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Everything posted by obborg

  1. No, the biggest reason would be to not have to call ourselves "Fighting Hawks" or "Roughriders."
  2. It's a lukewarm logo in any context. Along with the Teddy logo floating around, it's a good example of why we don't need a new logo.
  3. I was a Fighting Sioux supporter, but not a Fighting Sioux at all costs supporter.I was never a only "North Dakota" supporter. (But I am getting there.)I do not want Nodaks only temporarily, only so that another name can be selected.
  4. This comment implies that somebody wants to be bitter. While I will refrain from making such accusations, I don't see how any of us can be completely free of bitterness whether we want it or not. If you are, you must not have been been paying attention to this insulting process.
  5. Either way, let's not trade our chest wound in for a head wound.
  6. What a bunch of backwards hicks!
  7. True I am more against than for, but aren't most of us? There's not much left here to support. My objection is with the self-congratulations for being the only ones "for" something instead of against while simultaneously dominating the NoDak thread with attack-ad style criticism.
  8. There is a high concentration of voters living in Grand Forks so it makes sense to appeal to them about this issue. Sure, non GF residents maybe don't care. But GF residents maybe do care.
  9. The current condition at Marquette gives me hope that we can ultimately decide for ourselves what not to accept.
  10. There is no scenario left that doesn't lead to this result.
  11. Those images are being created by your imagination.
  12. By far the greatest factor in merchandise sales is success in the athletic arena.
  13. And if Hawks or Riders wins we are all at the mercy of an already untrusted leadership to somehow produce a logo that's good enough to elevate a mediocre nickname to greatness. Nodaks, on the other hand already has a built-in logo, the interlocked ND.
  14. Well hats off to you if you can predict what's coming next at any given point in this process!
  15. She was there, but not dressed to play.
  16. We knew elections were influenced by money but this is ridiculous. Talk about eliminating the middleman.
  17. Why is it so important to have a "majority" election winner? Can anyone explain?
  18. Dyer was off the chain today. She will be a BSC first-teamer before she's done here. Morton impressed. She seemed to lack the freshman nerves and looked very confident. The newcomers seem like they bring plenty of raw talent for the coaches to work with. Brewster was his normal self (you know, screaming at the refs and scolding his players even while up by 20+ in an exhibition game.)
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