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Everything posted by Sioux>Bison

  1. He was good other than his picks. I root for Carson because he is a ND hunting man, non degenerate like the rest of the NFL! Perfect guy to have in Washington!!!!
  2. Did Jerry have a problem with drops in college?
  3. Why the F did the Packers waste a pick on a guy who is known for dropping balls!?!,!?! JFC why can’t the pack get a Jefferson!
  4. Patty V and the MVFC closed it down, too unfair of an advantage
  5. I hope so! UNI exposed us! Made Nebraska look average FCS that may have been the biggest, most experienced OL that we will play all year.
  6. And a rushing TD and 2 pt rushing conversion He won us the game and not the defense! Who woulda thunk
  7. It should, you would think they only get better
  8. That short pass game and a QB good at it sure helps!
  9. It’s like he thought he had help over the top…… nope did Kap miss his assignment after getting dinged up on the kick off?
  10. They lost by a missed FG
  11. When you have confidence in your Offense then I guess the odds are in your favor
  12. We need to run Tommy MORE!!!! Come on Danny!
  13. D line isn’t getting pressure like the last game, their o line is better than last week
  14. Nebraska played deep coverage the whole game knowing we cant throw it deep. Between that and their D line pressure the took away and deep throws and gave us the short passes. What QB on our roster is going to overcome that with our young Oline? Which QB was the best to play based on what the defense was giving us? Tommy played well for what we were trying and able to do well.
  15. Tommy averaged 5.45 yards per play because UND was throwing quick high percentage passes. Think of it like running the ball and averaging 5.45 yards per run. We did that short passing because we could not protect Tommy long enough to throw further down the field. That short passing game though did move the ball and ate up a ton of clock, and kept UND in the game for 3 quarters. I would not say it wasn’t working. As our OL get better I’m sure we will be able to throw it down field more.
  16. UNI scares me with two positions: D line and WR lets hope we can overcome their strengths and come up with a big win at home
  17. Don’t forget Bowling Green, San Jose St, Fresno St…… throughout the Mussman and Bubba eras!
  18. People forget that good teams adjust. Utah St and Nebraska did it on offense and defense. I wish UND could do the same.
  19. I’ll have to look those guys up but I’ll take your word they are better than Bubba. Tell Chaves to can Bubba and in return you will fund HPC2! Big donors get their way!
  20. How do we get one ? It’s not like the staff hasn’t been trying. They see the need. Do recruits not want to play for these coaches?
  21. Their football only focus has also been a hindrance in moving to the next level. They built their new indoor practice field for football only instead of a multi purpose center. Why? Because all their donors care about is football.
  22. I don’t think he is arguing that their success hasn’t brought in better recruits. It hasn’t increased their enrollment or helped them get anymore FBS games. They have positioned themselves for FBS and there is no doubt about that. It will happen eventually and we can’t get left behind again.
  23. Yup and that play was all Bubbas fault! Fire Bubba Save Season!!!
  24. That’s not a realistic response. He is no longer an option. We cant go back in the future and fix it. Who now today should UND replace Bubba with? Name someone realistic!
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