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Posts posted by gundy1124

  1. 1 hour ago, ClassB said:

    related but not having to do with recruits -- someone on the insider chat mentioned specifically that we went head-to-head with I assume one of Schmidt's old teammates (schleusner with sdsu now). Schmidt mentioned that schleusner only broke one tackle while at UND -- what was he getting at?

    Schmitty and Schleusner are buddies......Schmitty was joking about Luke's broken tackle on the 4th and 6 to win the National Championship.  (as southpaw mentioned)  I'm sure they are talking about Cloyd as Scheusner is the TE coach for the Jacks, and he might be head of recruiting.

    • Upvote 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Westside said:

    Notice it listed Jake Geier as a Safety... Thought he was projected as a LB on here & other sites?

    When I 1st heard safety I rewatched his hudl.  It makes sense to me at 6'2", 202 lbs., 4.49 forty, 37" vert., pretty good bench and squat, this kid could be in the 2 deep at safety this year.  Most of his highlights are at WR and RB in the wildcat. 

    • Upvote 2
  3. 1 hour ago, lets eat said:

    Why all the hate?   He's a 3 time first team Allstate player that was voted by the coaches from ND as Senior player of the year. Was told he had a chance at Wyoming among others but chose UND.  Great kid   The crazys over at BV don't like their choice at QB either but are smart enough not to rip him before he even signs

    I am not hating.  There is some emotion involved in having Studsrud go down last year and then take a skid that derailed our season from the play-offs.  Our QB position is a sensitive topic......... I have taken plenty of fire in the past, I should know.

    This season with Keaton starting as a Jr. Heidlebaugh as a RFr., and experience with Bartles if needed we're in a better position this year and that gives us the luxury of redshirting Bolinski.  Opinions differ, but I think most are on board and willing to see what the kid has running the scout team this year.  Good Luck to the kid!!

    • Upvote 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Nodak78 said:

    The signing show tomorrow sounds more impressive than years past.  This time tomorrow it will be hard to get some work done.

    Show and recruiting class - If the 2016 class holds together it has way more potential than previous classes. 

    From last year's class Hanson the LB and the OL guy, both from Canada, both studs, flaked before signing day.  Then Merz was lost and the Grady Train derailed.  And the RB from UAB was a bust.  Still got a lot of production and potential going forward from last years class, but some heavy disappointments early.

  5. 48 minutes ago, UND-FB-FAN said:

    Minot kid will have to make the team at a position other than QB. It will be very surprising if he stays at QB and even more surprising if he beats out Heidlebaugh.

    I am not writing him off at QB before he steps on campus, though.

  6. 8 minutes ago, TRex said:

    One thing NDSU has proven is your program lives and dies by it's quarterback.   They had a hot QB during the transition and rode it right into the Mo valley football conference.   Next QB not so good and the Bison were 3-8.   Get hot with the next two QB's and they have five titles.    This is where we are falling far short.   Did we even seriously try to get Wentz?    Not bringing in  a top notch HS prospect at QB this recruiting year will only add to our continued sideways drift.   As much as our program has improved, it's never going to get where it needs to without solid, and I mean outstandingly solid QB play.


    I heard we turned our chair 1st for Wentz, but he decided to go with Blake.

    • Upvote 2
  7. 2 hours ago, sioux rube said:

    I don't need any affirmations from UND folks but I really thought since Carson is from our great state that it would be different. I was wrong. No biggie. Looking forward to draft day whether I will be in Chicago or Bismarck for it. Once in a lifetime experience having a family member possibly going in the first round. 

    In the NFL, for the most part talent is even.  Carson just had 2-5 years in which his O-line and D-line dominated games, most every game.  An undeniable factor exists of what SU provided Carson vrs the NFL, which has a lack of one team dominating week in-and-out.  All QBs in the NFL have games where they'll get knocked around or where their defense doesn't dominate the field position game.  I am really indifferent as to his future success, but I am interested to see how it turns out.  Good luck to the young man.

    • Upvote 2
  8. 56 minutes ago, geaux_sioux said:

    Cieslak and Harris have such a bright future on d that I wouldn't want to waste them moving to OL and wasting time developing them. 

    They do!!  I read Harris dished out so many pancake blocks in High School they asked him to be a spokesman for IHOP.  Cieslak has the size, too.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Ozzie82 said:

    For sure you could make a strong argument that we are thin at T, too. 


    This year's spring game will likely have two healthy centers, two healthy guards (yikes) and four (I think?) healthy tackles. Ideally we should be three deep at all positions without the incoming freshmen. 

    The Eagan kid looks most ready to play for incoming guys, followed by Edina and Muskego kid close 2nds, as possible shirts pulled, all others to redshirt.  Anyway you slice it, O-Line is definitely TBD for next season.

  10. 16 minutes ago, geaux_sioux said:

    I agree that next year speed should be the agenda for wr recruiting.

    Seems to me missing a burner in this class on offense.

    I see the depth issue on the O-line, too.  I wonder if T. Harris or A. Ceislack could be potential O-line candidates as we are about 15 deep on the D-line.

  11. 2 hours ago, siouxfan512 said:

    I believe Randolph was originally coming in as a safety and Chinn was going to be a CB, but I could be wrong. Do we think that Randolph could be a dual role there? Maybe they expected the same from Chinn.

    Regardless, really happy to see him join UND. Now lets get Blount on campus.

    I am thinking 1 of 2 things about QB - 1) Heildlebaugh is looking really good 2) We have our eye on someone, may or may not be Blount, that we are confident about.

    Randolph could do some major damage at the QB position running the ball, passing would have to improve.  Bringing him in at Safety leads me to believe point 1 or 2 above.

  12. 5 hours ago, Sioux94 said:

    Are we sure we would want this kid....I mean he is decommitting and changing his mind and going from one school and now looking to go somewhere else.....    I am being sarcastic here and joking....but I do find it funny sometimes when a kid decommits from us to go somewhere else some people question the kids integrity, but if a kid changes their mind to come here we are all  loving it.   Hope he ends up here.

    And how is this situation similar to a recruit that knew he had 2 visits in back-to-back weekends and committed both times....??? For comparison purposes UND and SDSU are comparable, how does Army compare, well it is a different world.  Army football in my opinion plays football for moral victories, their purpose is much greater and more noble than football.

    • Upvote 3
  13. 21 hours ago, UND-1 said:

    Look at UND's defensive lineman, in particular their size. He is NOT playing defensive line.  Ever.

    He is a PWO guard type.  A project.  Needs to lose some weight to get moving.

    You are right, looking like guard.

  14. 26 minutes ago, UND-FB-FAN said:

    The kid would be a perfect NG project. As the Illinois offer suggests, he definitely is DI caliber. I think he would become a fan favorite with his size in the middle of the dline. I hope he chooses UND!

    NG - one of the most important positions in a 3 - 4 defense, cause nose has 2 gaps responsibility, I recall T2 saying.  Even if 6'7" doesn't get to the QB, good luck throwing over his big paw.  I hope we land him.

    • Upvote 1
  15. 54 minutes ago, Cratter said:

    Is UND not offering full FCOA yet?

    If all things were equal, it's not good to lose a verbal to SDSU.

    Starting in the fall, 2016, full FCOA, for football and I believe all sports.

    One thing SDSU strategically needs to do is protect their 'turf' and Nebraska is in that footprint.  This recruiting battle was going to be tough.  Think about SDSU driving through Grand Forks to get a kid from Canada.  That would be an up hill battle for them.

    I hope we just don't lie down and take it again........that's a bad strategy.

    • Upvote 2
  16. 2 hours ago, Longtime fan said:

    Beginning to think that I will wait until signing day to comment about recruits.  Verbals mean absolute squat!

    My 'soft' opinion is that for most their word and verbal commitment still matters and means something, but again, that's a 'soft' opinion.  My hard opinion is that you shouldn't use the word 'soft' with commitment, that is an oxymoron.

    • Upvote 4
  17. 1 hour ago, bang said:

    I thought Cloyd was definitely the better of the two judging by thier film. Although, you never know what Pinke can turn into with 30 lbs. of muscle on that frame.

    For sure-

    Pinke will redshirt.  Hopefully in 18 months from now he is about 250 with a little more boost.

  18. 10 minutes ago, geaux_sioux said:

    So who is our next biggest target at CB since we lost Chinn?

    Hard to say if we knew about this for a while or not, and were fortunate enough to land Hunt to solidify the corner position already.

    I hope to see either 1 more safety or corner for depth and competition.

  19. 1 hour ago, tnt said:

    Well, let's not kid ourselves, if NDSU wasn't winning titles in FCS and UND was still in Division 2 and winning multiple National Championships, there would be a lot of people down south that would belittle those titles.  Similarily, if NDSU moved up and all of a sudden UND won FCS Championships, there would be those that downplayed it by saying "Yeah, but at the level below us".   It's all part of the game.  The fact that the NCAA doesn't seem to care about the competitive balance and "home field" advantage or seeding nationally at the FCS level shows that they are hypocritical when they talk about not allowing regionals to be played on "home ice" in hockey, although if NDSU wins a few more championships I wouldn't doubt they would institute an "NDSU Rule".  

    How does home ice really affect the on the ice play anyway??

    Home field in football, in the Fargo Dome is a huge deal.  The offense can barely or not even audible, can't make line checks and most importantly the competitive advantage of knowing the snap count and getting off the ball is gone for the O lineman.  UND needs to start earning home field in football, and we need the crowds to be big and loud.

    • Upvote 1
  20. 3 minutes ago, iluvdebbies said:

    Oh good.....another hockey basher.

    I don't think it's a hockey basher, just questioning the moral compass of a person(s).  To be 100% truthful.....I have a NDSU Club Hockey T-shirt that I wear sometimes.  (sounds pretty stupid, huh?)  I seriously have one, just for the irony of being a UND Football Fan.

    • Upvote 2
  21. 4 minutes ago, UNDvince97-01 said:


    I personally have learned a lot about some people in that regard over the last 3-4 years and have been disappointed.

    I know, it is so pathetic!! The UND grads wearing SU stuff in Frisco......cutting the tags off their Bison gear on the drive down, that is a deal breaker for me, I don't associate with turncoats.  The Concordia folks make me sick, too, I try to avoid them at all costs. (The die hard Concordia grad Bison band wagoners)

    • Upvote 3
  22. 11 hours ago, gundy1124 said:

    On one hand, NDSU was a few plays away from being undefeated, on the other hand their regular season was a few plays away from being 7-4 (UNI and Youngstown regular season games). The more time they have to prepare and the bigger the game it seems like either 1) they have things down to a science on players peaking for the game or 2) they are doing something different with their players than the rest of college football, and I am not necessarily saying it's illegal, but the thought has crossed my mind. 

    Another aspect is schematics.......doesn't seem earth shattering but they are very sound on O and especially D.


    3 hours ago, nd1sufan said:

    This is pathetic. Accusing NDSU of cheating because you can't compete with them.  

    If developing players and preparing them well is cheating maybe they are.  


    You left a bunch out, point 1- the players are prepared for big games, they seem bigger, faster, stronger.  And I pointed out NDSU is ahead of the game, and I said it is not necessarily illegal.  I said it crossed my mind as an objective view of any team doing something unprecedented.  Thanks for your interest........leave your insecurities at Bisonville.

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