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  1. Hope the team has a more positive attitude than the folks posting here. It would put a tooth-glittering smile on my face if you made the Eagles scream in dismay. With the right set of mind I think you have a shot.
  2. I thought you guys were going to kick butt this year but, cripes, now you have both of your own cheeks bruised. It can only go upward from here.
  3. A rotten deal for the player and the team. Hope he heals well and on time.
  4. You guys had a good season, sorry you didn't make it to the next tier.
  5. Congratulations on a fine season. Hope you guys run deep in the playoffs.
  6. Congratulations, nice win.
  7. Go get 'em. Hope we meet in the playoffs.
  8. I will probably be taken as a smart ass here, but I don't mean it that way... You guys should start a series with MSU. It should be called the "BRAWL OF THE PRAIRIE" - much more permanent than any boom. The trophy should be a large bronze meadow muffin, an apt counterpoint to the pile o'!@#$ trophy great divide between MSU & UM. This is where that smart ass factor comes into play, but really, there can be a competitive factor and a sense of humor at the same time - have you looked at the UM/MSU trophy !? On other notes, while counting your 2016 chickens, watch out for Cal Poly. And, while some UM fans feel you guys play dirty, I think that is a hangover from what ZooTowners felt were some cheap shots a number of years ago. The Griz fans I hang out with see you guys as a program on the rise. I want to see a Big Sky with a high level of play across the board, and one of us being the division champs every year.
  9. Yes, Ash canned.
  10. You guys got hosed.
  11. You guys have gotten no respect all season. Hope you tromp Poly and make the playoffs (along with the Griz) .
  12. If you guys can run up our gut the way Weber did, you have a good shot. If we can pass at will, you are screwed. I expect some mix of those two possibilities. Ain't football fun?
  13. Nice win! Big sky is looking good!
  14. Congratulations on a big win. You folks have had some tough breaks in recent times. I'm happy for you.
  15. "No way he was celebrating that the player was hurt - not that kinda player and not that kinda team." Watch the repay. Who is writhing, who is high fiving? I'm not saying this typical of your program, but it happened.
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