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Posts posted by gundy1124

  1. 2 hours ago, ZiggyZoomba97 said:

    Hope you folks are as ready as we (BG fans) are to put week 1 behind you and move on to week 2!!!   As I've posted before on this board, looking forward to this game a lot.   Playing Ohio State is interesting and nice pay-check for the school, and playing and beating teams like Maryland and Purdue last year was fun, but personally I really enjoy these non-conference games, with like-minded fans who follow and root for a non Power-5 team, and teams that are, for the most part, playing for a conference championship above all else.  

    Making the drive back to BG from Chicago for this one...hoping to run into some Fighting Sioux fans...errrr, sorry, Fighting Hawks :)  at and around the tailgates.  If I see green it's a free beer for you.

    Both teams need this win to get back on track so I'm expecting a good game.  Those in this thread who I saw are worried about your O-line opening up holes and running the ball, well, if BG has had a consistent weakness, even when they have had good teams, it's their run defense.  I see UND moving the ball well on the ground as long as you can keep the safeties honest with some play-action or at least a serviceable passing game.  BG needs to get their passing game clicking.  I was at the game last week against OSU and there were a number of plays where BG had wide open WRs but the QB (Knapke) didn't see them or threw the ball well behind them.  BG's chances to win this week's game hing on better QB play in my opinion. Personally I'd like to see James Morgan get more snaps over Knapke (the starter in the OSU game). The BG Oline did a great job last week so we are hoping that can continue.

    So yeah, game probably comes down to that.  If UND can maintain long drives on the ground and control the clock, you win.  If BG can start hitting on the longer passes and get big plays from the WRs, BG probably wins.

    Should be a good game!

    Side note, if anyone is heading to BG for the game, stop in Myles Pizza Pub for a pizza...you won't regret it.




    You are awfully kind.  I think we have an uphill battle.  Mother nature might help us a little with rain and wind.....

    I am actually going to be there with a 'In Bubba We Trust' green T-shirt.  Yeah, free beer!!

    • Upvote 2
  2. 1 hour ago, siouxfan512 said:

    After seeing the replay, I'm going to go ahead and back peddle on my comments on Clive. That all happened so fast, and watching the replay on UND Sports Extra was much more clear. I think Clive probably figured he was already down when he started stretching out a bit. Just an unfortunate spot for the kid to be in. Nice tackle by the D, but Clive really just got pulled on top of the defender and put in a bad spot. Definitely a little different than I remember seeing it the first time around.

    Also seeing he lower leg bend and wiggle like that was disgusting. Can't imagine the pain. 

    Anyone know if he will have a chance for a medical reshirt? Or if they will even apply for one?

    Those that played see things differently than guys that didn't.  It doesn't make them any better/worse fans, they just see things with the past experience of playing.  I spoke with a former UND WR, played in the 00's.  He said anytime you go back into the middle as a WR be prepared to take a shot.  He said he cringed on 2 plays with Clive, both were times when he caught the ball and cut back into the middle.  The 1st time he came up holding his hip, the 2nd time was the unfortunate leg injury.  Gotta give Clive credit for playing fearless but not sure what's best for the team in these situations.  He was a valuable deep threat for 3 quarters out of a 44 quarter regular season.

  3. 9 hours ago, Old School Guy said:

    The CBs are usually told where to line up after getting the call from the safety. Hope we get it worked out this week or it might get out of hand quickly. No more day by day. The time is now. 

    Safeties make the call, a corners technique, disguise, positioning depends on the player and his experience, what the staff allows him to do, and the player across from him.  It's not as simple as it appears.

    Your point I think is if we are going to line up 8-10 yards off whether in man or zone Bowling Green will eat us alive.  I think that's an accurate statement.

    • Upvote 2
  4. 17 minutes ago, Old School Guy said:

    Making corners play off makes it look like they don't have the ability to cover anyone. Get up in the receivers face. If he goes to hit hotdog stand...you go with him. If he goes to get a cup a water, you go too. We also need more corners on the field in nickle instead of safeties. In my opinion. Playing in the secondary is tough but scheme can make it more difficult than it should be. I have never liked the bail technique.

    I love the bail technique, when it's played a yard off and looks like man press.  I think our corners need to disguise their coverages more.

    • Upvote 1
  5. 2 hours ago, 77iceman said:

    I totally agree...in Clive's case the "necessary yardage" was the goal line. 

    It's easy to step out at the 40 knowing you have the first down, but that's not where Clive or that game was at.

    Perhaps, I only saw it once live but watching it and seeing it I could see he was about to get crushed by not going down and his momentum was stopped.  

    What are defenses coached to do, gang tackle, punish, strip the ball.  When you see a guy, momentum stopped, their d-backs were licking their chops!!

    Even if he didn't get hurt, but took a shot, I am just guessing Fruend would of told him, know when enough is enough, know the down and distance, don't expose yourself and get yourself killed.

    Clive isn't exactly setting any weight lifting records, for his size, that was reckless.  'A' for effort.  Wish him the best, very unfortunate.

  6. 2 hours ago, Big Green said:

    I don't get the idea that Clive should not have fought for the extra yardage idea.  Granted I did not see the play as I was listening on the radio at the time.  But you can't settle for going down at the 2 yard line.  You should fight for the extra yardage and try to score.  Can't assume you are getting a TD in the next couple of plays after. 

    Question for people who saw the play.  Did he fumble because he was hurt?

    This is the concept, and you'll see guys in the NFL do this, protect the ball and yourself when you've made the necessary yardage.  You see guys in the NFL do this because they were savvy enough to know when the play is done.  Clive would be way more valuable to us securing the 1st down and not gaining an extra foot and getting crushed.  For every guy in the NFL their are 2-3 that were just as good, but didn't survive due to injury.  So call the real talented players that know when enough is enough 'pussies', Chis Carter for the Vikes is a good example, or call them whatever you want.  But CC is in the HOF I believe in part because he avoided taking big shots from defenders.

  7. 7 hours ago, homer said:

    The o line worries me.  Mainly the interior 3.  I thought Matt Cox did fine filling in at multiple positions last year.   We will see how he does as a starter.  I don't know anything about Dan Bell.  I guess I'll have more of an opinion after tomorrow's game.  

    Not worried about Cox, I think he's going to put it all together this year at RT.  AJ at LT should be improved from a good season last year, and Coe is a better player than Boes at Center.  The guards are in a battle with 3-4 guys, the best players will rise to the challenge but not likely be as good as last year.  So at o-line from last year to this year I see 2 improvements, 2 positions a little worse off, and a push.  Put in experience at the TE position and Norberg at FB, and the whole blocking scheme with more experience than last year I think we'll be fine.......  Stony Brook will be a good measuring stick for sure.  They are self proclaimed 'quick on D'.....maybe our size and push can find us some running lanes.  Knauf is a great guy and coach.  I spoke with a former lineman this month, only 1 year with Knauf but he wished he had more with him.

    • Upvote 4
  8. 6 minutes ago, Sioux94 said:

    The first game in college each year is always so interesting because you have guys that have graduated and new guys stepping in.  Starting a year with a new/unproven QB and a new/unproven OL always make me the most nervous to see how they will do.  We have the proven QB this year, we'll find out about the OL and they have a good test in SB.  Fortunately they've had to practice against a really good DL.   I'm sticking with my earlier prediction of 24-14 UND.  I think with a healthy Clive and Santiago we'll be able to make enough offensive plays to score a few times, but it won't be easy.  If they are all in the box Clive will get one deep, if they have to worry about Clive that will open up the running just enough for Santiago to get a seam.   I would say 90% odds of a botched snap, just have to make sure it's not a turnover. 

    Plus, teams that suck don't know they suck yet.  Everyone is on pace for a perfect season prior to game #1.  In this game, both teams have a shot at conference titles and glory, will be a hard fought game.

    • Upvote 1
  9. 21 minutes ago, geaux_sioux said:

    I'm at the game. Crowd isn't that loud. Neither team is sharp. Geaux Bucs!

    I turned down 2 different free tickets.....didn't think the Bucs would hang in this one at all.

  10. 1 hour ago, siouxfan512 said:

    Understand you're not trying to be combative, but let me clarify my comment. I certainly didn't mean to slight Heidelbaugh, Bolinski, or Boltman. My intent was that there it is excellent to add depth and competition to the most important position on the field. Technically we have an unknown commodity in Heidelbaugh, Bolinksi, Boltman and Prater; BUT if we want to read between the lines, Prater was above Simis on the depth chart for a pretty strong MT program, and would have played except for injury. Now that doesn't actually mean anything, other than the kid has shown potential and should provide additional competition. SO, not saying he is the next guy after Studs, or that he'll ever start, or that he'll ever even see the field. Just that he adds depth in an important place.

    As for the leadership piece, he definitely brings something that nobody else can. Will he have to earn his respect? Of course. But between his military and life experience, that provides a lot of experience unique to someone that is playing college football. I think most of us know how much a person typically matures between (18-22 y/o) and (25-27 y/o). My point being he brings a maturity to the team, that could be good for other players to see.

    I am on board with you!  Thanks for the added comment.

  11. 2 hours ago, siouxfan512 said:

    Awesome to see a guy with some experience in the locker room. As mentioned, it sounds like he will be a great leader. Not just because he is a former Ranger, but because he is a husband and father as well. Those experiences can provide leadership qualities that will be great for younger players to see. Sounds like this guy has had to make a lot of sacrifices to end up where he has, and that speaks volumes about his personality.

    On the football side, it adds depth to the most important position, add competition, and could provide an important bridge between Studsrud graduating, and hopefully Boltman taking over. Nice to not have to rush the young guys.

    MT fans seemed to have a lot of great things to say about this guy. Not necessarily on overall talent, but in terms of personality, which is great to have. 

    Not meant to be combative, but Heidlbaugh, Bolinski, or Prater could all be the one to fill the gap, or Boltman might not need a gap filler, or it could be another QB down the road and not Boltman.  Some posts seem dismissive of guys that haven't even had a chance, yet.

    Prater is at his 3rd school in as many years.....for good reasons but maybe there is a good reason down the road to move on from UND, too.  

    Let's not anoint the guy because he's a father, husband, and a great American for his service to our country.  He'll have to earn his respect with the team just like everyone else.

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