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Everything posted by Sioux>Bison

  1. Can’t believe people are now hoping we can go back to the mussman era! We were behind the elite programs in funding then the same as we are now!
  2. So we need more donors and bigger donations? Our fan base must be Tapped out I guess
  3. Where are those mussman type recruits going now instead of UND? How many actually stayed at UND once they showed they were good. Who is beating us out?
  4. Yeah let’s be D2 and give the flagship to NDSU and watch UBD slip into irrelevancy in the region! Great plan how do we fix the funding model?
  5. Who would you hire then? Bubba and Danny can’t get it done. Who can do better with these resources?
  6. Open up that checkbook of yours! NIL, fund HPC2 , something, literally don’t know how we can recruit better players with our resources. You are right we can only scheme to a certain point. How are we getting that talent to UND?
  7. Get that checkbook out and find us some elite WR talent or quit your complaining. Need to get good WRs here and your complaining ain’t doing nothing!
  8. How did he let everything he built slip away by letting NDSU surpass us by moving D1? How did we let Lennon go? Who was on Lennons coaching staff?
  9. You willing to donate money? Get out your checkbook. We could use HPC2! You are not going to have an elite football program with average spending/ support.
  10. How are we going to recruit better receivers? Where we going to find them and who are we going to beat out for them?
  11. If Bubba can’t get it done than who can? Name a coach please. The new coach would have the same resources and compensation as they have now. How are we going to recruit better players with the same resources. We have to scheme our way through games to make up for the elite talent that we can’t recruit. Like Kelly Howe says when is the last time we passed the eye test looking at the other team in warm ups. Our schemes are the only thing that is evening out our games. Bringing in a different coaching staff will have to deal with this the same. We do pretty well for a team full of “D2” talent.
  12. When a defensive line dominates the line of scrimmage like UND did and the O line is only called for one holding you know there is something wrong with that. Not going to get the calls in your favor in a big 10 game
  13. Judging the guy by one game huh? UND is just that good that they made him look bad. The guy started multiple seasons for Texas and played pretty well. Name a better QB in the MVFC! Not one of them would ever play for Texas…… maybe not even Nebraska
  14. Yeah we really could have used him. 98 yard pick! Can’t find a video of it online unfortunately
  15. Yeah you should be on SDSU’s board they are your real rival. I would be embarrassed to go on an opponent’s board and troll. Says something about the person really…..
  16. Who have they misjudged talent wise? It’s not like UND has the recruiting advantage in the region. The only players we have our pick of are the D2 players. The only reason we got Belquist is because Ag U didn’t offer him. What better players have we missed out on? are you talking about Tommy and our QB’s? You remember how/why we got Tommy right?
  17. Too bad NDSU will never get invited to play Nebraska!
  18. Casey Thompson played for Texas so yes he really sucks….. or Is UND’s defense just very good?
  19. UND football is not an elite program and is not funded as such. Hard to expect a title every year. The same could be said of SDSU!
  20. You must have no life if you come on this board…..
  21. Maybe the Irish are finally the real deal now! No longer overrated!
  22. Transfers from the secondary hurt bad today.
  23. You are seriously an idiot. You bring nothing intelligent to this board. Just because we lost doesn’t mean they didn’t try to win. Seriously the bandwagon will take you…. Good bye
  24. You are welcome to be an Ag U fan….. See ya! UND is behind the top regional teams because we didn’t move up to D1 at the same time. Been digging us forever to gain back any recruiting edge we once had.
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