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Old Fella

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Everything posted by Old Fella

  1. They have been using that play all season. Every goalie knows what the plan is.
  2. Think they are in the package/if they don't get home ice you can get a refund or apply it to next years season package/that's the way it was handled in 2002.
  3. Have not done a good job of setting forth my point. It is, when will we and what is the criteria to access the Fund. I believed in 2017, (still do) when we were led to believe there was a fund shortage that the Fund should be used to minimize the impact. As a sideline it would have had minimum impact on the fund. Thought education was worthy of this consideration. Other's did not. Today Bismarck is debating if the should tap the fund for the old age failure theory 'build it and they will come' scam. If they want to use that scam why not honor our current president and build a musium in Eastern ND. Would not have worry about visitors as we have a built in clientel, not only in North Dakota but throught the US. Still think education is a better inverstment.
  4. Understand ag & corporate are a small part of the states butget/was pointing out that human services is not the only program of so called "welfare'. In human services the federal contribution to the states budget is hugh and in order to access this the state needs to match funds.
  5. Human services is primarily federal dollars. should also cut spending to other welfare programs. Ag & corporate welfare. K-12 spending increased when we were flush with money and it was decided to use some of it to bring the state's level of support which was as at 1 time was the norm. Thinking in was 40%. At the same time the state provided money to reduce our property taxes, Might have been one and the same.
  6. Not being confrontational/interested in knowing what those are.
  7. Six Thousand Million Dollars ($6,000.00) laying around in some desk draw. I'm am ECO Maniac who believes investing in Education is a good thing.
  8. Of course saving is a virtue/so is common sense. Saving in excess of 3,000 million dollars seem to me a little excssive. We now have 6,000 MILLION in savings. With revenue fom the oil royalties and income investing the current 6,000million at 2% the fund will soon be 10,000 million. How much should we save? Not sure my opinion that Bismarrck lacked vision is political. Never said Kennedy or BHE made any decision how the fund was spent. Said the board was inept. (Correct me if I'm Wrong) Question? When is the last time the Board hired a Chancellor or President of UND & NDSU that hasn't ended in a disaster?
  9. As usualthe old fella, with time on his hands, has an opinion. Rewind to 2017 when we were made to believe the state had a budget crisis. In 2017 the Legacy Fund had an estmated 3 billion in the bank. Unable to comprehend billions but have heard people talk about millions. If math is correct 3 billion = 3,000 million. As we see Bismarck is thinking of using 50 million for a library i.e.money from the fund was available for shortfalls including for higher education. Let's say, to shore up higher education, we would have required 500 million. The fund would still have had 2,500 million. By the by the fund now has 6 billion or 6,000 million. Could build a wall with that. The problem we now have is a direct lack of vision and an inept Board of Higher Education. Bringing in a couple of politicians as presidents, with no experience in higher education, nor understanding the fabric that makes up a University put the nail in the coffin. Thanks for listening.
  10. Would have been nice if he removed the pile, instead he added to it.
  11. Thanks for not accussing me of being Norwedgen. Received an F- in spelling.
  12. Kennedy has already inflicted damage to UND that will take years to change. If it takes action action like this to get rid of him before he does irrepairable damage I'm all for it. An example of the damage: Between Kennedy and Schafer they were able to completly decimate the athletic department.
  13. It's a pretty low bar to know more than the NDBHE or UND's administration how best to run our academic institutions. Chancellor just gave Kennedy glowing review on his performance.
  14. Oviously the NDBHE will not address the chaos happening with not only Kennedy but the entire UND administration. I applaud the Engelstad family for their decision. Why would anyone donate to UND when they see the eco-maniac president pi$$ the money away.
  15. Thanks guys. Couches or coaches Sadilin won.
  16. Was at last nights game. Sandilan was the winner. He dictated the tempo of the game. Suggessufully slowed the game down. Face offs & line changes were the prime example. We were out couched.
  17. Was at last nights game.

    In my opinion Sandilan was the winner.  He dictated the tempo of the game/slowed it down.

    Face offs along with line changes were the prime examples.

    We were our couched.

  18. but-but-but they give us unlimied coverage via Rob Port.
  19. The masoginists are out in force/next they will tell us people of color are inferior, Thypical of the Cult memberd.
  20. Old Fella


    Think he was part owner of Anhauser-Bush
  21. Old Fella


    Reading this reminded me of an honor I had received. Went looking and, along with my other important douments, found the below. On April 1st 1991 received my Official Membership Card as the Honorary Chairman of the Beer Drinkers of America. Not sure which beer company honored me/however Stan Mussial name is on the card. The award was well deserved and was no fluke. If I knew how would copy the card/and send.. Recommend Miller Genuine Draft
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