used but I could be wrong.

Yes. You did make such a statement and I am sure that anyone who is more proficient in seaching on this site than I am could dig it up. You're a racist which also makes you a hypocrite since you castigate others for this same thing. This is the overall sentiment that the anti-nickname people have. I did not know the university was supposed to kiss your butt while you were there. It's awfully convenient to say this or that or to indicate that you just did not feel good while you were there and concoct "Racism" out of that. Where are the university reports? Where are the police reports? Just because someone did not acknowledge you or may have looked crosseyed at you does not mean that racist behaviour occurred. Welcome to the real world. I don't know what kind of ivory tower you want to live in but if you are that thin-skinned and emotionally fragile, you should see someone for it professionally.

  fourwindsboy said:
No, no, no, that isn't the principal reason why I want to see the name changed. The main reason, and I have stated this in earlier posts, is because of the way I was treated as an undergrad at UND.

If I remember right we asked you to list specific instances about your treatment at UND and you gave us none. Please tell me you have more than anecdotal evidence of these incidents you talk about. I am really concerned you have leveled some serious accusations about your treatment at UND so I am interested in what you have to say. So we are still waiting to hear this evidence. This is the same stuff we keep hearing but I have yet to see a police report or story in the newspaper. This the same argument that is being used at UND but we see no hard evidence of this. A broken antenna on someone's car has nothing to do with the Fighting Sioux name. It is because there are stupid people in the world.

  Chewey said:
Yes. You did make such a statement and I am sure that anyone who is more proficient in seaching on this site than I am could dig it up. You're a racist which also makes you a hypocrite since you castigate others for this same thing. This is the overall sentiment that the anti-nickname people have. I did not know the university was supposed to kiss your butt while you were there. It's awfully convenient to say this or that or to indicate that you just did not feel good while you were there and concoct "Racism" out of that. Where are the university reports? Where are the police reports? Just because someone did not acknowledge you or may have looked crosseyed at you does not mean that racist behavior occurred. Welcome to the real world. I don't know what kind of ivory tower you want to live in but if you are that thin-skinned and emotionally fragile, you should see someone for it professionally.

I am sorry you percieved to be miss treated at UND, Probably has nothing to do the name. I would guess the later. I would be interested in witnessing your interactions with others. Maybe just maybe you might bear some of the blame for your treatment at UND.

lastly, I like how some seem to think that all of a sudden this new Utopia is going to emerge when the name is gone. It isn't going to happen folks. Some other crisis will emerge brought on by the P.C. nazis. Also, the same college professors that were offended by the Fighting Sioux name and strong armed the NCAA are now going to focus on something else to complain about. Personally, I wish they focus on teaching educating young minds and teaching not indoctrinating the student with their liberal views...

  fourwindsboy said:
The main reason, and I have stated this in earlier posts, is because of the way I was treated as an undergrad at UND.

Somebody hurt your feelings.

So you must punish all of UND, not just the single source.

And here I thought the earth rotated about an axis at the north pole. Silly me.


Exactly, its like I said before fourwinds boy, The nickname doesn't promote racism, it exposes those that are racist! I have friends that are Native Americans, some opposed to the name others not, but the fact is, I know people have said terrible things to Natives and what not, but that is not because of the Nickname or the majority of the students that attend, its probably a fraction like 2 or 3 people in a group of 10 that make all that noise, and they still will after the name is gone!

  fourwindsboy said:
No, no, no, that isn't the principal reason why I want to see the name changed. The main reason, and I have stated this in earlier posts, is because of the way I was treated as an undergrad at UND. I have gone into detail in earlier posts so I won't now, but basically, UND says it is honoring the Sioux people by using the name, yet I felt anything but honored when I went to school their. After I graduated I had a bad taste in my mouth overall and that is how I arrived at my current stance. But I did make that statement although I don't think those aren't the exact words I used but I could be wrong.

Just out of curiosity, what could UND have done to make you feel honored?

I wonder if every student of Irish descent feels as if the University is specifically honoring them at Notre Dame?

One of the names I would love to see UND adopt if the Sioux nickname is dropped, would be the Fighting Norse. Being that I am 100% Norwegian I would feel honored that the University is willing to recognize the contributions that Scandanavian culture has made to this area. I say this even though when I was at UND, I had to listen to many Ole and Lena/Norwegian jokes...I did not take them personally. IF we become the Fighting Norse and other schools fans made stereotypical jokes/chants about Norwegians at sporting events, I would not be offended and blame the nickname for promoting the stereoptype that all Norwegians are dim witted. I, along with many others, just don't see the connection your trying to make.

  fourwindsboy said:
No, no, no, that isn't the principal reason why I want to see the name changed. The main reason, and I have stated this in earlier posts, is because of the way I was treated as an undergrad at UND.

Have you finally grown "a pair" yet? :D

  dmksioux said:
IF we become the Fighting Norse and other schools fans made stereotypical jokes/chants about Norwegians at sporting events, I would not be offended and blame the nickname for promoting the stereoptype that all Norwegians are dim witted.

I think you're leaving a lot on the table. You could start demanding programs be started; maybe you'd want to teach some classes in your heritage, perhaps you'd get tenure....

  The Sicatoka said:
Somebody hurt your feelings.

So you must punish all of UND, not just the single source.

And here I thought the earth rotated about an axis at the north pole. Silly me.

This is the "victim mentality"

It's a lot like the race card.

(insert ethnicity) can never be truly equal to the White people until the White people are inferior to [insert ethnicity here] for an equal or longer time period to the horrors that the White people put [insert ethnicity] through (even though not all White people in American have mistreated said ethnicity ever or themselves have been mistreated by either other Whites or an ethnicity).

fourwindsboy is a racist, but he cannot be a racist because he's only venting the hurt he's experienced and lashing out at all those who harmed him. Now, if I said that fourwindsboy was an [insert negative characteristic/expletive/etc. here] even if I had irrefutable proof, I'd just be another bigotted racist.

Good grief.

No matter how much I dislike the Neo-Nazis or blond haired, blue eyed Bavarian, Prussian, or Germanic people, my father's family will still be dead and buried by the Nazis. No point holding a grudge. We remember, sure, but we move on too.

Try it once, fourwinds. Let this issue go and see what happens. I let my great grandparents' (and other family members) oppression and cold blooded murder go and it set me free.

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