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Posts posted by gundy1124

  1. Create attention?  There's a whole list of offers out there and recruits making visits by everyone...not exactly cloak and dagger stuff here.

    You can put a dread lock wig on and trade your entire draft away for one player in a big public display, or you can do it the way we do it.

  2. Am i missing something...seem strange there's no offers and no visits for a QB?

    Obviously we know it's a need.  Why create attention if a target or two is flying under the radar.......

  3. I'd say TE if anything, more receiving than blocking, but could do both.

    I can't remember who called this.  Joe was and probably still is a good hoops player, which translates well to the short patterns, quick separations, and the hands in traffic a TE needs.  I think after the departure of Adler the TE position has the biggest drop off in talent of all positions on our roster.  This could really help.  Different position, different mind set, and a new opportunity, good for Joe!!

  4. I think your overestimating what it is doing to UNI. I also get a kick out of the reasoning that it is some sort of huge advantage because UNI has to spend time preparing for two quarterbacks. Doesn't it have a similar effect on NDSU since they have two guys splitting first team reps, one who's never faced UNI or a defense that good and another who hasn't taken a snap in two months? 

    oh no, UNI has to spend 20 seconds on telling the defense what number Wentz is when he comes in for a decoy on the jet motion!!

  5. This is going to come off as smack and it's a difficult question to ask this passionate group, but does seeing the lack of Big Sky success in the playoffs do anything to temper the excitement of what I consider to be a successful season for you guys?

    I hope that doesn't come across as an a-hole question, I'm sure it has crossed a few of your minds this morning. It would mine if the tables were turned.

    BTW, I was actually impressed with PSU last night, it's hard to gauge a game that's played in such crappy conditions though.

    I am not overly concerned cause UND is building a program like a successful MVC team.  Once our offense got going we were well rounded other than the pass defense on occasion.  Portland St. could stop the pass better than the run, they had a good team to play in the Big Sky, but UND took it to them, not surprised UNI did, too.  I think UND with their run D would have been a tougher matchup for UNI.

    • Upvote 3
  6. UNI leads 23-17 with about 11:00.   great game in the rain.

    The Big Fluff-

    I said it so now the SU guys don't need to point it out, cause we are aware.

    If the Big Fluff doesn't start making a push in the playoffs, it will hurt our bubble teams.

    UNI has been hot since their middle of the year slump, much like UND was playing.

  7. In case you haven't  noticed, when NDSU gets a big lead, they get conservative and runnthe ball even when teams have 8 or 9 in the box. See the UND game, SDSU game among others. They like to run clock when their defense has proven rhe ability to completely shut down the other teams offense. UND.

    Santiago may be the best back in the FCS when he has a clean hole or a clear path to the outside, but he isn't breaking many tackles or running over people. When you are dodging 2 or 3 d-lineman like he was against NDSU, it is tough to get going. I don't see why a rematch would be any different. NDSU's front seven manhandled your o-line. It would happen again. 

    straight from our QB, who makes the protection checks.  "My guards, tackles, and backs could not hear me".  

    We barely blocked anyone and our coaching staff failed us.  I said after the game we should have ran our pistol/ shotgun run package, which we did in every other game, a similar package that USD runs, the one that had no issues with the noise or Bison defense.  Also, Clive was out so we could have used him to stretch the field.  Anyway, we got smoked but I put it more on the game plan and stubbornness of scheme than the players getting 'manhandled'.  

    UND vs. NDSU round 2 would be much closer just as NDSU vs. Griz will be a different game (although I hope not)

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  8.  Gundy, I think it is a cultural difference.  Do you want a culture of one where if you come into the program, bust your butt for us and if we don't have the ability to develop your talent or maybe you aren't good enough to crack the starting lineup we dump you?  If a player is clearly not going to be able to play they need to sit down with the player and review how they see things and outline what the player needs to do to get on the field.  If the player can't do that, then many of them will transfer out and hopefully appreciate the opportunity.  This staff kept both of these QB's knowing they had made the decsion  that Keaton was their guy last December.  They did that cuz they didn't want to take a chance on Keaton not being able to handle the job, the fact they didnt' know if Joe would be healed and the fact that both Ryan and Joe had played well at times.  Those 2 seniors were loyal to the program and deserve to be part of this. You can  also have a  culture where  if we aren't going to need you we cut you.  Those programs don't tend to have the same culture and loyalty to the program in the long run, but teams can win either way.  If they cut either of these guys after they stayed loyal to the program, that would tell me something about the integrity and class or lack therof of our staff. If they cut either one of these guys, then Bubba needs to stop the family and love rhetoric and simply coach and keep building things as he sees fit.  I dont't give a rats butt if they were Mussman recruits, they are UND recruits, not Mussman recruits.  It is too bad that one of these guys never got a chance to play again yet has been blasted time and again on this blog.  All he ever did was choose UND and do as he was asked in a time when we didn't  have a running game, or oline.  Got hurt for us , rehabbed then came back supportive of his teammates and coaches, and you are actually considering we would cut him? Sorry but until now that hasn't been UND FB.

    As always, you provide great perspective.  I get greedy and want things both ways sometimes.  I will support the team however it plays out.

    • Upvote 2
  9. *would it be wrong if Bubba and Co. pursued former USD and MSU recruits now that there are no coaches at those schools?

    general thoughts -

    We should go after anyone we want, until a recruit makes it clear that he is not interested one bit.  If we target MSU recruits, or any other Big Sky recruits, we should be sure to mention the stipend in a humble way.  With a 7-4 season, FBS win, a hungry and young team, a recruiting advantage with stipend $$, new practice facility, high-end academics, we should crush it recruiting wise.  Did I mention the stipend advantage.......

    Does the stipend start from this point forward or is it retroactive to all scholarships??  UND, NDSU, USD, SDSU, and a school out east have it, correct?

    Like SDSU protects the recruits south of them, we need to protect the Canadian kids north of us.

    • Upvote 3
  10. 100% agree.  Word gets around in recruiting when coaches pull scholarships from guys like Mollberg and Bartels.  UND made a commitment to those two and they have been good teammates, students and citizens from everything I have heard.  They also have both been starters within the last 1.5 seasons.  I would be very surprised if Bubba did that.

    or, you could look at it as football roster tenure, creating an atmosphere of complacency.  I never said it is easy, I never said these guys were bad teammates or students, what I am saying is I would like a shot at the next Ratelle or Reyes by having money available.  I am not trying to offend anyone, this goes for any player on the roster not holding up their end of the deal, and part of that deal is being on the field.  If Ja'won Arrinton was a junior I suppose some here would want him to stay another year on a full ride..........not me.


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  11. Coach Schweigert on the radio. Really feel for the guy. I have mostly stayed out of the discussion regarding the playoffs. I don't watch enough FCS football to say for certain who should or should not be in.

    A.) 24 is too many. If you are taking a 6-5 team, At-Large, that's embarrassing for everyone. They should honestly go back to 16 or 20. 

    B.) I only watched about 7 quarters of UND football this year (a bit of Drake, half of NDSU, and I went to Idaho St). So I literally saw pretty much the worst of the worst UND had to offer this season. 

    C.) I don't like how many teams are in the Big Sky. It's very difficult to tell who is good and who is not. 

    D.) From reading in a few different forums, looks like you guys got jobbed but as some others have said, win those "easy" games and take it out if the committees hands.


    C.) The following will help.  Big Sky should have an east and west.  Play all the teams on your side and a game or two with the other side.  Then, for the last week of the FCS regular season, east vs. west get seeded and play each other!! 1 vs 1, 2 vs 2, and so on. (Need an even number teams obviously). This would be revolutionary for FCS.  Too crazy??

  12. For sure we can have different opinions and discuss them in a friendly way!  


    You're right that my belief has an educational mindset.  I'm not a fan of the business mindset seeping into the educational system.  You certainly aren't heartless for approaching this problem this way, nor am I a patsy... both approaches have their merit.  


    The next beer is on me at the tailgate.

    For sure on the beer!!

    I think it will be interesting how this staff approaches some roster decisions.  We definitely have an interesting situation at QB.  As consultants you manage player relations and I'll handle the salary cap.........and we'll see how Bubba manages both.

  13. My belief is that - if the player is living up to his part of the deal (grades, behavior, practice habits) - then his/her scholarship should be honored for 4 years.  It's not the kid's fault if the staff made a mistake on the player's potential (or if he/she got beaten out by a better player).

    Your belief has an educational mind set.  I think myself and others have a business mindset in that performance matters.  Scholarships are a tool to increase talent and performance on the field.  The coaching staff is judged off of the team's performance.  I don't know what's going to happen, but my understanding is Keaton is 1, Hiedlbaugh is 2, and it would be nice to have 1 senior QB around to mentor and be ready for action, but I don't see burning a full ride on it.  And, I don't see a 4th QB, senior, in this scenario making sense with a full ride.

    I didn't mean to start a tizzy, and I am not heartless......as I actually have a lot of interest and share some commonalities with the better of the 2 Senior QBs.  The one that has mechanics and a rifle for an arm, who was shooting darts against Montana last year before he was hurt.  But, it's obvious the staff and him are not on the same page, so own it and do what's best for the team.

    We can have different opinions on this site, right?   If nobody was on scholarship, or if everyone had a full, keep them both.  But, that's not the reality.

  14. You actually want to yank a player's scholarship and tell him he's now welcome to walk on?  Even though he has done nothing wrong?  Seriously?  If that's the kind of coaching character example you want to set I'm glad you are not coaching and I'm even happier I'm not sending my son to play for you.


    Because of thinking like yours the Big Ten changed their scholarship policies.  They believe it's unethical to have scholarships be year-to-year and have instituted a guaranteed 4 year scholarship.  Obviously the B1G has more money to play with vs. UND but the main point is this: If a coaching staff makes a mistake on a player, or has 9.5% of their scholarships wrapped up in one position on the team, then that is on the coaches - not the players.


    On other college teams the staff has a meeting with a player and explains to them that they will likely be fourth string next year.  The player can make the decision to leave or not.  If they stay their scholarship will be honored, if they leave the scholarship is revoked.  But under no circumstance do coaching staffs sit a scholarship player down and pull their scholly and invite them to walk on.  It's unethical. 


    Ya, don't go about it as heartless as my comment, but ultimately we can't have that much $$ tied to no production.  In any other real life situation don't you do what is best for the team, company, family, or just for 1 or 2 individuals.  

  15. As long as they're still committed to the team and they're putting in the work, the team should remain committed to them.  Just my opinion.

    'If' committed, sure, but can't have our resources buried on the bench.

  16. Great idea. Wonderful way to reward a couple of guys, both with other options, who chose to come here during transition, stuck with the program through bad times and endured the criticism from arm-chair QBs on this board and elsewhere while trying to run an offense with no offensive line protection and no running game. Sure hope this isn't Bubba's mind set. Can't imagine what that would say to would-be recruits about the program's integrity and dedication to its student athletes.

    Concordia is 70 miles south of Grand Forks........tough decisions have to be made.

    So you want 2 full rides on the bench at quarter back, plus 2 full rides with Keaton and Heildlbaugh, and let's bring in another recruit or 2 with a full ride??  So genius, now we have 8 to 9.5% of our scholarships for quarterback.  That makes sense.

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  17. Just saw an interview with Bubba.   He looked shocked and you could tell his blood was boiling.  I didn't even realize Eastern  Illinois didn't even have one quality win.  This whole debacle is quite puzzling.

    I bet they had some quality losses, though.  We need a 'Quality Loss Tour 2016' t-shirt so we know what we are aiming for next year.  This is the stupidest !@#$ I've ever heard-

  18. Would Mollberg switch positions at this stage of his college career? I understand he was a great athlete in HS. If Jake Hanson can go from QB to LB, he could move too.

    Btw, Jake was listed behind Ratelle on the depth chart the last couple of weeks. Kudos to him for gutting it out and being a great teammate.

    depends on if it is a mental or physical issue with Joe-

  19. So you think Mollberg and Bartles are even around next year?


    What about Donnell Rodgers and Steve Greer? Redshirts? Still with us?

    give Mollberg and Bartles the option to be a walk on next year.  Only keep one if any, if it doesn't cost us a scholarship.  I heard Heidelbaugh is sharp, gets things quickly, and his athletic ability is comparable to Studsrud.  heidelbaugh is clear #2.

    • Upvote 1
  20. We didn't have the personel to do that this year. Maybe at the end when the CBs seemed to get their !@#$ together. Next year I predict our secondary will be a strength. Book it.

    I think that's right, the staff felt better with our outside backers on the field compared to bringing in another safety or corner.

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