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This is a tough thread to start but I will have to CANCEL and shut down my WCHA fantasy hockey league I have ran for the last 3 seasons with no prior issues. Per NCAA rules - fantasy leagues are not allowed anymore using student athletes names which are involved in the league due to eligibility issues with student athletes. I have been told to shut it down per NC$$ rules by multiple sources and will do so. The reason I made my website a few years back was for fantasy hockey only then I expanded it since. I could go around this easily and run it still but its not worth my time right now.

The main point is the NCAA would come down on the 10 WCHA schools involved in the league concerning eligibility of the hockey players if the schools didn't take action and contact me regarding shutting down the league. This is ALL on the NC$$. If i get shutdown letters from all 10 teams ill frame them for memories :cool:

We all know how it is. ONLY the NC$$ likes to make money or get noticed by their athletes right? Only the NC$$ can sell replica jerseys with a number on the jersey knowing very well who that player is but cant put his name on the back due to their own rules. I will stop here as I can go off for paragraphs if I wanted to.

I understand the rules, I do but the most disapointing part of this as I didnt do it to make money, not 1 damn cent. I didnt do it for any other reason but to expand the average WCHA hockey fans knowledge when it comes to other teams and their players on a week by week basis. Just another reason to laugh at the NCAA and the joke that it is. I will leave it at this and say sorry to everyone who signed up and was ready for another great year of fantasy. Like I needed another reason to dislike the NC$$


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This is a tough thread to start but I will have to CANCEL and shut down my WCHA fantasy hockey league I have ran for the last 3 seasons with no prior issues. Per NCAA rules - fantasy leagues are not allowed anymore using student athletes names which are involved in the league due to eligibility issues with student athletes. I have been told to shut it down per NC$$ rules by multiple sources and will do so.

We all know how it is. ONLY the NC$$ likes to make money or get noticed by their athletes right? Only the NC$$ can sell replica jerseys with a number on the jersey knowing very well who that player is but cant put his name on the back due to their own rules. I will stop here as I can go off for paragraphs if I wanted to.

I understand the rules, I do but the most disapointing part of this as I didnt do it to make money, not 1 damn cent. I didnt do it for any other reason but to expand the average WCHA hockey fans knowledge when it comes to other teams and their players on a week by week basis. Just another reason to laugh at the NCAA and the joke that it is. I will leave it at this and say sorry to everyone who signed up and was ready for another great year of fantasy.


WOW, thats too bad. I was excited to try this for the first time. Frickin NCAA! :cool:

Thanks for the effort in putting this deal together anyways, AZSioux. :)

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what a crock of s@*t! i can understand if we all put in money and were doing this fantasy league for a cash prize, but this is ridiculous. leave it to the nc$$ to focus on the important issues, such as shutting down fantasy leagues which are done for fun to bring wcha hockey fans together. oh well, it is what it is. my fantasy hockey name was probably hostile and abusive anyway, which would have been a double whammy :) thanks for trying az, too bad i didn't get the chance to experience wcha fantasy hockey, as i didn't do it last year. i guess sioux survivor will have to suffice for this season... i think another frozen four and national championship #8 would ease the sting too :cool: GO SIOUX!! suck it nc$$!!

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This is a tough thread to start but I will have to CANCEL and shut down my WCHA fantasy hockey league I have ran for the last 3 seasons with no prior issues. Per NCAA rules - fantasy leagues are not allowed anymore using student athletes names which are involved in the league due to eligibility issues with student athletes. I have been told to shut it down per NC$$ rules by multiple sources and will do so.

We all know how it is. ONLY the NC$$ likes to make money or get noticed by their athletes right? Only the NC$$ can sell replica jerseys with a number on the jersey knowing very well who that player is but cant put his name on the back due to their own rules. I will stop here as I can go off for paragraphs if I wanted to.

I understand the rules, I do but the most disapointing part of this as I didnt do it to make money, not 1 damn cent. I didnt do it for any other reason but to expand the average WCHA hockey fans knowledge when it comes to other teams and their players on a week by week basis. Just another reason to laugh at the NCAA and the joke that it is. I will leave it at this and say sorry to everyone who signed up and was ready for another great year of fantasy.


Just a thought here.......but could you do it if you use the number of the player? That's what is used in NCAA video games and those are still getting made.

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Just a thought here.......but could you do it if you use the number of the player? That's what is used in NCAA video games and those are still getting made.

i could but thats a bit more work than i want to go through, sorry. i spend enough hours during the hockey season calculating numbers ect with the simple league i had...

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How true.I even had my lineup sent in already.Thanks AZSIOUX for running it for the last 3 years.I really enjoyed it and always looked forward to setting my lineup.

yeah, im am beyond bummed out about this. i never cared for the NC$$ has a whole and now they can royaly kiss my AZZ. Like i stated there are ways around this but as of now i dont have the time to do that but it doesnt mean i wont in the future.

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yeah, im am beyond bummed out about this. i never cared for the NC$$ has a whole and now they can royaly kiss my AZZ. Like i stated there are ways around this but as of now i dont have the time to do that but it doesnt mean i wont in the future.

So there is hope. :cool:

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yeah, im am beyond bummed out about this. i never cared for the NC$$ has a whole and now they can royaly kiss my AZZ. Like i stated there are ways around this but as of now i dont have the time to do that but it doesnt mean i wont in the future.

AZ, I have time, let me know. Closed Circuit to Miles Brand ,,!,,

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AZ, I have time, let me know. Closed Circuit to Miles Brand ,,!,,

i was just gona ask that dimwit if he wanted to be in the league. hell he probably would have said yes :) and had no idea regarding his own rules :cool:

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Thanks for the past 3 years AZ and for all the time you put into the league. I for one truly appreciated it and it did broaden my knowledge of the whole WCHA. I work with a SCSU, UMD and U of M grad so I'm going to do it at work with just the 4 of us. Won't be the same however. Thanks again!

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sadly, i actually agree with gooferz here... i just doesn't make any sense whatsoever that the nc$$ should have any say in this. that being said, noone ever claimed the nc$$ has ever, or even half azzed tries to make sense.

Not sadly at all :cool: They may own the right to their names in regards to gambling or something, but in a free league they have no right to do that. They don't own the players.

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The NCAA can't do anything about this, no one's paying for it. They don't own the rights to any players names, especially in this scenario.

Really not necessary to shut down.

well, to me it is as for now and im the one who runs the league and have for 3 years so i will do what i feel is best right now.

its has nothing to do with money at all. ist the ncaa rules per fantasy leagues and the wcha schools have to folow them for eligibility concers. you cant use college players names in fantasy games or anythig without their permission or permission really by their school. trust me when i say i wouldnt shut it down if i didnt feel the need OK at this point. are there ways around it? sure there are but right now its not going to happen this year. ive already put enough time and effort into setting it all up. thanks to all that had signed up

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The NCAA can't do anything about this, no one's paying for it. They don't own the rights to any players names, especially in this scenario.

They don't own the rights to the players names, but it is a violation of NCAA rules for a student-athlete to be involved in the promotion of a commercial organization. I would guess that is what's causing the athletes' schools, not the NCAA, consternation.

However, the timing of crackdown on AZSIOUX's game is interesting. Until this year, NCAA fantasy football providers have avoided using names (they would instead refer to "North Dakota Running Back" and so forth). This summer, a court decision in regard to MLB suggested that players' names are in the public domain. So, this year for the first time, NCAA football fantasy providers have been referring to players by name.

As to the NCAA itself, it doesn't like fantasy leagues but doesn't know what to do about them:

Myles Brand's take

So, one could join CBS in testing the applicability of the precedent, but we're almost certain to see additional appeals schools and student athletes bringing their own suits, so it's certainly tempting to leave it to CBS which has deeper pockets and more to gain.

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