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Posts posted by gundy1124

  1. 6 hours ago, Fetch said:

    So are there any recruits who will be absolute game changers coming in next fall ? 

    Not likely to come across a Santiago very often.......

    Our roster is coming together with some depth, just a guess but I think 2-3 could contribute, red shirts pulled this fall. Safety, Corner, OL, WR areas to watch.  We added an ILB and Corner before spring ball, both look very solid.  Neverrman rejoined at RB, too, after last season.

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  2. 22 minutes ago, zonadub said:

    Like Oliveira?

    We are expecting big things from our 3 Canadians.  Bennet and Carter along with Oliveira.  

    We had NLI's from an OT and ILB, too, Canadians, both studs, but both never followed through with their NLI's.  I think that's the risk with Canadians, they can stay in Canada and the NCAA can't touch them for breaking their NLI's.  

    We also have a Swede and a Dutchman, both will play this year.

    Our current staff brought all these guys in, and reach out further across the U.S., too than previous staff.

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  3. 2 hours ago, siouxfan512 said:

    So, I'm getting pretty anxious for Football, even just some updates on the team throughout the summer and into camp. More stories on how amazing Santiago is going to be this year. How Keaton is going to take that next step forward. How our secondary is going to make huge strides and contain the Big Sky passing game. An official word on Grady. Etc. Etc. Etc.

    While there hasn't been much to read lately (and us hockey fans continue to hang in the balance of Nick Schmaltz), I was over on the Bowling Green forum and someone provided me with the below link. It is an overview of BGSU and their program and what can be expected for next season. I'm definitely looking forward to that game, and while they were a very good MAC team last year, they have lost a ton of talent. No reason UND cannot go in there and make some noise. If I was Santiago, and I saw the film from Georgia Southern running all over BGSU last year, I'd be salivating. Could be a very fun one to watch.


    I hope Ohio St. can beat them up a little, maybe cause 2 loses with 1 game scenario.

  4. 2 hours ago, geaux_sioux said:

    Pretty close to his. I'm just used to about 5 guys being between 37 and 41"

    Depends on how much you alligator arm it with your base measurement........I recall my shoulder's tightening a little when initially reaching up.......right?

  5. Disterhaupt also top 3 verticle and top 5 Pro test, impressive!!

    Neither Clive nor Reed ran a 40.  Clive would be top 3, and possibly 1st but his start isn't great.  But running a post or crossing route doesn't really require a top start.  I am guessing Clive would have the fastest 60 yard.  Reed is likely top 10 40.  Clive and Reed would knock 2 LBs out of top 10, seems to make sense.

  6. 7 hours ago, Sioux94 said:

    Here is the list for others to more easily see:

    Top 10 40's of '16 #DayByDay #NorthDakotaStrength

    Bollant Santiago Reyes Murray Harris Disterhaupt Palmborg Gordon Lawrence Rodgers


    They are more in a list format on his tweet, so I'm assuming they are in order of fastest first?  No WR's in the top 10....no wonder why we say we need to improve in that area.  Although I would think Clive would be on there, but maybe he didn't run or something for some reason?  Surprised that Reyes is number 3. 

    Assuming Clive didn't run-

    4 LBs on the list.......is that overly impressive or are the wideouts and corners unimpressive? 

  7. I have seen some of the ILB's taken thus far.  Other than height, Ratelle compares well to these guys.  I would rather have speed, power, weight, explosion........but that's just me.

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  8. 46 minutes ago, zonadub said:

    Not a former Sioux, but Joe Schobert is the first pick in the fourth round by Cleveland.

    The D-bags on ESPN said Schobert almost went to NDSU.......that isn't what I recall!!

  9. 1 hour ago, geaux_sioux said:

    According to lifting videos by coach Baukol at least Studs and OBrien. I think it was OBrien anyway.

    I heard Studsy earlier today, was thinking a few more but didn't want to speculate.

  10. 2 hours ago, UND1983 said:

    Huh?  If you mean 7th round, then yes.

    He's better then the normal 7th round guys.  I think 5th or 6th.  If a team really thinks Will is a steal and it's a position need, maybe 4th.  A lot of the NFL teams treat the draft as a popularity contest, group think, and strongly desire an 'A' rating from Mel Kiper.  I see Will has had some positive pub with numerous teams as a 'steal' pick, which is good.

  11. 7 hours ago, jdub27 said:

    I think they are actually a pretty good comparison, height challenged LB's from small schools and I've seen the comment more than once. Mays is probably 1-2" taller but Ratelle's pro day numbers were actually quite a bit better than Mays:

    40 time: 4.54 vs. 4.7 or 4.87 (depending on which source you use)
    Bench: 36 vs. 21
    Broad Jump: 9'10" vs. 9'3"
    Vertical Jump: 36" vs. 33 1/2"

    Mays I saw listed at 5' 11", 240 lbs., 6th round pick, 90 tackles his senior year at SU

    Ratelle vrs Mays isn't that close.  Ratelle is bigger, faster, stronger, more explosive, and was more productive his senior year.  We'll see what the NFL thinks soon........

    • Upvote 3
  12. 38 minutes ago, Sioux94 said:

    What am I missing on these rankings, they have Will at #2 and Miles Jack at #12 on this list.  

    Pats don't care what everyone else thinks.  They care about what they think.  I admire that!!

    • Upvote 1
  13. 2 hours ago, UNDvince97-01 said:

    It's my understanding that some of the credits he is taking this semester will also transfer over to UND as well.

    That's affirmative.  I think all the ND Universities have some core curriculum that all schools accept as transferable credits.  (My aunt in the mid 90's was actually assigned to make this happen) 

    • Upvote 2
  14. I'd like the Cogswell Cannon, but it's probably too much of a time commitment for him.  He's younger than the norm, actually knows football from playing QB at UND, great on-air personality and perspective when doing games with Big Eddie and Hammer in the past.

    • Upvote 3
  15. 1 hour ago, UNDColorado said:

    I like him too. Now the question is if we re-sign with midco. If so who will be the play by play? 

    I'd like the Cogswell Cannon, but it's probably too much of a time commitment for him.  He's younger than the norm, actually knows football from playing QB at UND, great on-air personality and perspective when doing games with Big Eddie and Hammer in the past.

    Sorry, will move to Jack is Back.

  16. 1 hour ago, geaux_sioux said:

    That'd be Marcus Hendrickson with that title 

    Speed, agility, quickness Hendrickson leaves Kelby in the dust.  Kelby had more playing time to grow into a leader with his class, though.

  17. 1 hour ago, Feff said:

    This video reminds me of how much Studsrud improved in a year. His freshmen year accuracy was a major concern. Then this last game of his sophomore year and every throw is exactly where it needs to be, including some rather difficult throws down the field and to the sidelines. His improvement was immense and you add his legs and he's exactly what the offense needs. Keep him healthy, get steady play from the offensive line, and let Santiago run loose and UND's offense will be tough to stop. 

    I love the running threat from the QB position.....but I like Studsy to be healthy, too.  2 things come to mind, 1) only use his running as needed meaning if the run game is clicking with the RBs, stick to that 2) Split Studsy out and have a Wildcat package with Santiago taking a direct snap

  18. On ‎4‎/‎18‎/‎2016 at 9:06 PM, Longtime fan said:

    Walk on correct!  Very intelligent young man as well.  Great determination and instincts. Loves to get after it and because of that I enjoy watching.  

    Palmborg - Saw him at Scheels picking out a new jock strap.  Santiago caused him to leave his on the field on that swing pass.  I wonder if Reyes makes that play or maybe Santiago is too quick for anyone to make that play.

    • Upvote 1
  19. 6 hours ago, petey23 said:

    Berry said he has already met with all the guys with options to leave. From what he said or didn't say I would guess LaDue and Stecher are gone, Schmaltz, Thompson, and Poolman are all 50/50 and Luke, Ausmus, and Poganski are all coming back along with Boeser of course.

    The real test is keeping an eye on the guys that haven't shown up for class 2nd semester, that confirms a guy you listed as gone, although I didn't hear Berry say his name today.

    • Upvote 1
  20. 50 minutes ago, siouxfan512 said:

    The Grady news is just awesome. Hope the secondary can live up to the talk that we have about them regarding improvement. Can't wait for Football to start. It was a great hockey season ... Now it is Football's turn! It all starts with the Spring game. Hopefully a lot of these Freshman intend to be on campus this summer. When I was on the Bowling Green message boards, they have us inked in as an auto-win. Let's go get them! Stony Brook first of course, but I'm really excited to see what we can do against BGSU.

    Wyoming had an auto win on their schedule, not sure how that worked out for them....

    Real early prediction, we establish a run game and give BG all they can handle, close game either way.

    • Upvote 3
  21. A lot of 'culture' talk from Barry today at Fargo Luncheon......the same message and mission of the football team and staff.

    Tidbits from spring ball.  Hunt is legit.  4 horseman at RB are all starting caliber.  Sounds good about Grady returning.  Reed is turning heads.  Even without Grady, O-line coming together.  Seibel has a shot at returning mid-season, seems to be  a long-shot to me.

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