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Everything posted by Kab

  1. When will the hospital be back on track? are they waiting for Sanford to take it over and finish it? i see,Minot Hospital just extend their finish timeline and added another 100 m? And switched general contractors
  2. So you know who the sources are good for you
  3. This is 2 years old where the hell were these sources when it happened sort of like those that report abuse 15 years later when they might be able to write a book if it takes the left to call me a cult Follower or whatever else they would like to Call me go ahead if it gives you that shiver down your leg still supporting trump
  4. There should be a truth checker for how cnn and msnbc report on the debates the cnn lawyer should be disbarred
  5. So deaths so far aren’t even 10% of what was predicted don’t give trump any credit, must be Biden’s influence that kept them low now let’s all go to California and get a hair cut
  6. What was the original estimate of deaths for North Dakota i was thinking several thousand and in the millions for the US
  7. Dan Rather, the bastion of truth, not
  8. NBA calls off games players want changes made only 30% of players are registered to vote not the way to get changes made
  9. So you must have had first hand experience at that
  10. Does und law take Republicans as clients
  11. If Biden wins do you sell your stock portfolio
  12. Go to eastern montana you will see more pickups with gun racks on Main Street than cars get to Bozeman and Missoula and the idiots and Hollywood types start to show up
  13. do you think some rancher farmer wouldn’t go after these so called peaceful protesters if they came thru his fence or road and started crap like they were doing they would probably just shoot at them as look at them twice maybe we need more old west justice
  14. Until there is a balanced budget amendment and a line item veto you can kiss our money good bye anyone on this board not have a balanced budget ?if you don’t I will read your name in the bankruptcy files .
  15. Will be nice when election is over then the I told you so can start anyone that looks at and believes polls now Has a short memory
  16. I thought Hershels speech was the best listened to very little of heitkamps show and per usual didn’t gave one good thing to say about last night I ask myself if the democrats Proposals and ideas were the Republicans ideas would I vote for the republicans, no tax increases, defund police, no borders, illegals become citizens, one size fits all health care, riots in the streets become peaceful protests, free college,
  17. If Biden wins the counts will be different less deaths from Covid, more from actual cause of death they wouldn’t do that would they
  18. That’s the bad thing about a storm during Covid, if someone dies from a tornado it’s because of covid I understand there was a drug overdose out west and it was because of Covid ?
  19. The sad thing is everyone hayduke seems to hate would help him if he called for assistance firefighter, police, sheriffs, border patrol, EMT, Drs. sad that he can’t see that look in an Arizona newspaper and see all the people border patrol help while on duty, citizen or not, from people lost in the desert to stopping kids from getting drugs to whatever else they come across what has he done for society?
  20. Duke Lacrosse players falsely accused
  21. And if Hillary was president everyone would work during this pandemic, oh wait they don’t want anyone working yet no one would have died from the virus, only people in Chicago and other large cities from guns and drugs no one would protest like they did when Obama was president and blamed everything on white people and then to find out he was wrong, Duke? all citizens would be holding hands and there wouldn’t be anyone on food stamps because everyone has food, Obama wouldn’t let food stamp usage increase and all countries would love us after the apology tours were finished get a grip
  22. And if a democrat was president the same things would be happening, economy would be worse and they would blame it on a video in China
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