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Everything posted by ClassB

  1. two desirable characteristics that UND student fans DID NOT show by leaving early: 1. Decency - if you're only there for the chance that you might win a scholarship, just stay for the whole game. Otherwise, odds are low enough that you should have waited a few tables that afternoon and made $100 bucks guaranteed. Have the decency to hide your selfishness. 2. Commitment - Just finish what you start. Not hard - you sat there for 2.5 hours, why not finish it out? UND made the massive mistake of trying not to inconvenience the students by waiting until the very end of the game to reveal the winner. I suggest next time they not hide their intentions and wait until the players are in their respective locker rooms. I was a student last fall - it sucked getting called out on this site. But he is right - they do leave every time, they do lack the decency to hide the selfish motives and the commitment to finish something even when its become inconvenient for them. Its funny - we all want attendance and atmosphere to improve - but only one poster has dared to put the blame on the fans and not the team. (he was basically tarred and feathered)
  2. While I lol'd at the bottom comment - lets keep civil here. Oxbow usually predicts a UND win. The only one here who pretends tonot be an NDSU fan when he is is Johnboy.
  3. I agree w/what you're saying I'm just not saying it (NDSU being the only real difference between the two conferences). For everyone's sake, I hope the rest of the season between the MVFC and Big Sky plays out as it has already.
  4. https://video.search.yahoo.com/video/play;_ylt=A0LEVr8i.eBXp.QA9ssnnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTEybXR1bWNwBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDQjI2OTFfMQRzZWMDc2M-?p=o+fortuna+video&back=https%3A%2F%2Fsearch.yahoo.com%2Fyhs%2Fsearch%3Fp%3Do%2Bfortuna%2Bvideo%26ei%3DUTF-8%26hspart%3Dmozilla%26hsimp%3Dyhs-002&fr=yhs-mozilla-002&turl=http%3A%2F%2Fts3.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOVP.V08753995c85937f9b4b83cf702457f01%26pid%3D15.1%26w%3D136%26h%3D77%26c%3D7&rurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DGD3VsesSBsw&tit=Carmina+Burana+~+O+Fortuna+|+Carl+Orff+~+André+Rieu&l=313&vid=9cc49674bd4c06c91d2b6fbff3dc7a66&sigr=11b34b05k&sigb=12r6q93pf&sigt=11kt7uk7i&sigi=12q86cckp&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs-002 This is a good dramatic song. If the link works.
  5. Sure. The 'Yotes are Western Michigan and we'll be Bemidji State. not a whole lot of difference.
  6. For sale at Siouxshop for $40. At at least they were this weekend. Sorry if someone already posted and also sorry that I didn't think to post earlier in the week!
  7. I want to say we went with La Guardia, also staying at some Pod 51 hotel a few blocks away I think.
  8. really excited for this season - I like the Boeser taking a step forward talk, but is there any chance his numbers take a slight dip backwards? He had some pretty stellar linemates (2 as opposed to a guarantee 1 this year) playing with him too last season.
  9. Got the wife swindled in on a stop at New York on the way to jamaica for honeymoon - we will be there!
  10. Not sure how good Moorhead's club team is, but I do know that currently Chris Dilks is a real goofer on Twitter. Not a big fan. Can someone recount how his story went of UND being the reason for the upheaval? Did he blame it on us for being racist or..?
  11. check his activity on this thread. it smells a lot like a he's got a snide 'I was right you all were wrong, now shut up and accept the consequences' tone.
  12. you just changed my afternoon plans. heading to scheels to get myself one.
  13. could you do us a fan and change your moniker to 'Hawkerfan7' ? you're sending us mixed signals.
  14. I'm pretty torn. Seems clear that NCHC was born to preserve and advance the hockey tradition at UND (and elsewhere) and it has done a fantastic job. We have a good mix of area teams (UMD, SCSU, UND - WMICH, MIAMI - CC, DU) and at least partially centrally located (UNO). We have 8 schools committed to hockey excellence (many of them succeeding). We have d1 schools (wmich, Miami, du, UND), and we have smaller schools. I'm torn between fun to-go-to games (NCC rivals, old WCHA) and national prominence (growing the sport, cementing UND on the map). I think we could take a lesson from the Little 6 and remember that hockey fans do not care about P5 opponents and like fun to-go-to games. The biggest difference between the Little 6 and the NCHC is that the NCHC prioritized hockey, while the 6 prioritized D1, 'respectable' opponents (I understand their hand was forced). Look where we are now. It also feels too concentrated - the quality of play in the NCHC is remarkable. WMICH and MIAMI are punching bags right now and I don't know if they will always be content to value hockey highly and get the piss pounded out of them. We might have to dilute the strength a little. and If we do, I think we need to maintain what I mentioned above - balance. A school like ASU would demand a school like BGSU (would gain two d1 opponents, lots of exposure and national prominence, a local opponent for CC, DU, WMICH, MIAMI, but would offer little hockey prominence). Then again, adding MNSU in place of BGSU would give us hockey prominence (some) and another local opponent for UND fans (the apparent fulcrum) - but would damage relationship with eastern schools, and devalue the NCHC's values further (sizable endowments, merit of education). Adding BGSU and MNSU, w/a proviso that ASU could come when it brings UNLV/UA w/it might be my favored outcome. 12 seems too many, but I don't see any way to make everyone happy - plus it would ease my concern of having 2 disgruntled east teams that, out of necessity, are the doormats for the best teams in the nation. If those 2 east teams were to leave, the NCHC would be mightily unstable in my mind. On the other hand if we had a conference of UND, UMD, SCSU, UNO, DU and CC - w/4 conference games against each and 14 OOC - the 'NCHC' could probably still get 4-5 teams in the tournament every year and grow the sport, while taking on prominent OOC teams each year and free up WMICH and MIAMI to be powers in a different conference? Might be a little harebrained, but that's a whole different topic. Preserving and advancing the NCHC should be our main goal - growing the sport and putting players through to the NHL a secondary goal. Extra drive games (as UND fans) shouldn't be (already pretty spoiled w/SCSU, UMD, UNO). I think we need to do that by being nationwide and having regional opponents for each team who are committed to hockey. I'm either on a 12 team plan or a 6 team. Sorry if this is rambling and diluted - there are lots of moving parts.
  15. he never comes across as a 'neutral observer' when he shows up, but he sure likes to show up and claim as much!
  16. Looks a little Dallas Stars-ish/an 80s futuristic look but at least I can pigeonhole it. (I mean, its an improvement, at least). would black lines near the top of each feather, converging toward the head be too much?
  17. Because athletic departments, by virtue of NCAA ca. early-2000s, are in the business of social-engineering. A business no one belongs in. I would argue his 180 was a little facetious, leaving room for one to assume it was a 'forced' attempt at supporting the logo, evidenced by his picture. Also, if it came from Berry, it was forced as well, considering his current Twitter avatar.
  18. and here we are. InHeavenThereIsNoBeer got it right, there are some little brother syndromes going on. You, UND-1, UNDBIZ, and geaux-sioux have it. I respect and am thankful for Bubba, and he made a fantastic speech that I'm still grappling with. I also respect Barry, and - get this - I think they respect eachother. As long as both football and hockey (and all the other sports) win, why do we need to make this about bowing down to the administration? Are we not just happy winning, or do we have to fight about the names? I've not looked into the etymology but Virginia's official name is the cavaliers and everyone calls them the wahoos there, Auburn are the tigers and its all 'war eagle' at the games, why not here? I think we need to take a page out of both coaches books and respect eachother.
  19. Did you see the baseball teams public twitter reaction? Are you kidding?
  20. -and relatively, I think they probably do keep quiet about a lot of things on social media. I don't think its so clear-cut with the nickname. When you start talking about the university counseling them on a proper public response in advance, it starts to feel a little bit like a gag order.
  21. Interesting that we think the guys with the logo on their chests can't criticize it, but the person who commissioned it can?
  22. I find that young men, in particular, have a hard time censoring themselves when they think they are standing for what is right.
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