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Posts posted by gundy1124

  1. 45 minutes ago, Bob Furlong said:

    Hi everyone. Just an SBU fan passing through. In the interest of accuracy, the Seawolves were 5-5 last season with a convincing win over New Hampshire.

    Also, we only had 10 results due to the loss of a final at FBS Toledo where we trailed by 3 in the 3rd quarter before an electrical storm of biblical propotions cancelled the balance of the game.

    We are looking forward to a challenging game with a strong opponent.


    What are your thoughts on your QB and offensive game plan?

    Game prediction please-

  2. 35 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said:

    For me it is just trying to wrap my head around what exactly are "Seawolves" and how I can ease the recurrent image of the new UND logo that repeatedly flashes thru my mind......but with all of that said UND wins unless SB puts out a defense similar to that vaunted one they had that was only behind 'Bama during the '14 season.

    Their D-Coordinator said they had a player last year that could shut down an entire half of the field on the run game.  They don't have him this year but he went on to say how fast his defense is.  If we can get a push on our first series things will go well for us.  Our pass game could be a threat this year too and we will get Santiago in space.

    Stonybrook ended last year with 3 wins, too, but pretty much the bottom of the barrel for competition.  Howard sucks, Rhode Island sucks, and another pretty crappy team.  They have a legit WR and they should test our secondary if they were smart.  I don't think they'll run the ball on us.  From 2 years ago we are much improved, and I think SB will be better, too, Expecting a good game but bottom line, we are too much for them to handle.  23-13 (more FG's than touchdowns)

  3. 55 minutes ago, nd1sufan said:

    I get it. If the kid is not very good then you can commit early. Who is to say he doesn't have a great season and blow up and get future offers? Why commit to a PWO before your senior season?

    Both early PWO commits are a little puzzling to me-  logistically UND's makes a little more sense, but I put it in the 'soft verbal' catagory.

  4. 54 minutes ago, nd1sufan said:

    Who made who commit before he left an office? The Hallock kid or the SD kid? I haven't heard anyone in on the conversations comment in either case.

    I don't blame you for not knowing-

  5. 22 minutes ago, geaux_sioux said:

    Bolant is the Seibel of the secondary, hopefully.


    Even if Bolant isn't an every down corner, he is a little on the light side, maybe he is a specialty corner in a match-up pass coverage package as he runs really well.  Game ball skills, TBD.

  6. 14 hours ago, SiouxVolley said:

    Deadspin.com has a new NDSU article today, calling Bresciani's pomposity breathtaking.  That goes for NDSU fans too, as their pomposity knows no limits.

    Like 2 grown -ss men frolicking into BWW North last night with Eagles Wentz jerseys on?  Cheering like they won the super bowl on a 3rd down completion that was 2 yards short of a first down in a pre-season game?  Nah.....you're crazy!!

    On the other side of it, they have some really good fans/folks, too.(hate to admit)

  7. 1 hour ago, sioux24/7 said:

    So right now it looks like Toivonen won't redshirt, possibly Wanzek although I hope he does. At least one of Randolph and Holm probably won't redshirt either. Who are some other candidates right now? It would be nice if they all redshirted but you have to play your best players. 

    Cloyd at TE.

    • Upvote 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Oxbow6 said:

    So Grady was re-added to the roster late last month but was a no show at day 1 of camp so then Bubba announced he is no longer with the team. Got it.........


    Regardless of talent I hope Bubba let Grady know enough is enough and a line was drawn that his career at UND is done.

    I am guessing the guys in town, working out and busting their butts were bordering on resentment when a player with all the talent in the world isn't right beside them doing the same.  Just a hunch that could be bad for team chemistry.

    • Upvote 3
  9. 50 minutes ago, Hambone said:

    Sounds like Isaiah Secrest will not be joining the team, but that should be the only Freshman not coming in.  

    Makes Cammeron McKinney a bit more of a get/need.  (the 2017 commit, burner from Washington)

    • Upvote 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Tangolou said:

    Love it! Half the game, LOL! 

    I'm with you on the interlocking ND. It's what I grew up with. That has always been UND to me. I even have one of these vintage bad boys hanging in the man cave.


    I like it!!  Can you tell?

  11. 11 minutes ago, SooToo said:

    So ....

    Great thread here about the knuckle heads at the AC big-timin' their local media sycophants -- who buy ink by the barrel -- and you want to derail it into what promises to be another tired political pissing match?

    Why don't you ask nd1sufan.

    Now turn off MSNBC for a second and pay attention!!

    • Upvote 4
  12. 2 hours ago, Cratter said:

    I'm getting the popcorn ready cause this is going to get good. Once the VNL contract is finally released and the Forum does a freedom of info request for all those emails within the athletic dept...

    I bet those emails disappear.  "HILLARY", where are you??

    • Upvote 1
  13. 7 hours ago, nd1sufan said:


    I follow Bisonation on twitter but I don't go to Bisonville so I don't know how they are reacting, but Bisonation is defending the policy. The people that are defending it are equal to the Republicans that actually support Donald Trump. If the Republicans nominated him he must be all right. Just because the NDSU athletic adminstration made a decisIon doesn't mean it is a right decision. 

    So that means the status quo at NDSU is Hillary and the Democrats.  A win at all cost approach where rules and guidelines are compromised while lie after lie is told, and the media is covering things up the whole way and law enforcement is too scared to do anything about it.  Sounds about right!

  14. 21 minutes ago, UNDBIZ said:

    I guess I'd rate several of them less harshly than you.  If we get 1 year out of them (Hinojosa, JIS), then they kind of served their purpose as a stop-gap for the HS recruits to get ready to play, which is worth at least a neutral in my book.  As for giving injured players (Arrington, Simmons) a negative, I struggle with that too.  They didn't get injured because they're a transfer, it's mostly just bad luck, so it shouldn't reflect poorly on transfers overall.

    Arrington was't good, at all.  It took 2 carries to see that.  I haven't seen moves like Simmons since "Dancing with the Stars".  The problem was he never cut it up to get any yards.

    Hinojosa tried coming back......but we'd had enough at that point.  So I was throwing character and production into the mix, too.  You make some valid points, some gray areas exist.

    • Upvote 1
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  15. On 7/17/2016 at 6:42 PM, Longtime fan said:

    Fbs transfers :

    1). Tillman - Houston-  one year starter and currently playing cfl   (+) good player

    2) Clive- Arizona- current senior.  Should be the go to guy his year at wr. Showed some big potential last year and in spring ball (+) Good player, teammate though??

    3) jordan- minnesota- Loved the way he played!  Mean streak. Quit. (-) Yelled like Tarzan, played like Jane

    4) jahmere- miss st- played a lot of minutes last and looked real good in spring ball.  Quit  (-)

    5) baker- New Mexico- current sophomore.  Played sparingly last year looking for more mins this year. (=) Jury still out

    6) Arrington- uab- didn't play, injured (-) Bust City

    7) tucker?- Kansas- practiced for awhile then quit. (-) Joke

    fcs transfer :

    noah- sac st-  current senior and a  standout on d.  (+) good player and teammate


    1) boas- had a very good 2 year career. (+) provided stabililty

    2) jawon- current senior and looks like a stud this spring.  Could have a big year. (+) good player in the right position now

    3). Arnell- current junior. Started last year and was cheap shotted  out of his inaugural season early. (+) needs to battle back from injury, not his fault

    4) cerrintino- played a lot of mins at wr (=) nothing great, could have developed a younger player

    5) reed- current senior wr.  Injuries have derailed him (=) no production

    6)Simmons - rb that was injured 1st game.  (-) Shoulder injury, little production

    7). Domo- practiced for awhile then quit. (-)

    8) camy- quit (-)

    9) hannible- quit (-)

    10) Dijon- will be a junior this, hasn't played a down  (=)

    11) Flowers - (-) no production


    That's the ones I can think of 

    From your list I added Flowers - I have 6 positive, 4 where jury is still out or not enough production to matter, and 9 that are/were not good.  Plus, we had Walker flip'n and flop'n, among others.

    Another good recruiting class or 2 and we can be very selective going forward with JUCO and FBS kids 

    Great to have the good ones, but at a cost.  We are batting just over 300.  6 for 19 in my book.

  16. 3 hours ago, Redneksioux said:

    Wday is reporting the bison turf owner has been a constant victim to fires dating back to 2007. First an apartment building he owned, then his home a couple years back, and now this dump.  Sad deal for him but it should be investigated.

    Don't go too far with feeling sorry for him, he is one of the worst land lords in town.  He houses the bottom of the barrel, folkes that would probably burn your property if a conflict were to arise.  I don't think he sets his own fires cause I believe he self insures, which you can do if you don't have a loan.  He just renovated the Turf, but runs a sloppy ship.

    • Upvote 1
  17. 4 hours ago, Bison06 said:

    I also wouldn't know, haven't posted there in 2 maybe 3 years. Don't read outside of recruiting threads. Can't stand the circle jerk that place has become.

    If you can read BV for more than 2 minutes you deserve a Klondike Bar.

  18. 47 minutes ago, UNDColorado said:

    I am really hoping that last game of the year against NAU has some meaning!

    NAU quarterback looks a little frail in the photo.  Hopefully he scrambles up the middle in Reyes's direction.

    • Upvote 2
  19. 1 hour ago, Longtime fan said:

    Can't remember the wrs name but when you lead the nation in passing yards there is a chance someone will return with decent numbers.  Seems like he is 6'3" skinny burner?  

    One thing und has going for them is they play ohio st the week before.  letdown?  I would guess so, going from ohio st to North Dakota.  

    Ohio St. vrs. Bowling Green, hope it's a real physical game!!  I think they have a WR mentioned cause they throw the ball 60 times a game and run a play every 12 seconds when they have the ball.  Interesting offense to watch and prepare for.

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