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Posts posted by gundy1124

  1. 41 minutes ago, northernraider said:

    Just caught something on WDAY about two players arrested for drug possession.  One of which is Iwarri Smith.  

    Likely pot????  A totally harmless and acceptable drug according to 3/4s of the posters on this site.  

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  2. 24 minutes ago, The Sicatoka said:

    Mentioning TE, seems #14 is listed as one ... 

    I have heard good things about Joe and his move to TE.  Guessing more of a pass catcher than blocker-

  3. 36 minutes ago, UNDfan2013 said:

    Am interested to see Oscar Nevermann hit the field.  Heard he was a beast in the weight room.  Do you think he will continue as a RB or change positions?

    This spring we will sort out roles for Norberg and Nevermann.  Could be some slash players with snaps at RB/FB/H-back/TE.

  4. 43 minutes ago, UNDColorado said:

    Zack Arnell says JR, does that mean he was granted a medical redshirt?

    That's what I heard, he's a JR. this year eligibility wise.

    Jawon Johnson will be OLB.

  5. 53 minutes ago, UNDfan2013 said:

    I am conflicted on this news and initially disappointed with the coaching staff.  I understand 18-22 year old kids will not always make the best choices.  However I thought the coaches had this high principal and require their athletes to work hard, stay out of trouble and be fully committed to UND football.  That last part is what bothers me.  He quit the team, the reason why really doesn't matter when he appears to be welcomed back with open arms.  Other players have been busting their butts with workouts and lifting, doing their school work and are truly committed.  Is this the story of another athlete that gets special treatment?

    I am going to wait to make my final judgment and see how this all plays out with the coaches actions.


    The staff isn't conflicted.  They are not worried about this situation lessening the standard for being committed to UND football.

    • Upvote 2
  6. 2 hours ago, Longtime fan said:

    Marketing works for anything.   I visit mexico annually and in their (locals) own words , corona is skunk piss!  Until they started marketing america they were in shambles.  Now people think it's a vacation in a bottle.  Best thing since sliced bread.  Yet they add enough lemon or lime to it that they are simply kiling the skunk.  All in the marketing.  Same applies to Jose Cuervo, locals won't touch that crap.

    So the Miami Hurricanes went on a marketing blitz and then their football team took off.  I'm getting stupid here-

  7. 1 hour ago, northernraider said:

    I thought one of the major aspects of marketing was to promote a product, no matter how good or bad it may seem.  Seems marketing should have really increased during the lean years.  

    If you have a crappy product the solution isn't to market it more, that's silly.

    The solution is to get a better product and everything else will gravitate towards that.  We have a good product now heading into 2016 but a little unknown to the average Joe.  It takes time and we still need the effort and ideas, but it gets easier with a good product.

  8. 20 minutes ago, UND1983 said:

    How about the Montana State game when McGhee surprisingly started the game?  Was it 42-0 at half?  Cannot remember but I left at half completely embarrassed.  Never felt that way before leaving the Al.


    7 minutes ago, jdub27 said:

    Ugh, that was terrible. Felt somewhat close at 14-7 halfway through the second until MSU scored to make it 21-7. Still wasn't too bad but then MSU scored 3 TD's in the last 3 1/2 minutes of the half to make it 42-7. Added another TD 5 minutes into the 3rd as the cherry on top. Playmakers and the Tavern were filling up well before the game was over.

    Thankfully, we've come a long ways since those days!!!

    • Upvote 1
  9. 34 minutes ago, geaux_sioux said:

    The reason they stopped is they were short on man power to produce it.

    Ya, who's going to go the extra mile to produce a show on a sinking ship?  We had 15 fans left at home vrs. Sac. State that year.  I had to leave myself and was embarrassed I brought guests to the game.

    Don't we have a good mass. com. program........it's just a bunch of football clips and a voice over.  Simple stuff.

    • Upvote 2
  10. 10 hours ago, Cratter said:

    Another marketing opportunity, continue this series:


    The Athletic Department already knows these things. They just don't have any money to do them. I don't expect the promotions and marketing to increase anytime soon, especially with budget cuts.

    With the product on the field that year I understand why they didn't continue the series -

    It'd be nice to have for a legitimate run at the play-offs in 2016.

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  11. 7 minutes ago, UND-FB-FAN said:

    Might be a mistake to host the spring game at Memorial Stadium. The facilities and technological capabilities are completely limited. There will be limited streaming capabilities along with additional technological/marketing features. Also, as mentioned in another post, there will be little to no room to tailgate.

    All in all, why is the Alerus Center with the brand-new video boards being ignored? That is the current home of UND football; it should be utilized as such. I understand that it would be great to have UND football back on campus, and I am for that happening in the future, but not until Memorial is renovated, obviously. 

    I don't disagree what you are saying.

    My view on the Spring game last year was it was simple, all access for fans, blue collar, the guys played hard, just like the style of football Bubba likes to play.  You could walk on the track, stand 2 feet from the players, be right on the side line, or sit in the stands.  After the game it was fans and players mingling, lots of photos, some fans throwing balls around on the field, really laid back.  So maybe more of a philosophical difference on the Spring game from what the coaches are looking for compared to fans.  I didn't have a problem with it and not sure I'd take the time to stream a Spring game.........although the trend in college football is to make a big deal of it.

  12. 52 minutes ago, Longtime fan said:

    It's South Dakota st.   SDSU 

    That message was peppered with sarcasm and dismay.  It's beginning to be that Siouxsports should be renamed to FU 2.0.  I could give a rats ass what, where, why, when, how or whatever else goes on for them.   They have their own website I would assume....go there!!  Bubba is building a hell of a team that everyone HERE should be proud of, and unless were playing,  WHO THE HELL CARES!!!   

    Does anyone have any insight on Taj??

    Pretty positive on both Taj and Arnell right now -

    • Upvote 1
  13. 39 minutes ago, UND1983 said:

    Worried most about OL.  Front seven should be strength of the defense. 

    about the OL, Stockwell, Cox, Bell, Miller, all Juniors with playing time, that should help having 4 upper classmen in 2 deep.  My guess is 3 of them start........but a lot of spots wide open.

  14. 10 minutes ago, dakota said:

    Historically, don't these things start with frays?

    The Montana State half of the trophy could be Prokup crying at the podium.  And you could take it 2 ways 1) crying after a loss to UND 2) saying farewell to his teammates.  (we need to start a fray, right)

  15. 8 minutes ago, geaux_sioux said:

    If our OL is figured out by the end of spring ball we should be a team on a mission. If not we may struggle on o. I have faith in Knapf.

    Knapf, need the O-line to not have a drop off in 2016.

    Stepps, most talent we've had in the secondary, have to do better against spread and passing attacks.  Need to find a nickel/dime package where we can trust more secondary guys on the field. 

  16. On February 6, 2016 at 5:08 PM, geaux_sioux said:

    But rivalry type drama? PSU: first game we got their d coordinator fired, second game was a defensive battle, third game was another defensive battle with us stopping them on the last play for like the 3 yard line, and this year was a great slobber knocker of a game and we tainted their record. Montana: us passing for 10000 yards on them, them blowing our doors off and going for two when up huge late in the game, then we knock out their golden boy rapist qb and all the other drama at the end of that one, then they blow our secondary apart with a third string QB. The Griz fans think we're a dirty team and below them. And PSU is always a good hard game. That's why they're our rivals in the big sky right now.

    The guys close to the Griz program were told they were resting a bunch of players when we took them to the wire in the Alerus.  Griz don't respect our program.....

  17. 2 hours ago, Nodak78 said:

    Stony Brook has a great defense.


    last season they ranked national;

    11th in Rush defense

    #1 in Total defense

    #7 in Red Zone

    #2 in team sacks

    #5 in passing yards allowed

    #6 in scoring defense.


    We have our work cut out for us.  This will be an important test.

    If you guys remember it became a running joke that the Stony Brook defense was comparable to the '85 Bears, or even better.  It was good, but our offensive execution and play calling was abysmal, too. We ran 26 'dive' plays in a row I recall.  SB could play us tough but I expect to win this game.

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  18. 2 hours ago, darell1976 said:

    If signing day didn't get the anticipation going.......only 211 days until opening day at Stony Brook!!! :)  

    I forget....did Stony Brook have a good defense last game we played them?  How about this year?

  19. 5 hours ago, Nodak78 said:

    A comparison to Darin Erstad.  Wow!!!  That is saying a lot.  If that is the case we do have a steal.  

    "F'N Hawks Football, We keep our stealing limited to overlooked recruits........."

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  20. 6 minutes ago, The Sicatoka said:

    Schmidt's been busting on "Saint" Luke for "one career broken tackle" for a decade and a half. :D

    Yes, and when a player isn't playing up to his potential, 'He needs to see the Wizard' (to find a heart)   -e. schmidt

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